You guys: I just received THE BEST GIFT EVER.
MPB reader Veronica recently emailed me to ask if she might pass along some men's patterns left to her by an old friend, an artist and costumer. Naturally, I said yes as I am a very generous person and always eager to help others downsize and declutter (!).
Yesterday a box arrived containing approximately two dozen men's patterns dating from the mid-Thirties through the Seventies. And they're ALL my size. Some highlights below.
In 2015, I must make myself a robe and I think I've found the perfect pattern for it.

I adore vintage-style camp shirts -- so very Tyrone Power. PS - Why are the men on pattern envelopes so often looking through binoculars? (The smoking thing I get.)

How about these gorgeous Western shirts. Giddy-up!

The cabana set below is dreamy -- so Ken & Barbie!

More beauties:

(I think I need an Apache shirt and I need it now.)
In other news, I've begun my next sewing project. Can you guess what it is?

And that's it!
Can you believe it's nearly February? Spring is just around the corner and I'm ready to start sewing for it. Anybody else feeling Spring sewing fever?
Have a great day, everybody!

Great patterns! Love Santa and the Asian man. Can't wait to see what else you are sewing for 2015 Peter!
ReplyDeleteWow! What a haul!!!
ReplyDeleteWonderful collection! How exciting to receive so many excellent vintage patterns all at once. We'll look forward to seeing many of them made up in 2015.
ReplyDeleteMcCalls 5465 is a wonderful looking pattern. It would also make a very nice smoking jacket in velvet with satin lapels and corded edges. Very man glam.
ReplyDeleteVancouver Barbara
: ) Wow, that's a swell pattern selection. Your going to have some fun with those. I got that Apache shirt pattern too - GROOVY!
ReplyDeleteWhat a charmed life you lead, Peter. Some of them made me chuckle, but there are some treasures there!
ReplyDeleteLove your new fabric. I'm sure you will impress us with your mad shirtmaking skills
Wowee wow wow!!!! Now that is a good mail day! I love them all - particularly the western shirt!
ReplyDeleteScore! What a wonderful gift. I have the Simplicity "25 cents" pattern (the second one from the top you posted) that I plan on making a shirt for my BF. I'm looking forward to seeing your version of it.
ReplyDeleteVeronica is taking good care of you! What a fantastic gift! Look forward to seeing the western shirt made up. I'm sure you'll make Veronica and the original owner proud
ReplyDeleteThese are fantastic! I have no idea why they are holding binoculars ? Maybe their hbby's include hiding in bushes? Haha!
That wonderful Liberty fabric is also in my stash, waiting to be made into the perfect shirt. Have fun working with this beautiful fabric!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fabulous gift and so generous of you to take the patterns 'off her hands.' Can't wait to see you in the Santa suit next December!
Could there be a camp shirt sew - along in the near future??
I had the cabana Ken!!! It had terry cloth on the inside....this stiff double faced fabric.
ReplyDeleteI'm sooooooo jealous. You lucky son-of-a-gun.
ReplyDeleteWOW! Just...wow!
ReplyDeleteAmazing! Lovd these patterns. Cant wait to see your next shirt! I myself im working on my spring wardrobe! I will post it soon!
ReplyDeleteWhat a very nice, thoughtful gift. I love all those patterns, especially the Vogue shirt. The Mandarin costume, too. Heck, I love the Apache shirt and the slacks the model is wearing with it.
ReplyDeleteI do believe the binoculars are there to subliminally let you know that you too could be a rugged outdoor type if you wear a shirt like this one.....
ReplyDeleteFantastic! Love the beautiful patterns! Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteI clap my hands together in giddy glee! I particularly love the gentleman in the beach ensemble with the pipe, sorta Tommy Lee Jones goes to the beach (okay, Santa and the Chinaman sounds like a holiday movie title)
ReplyDeleteWow, whatta haul! I think those wool plaid camp shirts were known as Pendleton "49er" jackets. https://thevintagetraveler.wordpress.com/2009/10/30/pendleton-49er/ And I love that 3/4 sleeve beach tunic!
ReplyDeleteGreat patterns! The Santa Claus pattern made me laugh. Hmmm…are you going to sew something for Cathy? or Simplicity?
ReplyDeleteThe apache shirt looks like a Clint Eastwood Spaghetti Western costume got mixed with a John Travolta movie costume.
ReplyDeleteWhat a neat collection of patterns.
I can TOTALLY see Cathy in that McCall's Chinese Costume. Very fey!
ReplyDeleteJudith in Ottawa
... in case you decide on the red version of the 'chinese costume' - I'll send some matching beard ;-)
ReplyDeleteO.k., o.k. : shoe of yours flying after me ;-) - YET: still wishing you a very good New Year.
As you can see: being a good girl in 2015 wasn't on my list of resolutions ;-).
LG Gerlinde with a bucket of sun from OZ to speed up your spring
PS: Veeery nice to see you in 'paradise-feeling' due to the present.
I have a great 1930s men's robe pattern I've been meaning to sew for my husband for about, oh, 10 years. I'll be watching for your magnificent robe(s) for inspiration.
ReplyDeleteTyrone Power, yes. I'm also seeing a lot of Ronald Coleman. Fabulous patterns!!!
ReplyDeleteCool! I made a similar cowboy shirt back in the 70's. The robe is my favorite. Hope to see that one soon!
ReplyDeleteYou are very lucky to get such a good selection of vintage patterns. You are also very lucky they are in your size. Did it feel like you won the pattern lottery?
ReplyDeleteLove the patterns, but the Apache pattern model with the dark hair reminds me of the Ken doll from the Toy Story movie (3?)....have a blast sewing, cannot wait to see the end products! Norma
ReplyDeleteWhat a treasure trove of great patterns! That Simplicity 1961 camp shirt pattern is the one I used for your men's shirt sew-along a few years ago.
ReplyDeletePeter, I'm so happy you liked them all. I had fun culling the boxes. I say spread the love. V.
ReplyDeleteI got excited on your behalf! How generous, and great patterns. Perhaps the binoculars were a sign of outdoor manly men activity. Maybe twitchers (ie birdwatchers)??
ReplyDeleteIf they've set up camp in the woods, it makes sense that they'd be using binoculars to hunt game, etc.
ReplyDeleteThose vintage patterns look amazing!!!! Love the shirts!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm looking to make a sleeping robe for myself, and it's astounding how little options there are if you want to purchase a good, traditional men's pattern from today's online stores. There is no selection for men. Even going to McCall's website is very telling. The icon for the "MEN" section has to have a woman standing next to the man! Because when you click on it, you end up finding "Unisex" or "Easy Endless Options" or "Children, Women's and Men's." Are we not allowed to have our own category anymore? I'm surprised we're still allowed to wear clothes!