Good morning, sewists and welcome once again to my north-facing living room wall.
I don't know about the weather where you are but it is HOT in NYC. And humid. That said, it was breezy enough at 6:15 a.m. for me to wear my new self-drafted gray pants when I walked the dogs, and while they didn't exactly stop traffic, I didn't hear snorting under one's breath either.
Yesterday's post inspired me to dig out those Kwik Sew pants I made last month with those tiny gathers on the outer edge of the front pockets I obsessed about and, you know, those pants are SO much nicer than I'd remembered them and those gathers are hardly visible. Does that ever happen to you: something you thought was SUCH a big flaw in your sewing project and weeks later you don't even know what the big deal was?
What I really need now are shorts -- did I mention it was hot here? Maybe I'll whip something up in the coming days.
But first let's review last week. For me it was all about drafting pants. And speaking of pants and shorts -- look what Prada just showed in Florence this week!
Separated at birth?
I'm like, Hello Miuccia?
So back to my week:
1. I continued pattern drafting. I drafted culottes and a pair of pants -- OK, so they were Audrey Hepburn-esque cigarette pants, but still.
2. I made my first pair of self-drafted man pants, which I presented here yesterday.
3. I bought Cathy a bathing suit pattern in anticipation of our trip to Fire Island next month. More about that in the coming weeks.
I think that's it; shopping with Shona is less an accomplishment than a lack of fiscal discipline.
Now for the week that spreads before us like hot tar on a parking lot:
1. I want to continue on in my pattern drafting book to Lesson 4: Tops. This is a relief as I'm really getting tired of fitting my hips. Then we can move on to real shirts.
2. It's time to get started on Cathy's Twenties party frock. With your help I think I've decided on the pattern and main fabric, I just have to figure out the underlining thing.
3. Maybe I'll make myself some shorts. Or just chop the legs off something I've made in the past.
But enough about my sweaty existence. What's going on in your hot corner of the world?
Mainelydad: Happy Father's Day and how is that ongoing Japanese pattern drafting book coat project coming along? Pattern Junkie: The skirt, the skirt, did you finish the skirt? Elle: Belated congratulations on your daughter's wedding and how's that knit dress looking? Jenny: Did you make the Father's Day shirt? How did it turn out? Ruth: Baby quilt update please. Lisette: Did you finish the Ruby shorts? indywriter: What are you sewing these days; I'm very confused.
Whew! Glad that's over. We're out of milk so I haven't had my coffee yet and it probably shows. I made some peppermint tea but, lemme tell you, it's not the same -- though I do feel calmer. So I'm not going to rag on you collectively. You're all doing well...ish. And when it's this hot, can we really ask for anything more?
I'm a little concerned about some of you who describe sewing machine repair issues cramping your style. Get yourself to a thrift store or garage sale and for the price of lunch at Denny's you can get yourself some old backup mechanical machine that's probably as reliable as what you already have -- unless that happens to be another old mechanical machine. They're practically giving those old machines away; won't you find it in your heart to give an orphan a home?
Last puppy pick of the day. Freddy is the dog who does not like to be cuddled. Tough!
So what are you sewing this week? And how about this heat?
All your comments about the heat are just depressing! It's FREEZING cold here! Maybe not as cold as it gets in New York in winter, but cold by Melbourne standards!
ReplyDeleteAccordingly I'm still working on a wool coat, I still need to do the lining and go and buy some buttons for it, but it's coming along very well, I'm very pleased!
I hope the heat doesn't get you in! And remember, today was/is the solstice, it's only going to get better/worse from here on in!
I'm going to focus on shirts this week. I bought a new shirt pattern that I'm very excited about so hopefully it will get here in a few days and I'll be able to whip up a shirt or two from it. Until then I'm going to use a couple patterns I already have ... Maybe I'll try to make a shirt a day, that sounds like a fun challenge.
ReplyDeleteLast week I finished the jacket I started and I'm very happy to say that it came out better than expected. Now I just have to wait a few months to wear it because like NYC, Texas is HOT!
My machine is one of those heading into the shop. In fact, we're taking it in as soon as we get a new tire on the car (had a blow out last week). THe main problem is that my backup, a Pfaff 1222, needs shop time too because it no longer makes buttonholes. My old reliable, the 1222E, has started making distressing grinding noises and has slowed to almost not working. I'm praying that it's something easily fixable because as old as my Pfaffs are, they're still going for $500 or so on ebay. It was top of the line new and still a fantastic machine!
ReplyDeleteI'm using the backup to get through several projects, but if they require buttonholes, I'm SOL and the projects get hung up with pins in the button plackets to keep them in place. So this week's projects are going out of the way to avoid buttonholes-- two rompers for Evie. I'll get the main part of the sewing done for a couple other projects, too, I think.
Well, a lot of the accomplishment was on the male end of the fam here: new roof for the shed, new chicken 'tractor' for the chicks. My part of that consisted of a lot of pompom shaking and running back and forth with iced tea and water. For me, I finished the navy skirt and lined it. I thought I'd be more excited - having a navy skirt with a kick pleat was numero uno on my 'must have' list and now, it's 'ho skirt, right'.
ReplyDeleteHey, Peter, thanks for the Father's Day well wishes. I had a great day. Phone calls from the kiddos, and my huzbears came over to help me plant a new perennial bed. It's beginning to look very "Thomas Kincade" around here! LOL. My Japanese coat project is moving along nicely. Saturday I did the London Shrink. Not the latest dance craze and no psychotherapy involved. I'm hoping to cut out the pieces and maybe start some actual construction this week. Oh boy!
ReplyDeleteDidn't work on the bag, but found inspiration in my niece arriving on Wednesday to finally finish the last of the Scotty Dogs. Whew. No more dogs for me for a while.
ReplyDeleteHave washed the materials for the baby quilt but not done anything else. Today is must clean up house day but after that it will be quilt making time. The trouble is I'm procrastinating about cutting as I've never made a quilt before so I'll have to have stern words with myself and get over that.
ReplyDeleteI actually had a rather productive week thanks to the Built By Wendy Dresses book. It gave me some great insights in clothing, darts, zippers and especially in, you guessed it, dresses. And now I'm ready to finally finish that Ceylon dress I started nearly a month ago. I lost all hope for it, because I had been focusing on those little details I messed up, but when I tried it on this weekend, it actually looked ok. People won't notice those little mistakes, right? Right? So... eight more button holes to make and buttons to sew on and two sleeves to put on. That's all I want to do this week.
ReplyDeleteOnly little people notice little mistakes: that's what I always say!
ReplyDeleteShorts! Shorts! Shorts! That is what I am sewing, since it is getting Hot! Hot! Hot! here in LA.
ReplyDeleteI wish it would get hot here (or at least stay hot for more than a day and a half). I can't believe how much rain we've had! I had double kids' sleepover birthday parties this weekend, so I didn't get much sewing done, but the Danielle dress I'm working on is, at least, finally all basted to its underlining, so it just remains to cut out the lining and finish assembling. In time to wear it this Saturday? We'll see!
ReplyDeleteI hate NY in the heat. But then again Europe's a bit excessive, I'm still in winter duvet and flannel pjs every morning, goretex every night for the lovely outdoor concerts I've been dutifully attending in the rain :-(.
ReplyDeleteThat said, I think it's important not to get peevish and throw something right out, but to let it mellow in the back of the closet for a bit. When you've suffered on a project, the gathered pockets or whatever seem like huge issues. But often a bit of time solves all that. Likewise, when major repairs are truly needed it's often possible to cut down the amount of work needed (for the same result satisfaction) by at least sleeping on it..
Hi Peter! I'm doing Monday goals this week because (a) I've actually been working on my wedding dress so I have something to mention here, and (b) I have to finish it because we leave for our wedding weekend in 10 days!!! This past weekend, during 12 hours traveling in the car to see my fiancé's family, I beaded all the flowers I painted on my dress. This week, I'm going to sew a bra in the top, find shoes, and zig zag over the side seams.
ReplyDeleteHi Peter, daughter's wedding was lovely, thank you! She left for her honeymoon today... 2 weeks late, due to a lost passport. Getting those life lessons out of the way early!
ReplyDeleteKnit dress is finished! And so cool and comfy b/c it's HOT down south, too! This week, I'm thinking a denim skirt, but I also have some great floral fabric to make a sundress for a 4th of July party. Maybe both! Oooh, maybe not... that sounds too ambitious!
Love the man pants btw. And the puppies. Let's see some shorts!
I picked up 5 patterns in a Vogue/Butterick sale a few weeks ago and have yet to get fabric for them or even start looking at the patterns yet. Also, back when we were working on Comedy of Errors, Nikki and I both found some awesome apholstery fabric that we loved, she to make a dress from, me a skirt. I want to copy a skirt I have currently, but I also have yet to start on that. OY.
ReplyDeleteI am going to go with the fact that with the heat index it's 104 degrees here in Georgia with 55% humidity. I'm pulling a Scarlett and say that I'll think about it tomorrow.
Those pants look nice and comfy. Love them.
ReplyDeleteI actually started cutting out a top for myself and hope to finish it this week. Last week most of my time was spent in remodeling my 9 y.o.'s room. It was time for something more grown up, which unfortunately also meant it was time to scrape off all that nasty popcorn ceiling junk (which I suspect is made of asbestos and the dander of Satan).
ReplyDeleteSo this week I want to finish my top and make an apron... Here's hoping!
p.s. I love watching your progress with pattern drafting. You really inspire me!
Peter! It is cold here in London - well relatively at least compared to NY!
ReplyDeleteSo goals this week is to cut out and start my Hawaiian dress with the fabric I bought with you! It needs to be worn at an event in 2 weeks time.
I also need to do a ton of washing!!
Hi to the dogs!
Are those denim wide leg shorts from Prada????
ReplyDeleteMust remain open minded, must remain open minded, must....
I have to admit that I am a little jealous of the heat - middle of winter where I am and today is pretty miserable. It is actually a pretty good day for sewing. This week I'm planning on making a raglan sleeve jumper and I'm going to start looking at pattern alterations on a pair of pants - the curse of having hips I'm afraid. Happy sewing everyone!
ReplyDeleteYou MUST go see this new vogue pattern. It is just as bad as that jumpsuit, if not worse, and I can't believe it isn't a retro pattern:
The shorts are SO almost done! I got up at 6am this morning to finish them but ran out of time before I had to go to work. No biggie though, just snaps left to do (amazing how much more sewing I do when it is taking place in someone else's sewing room). I didn't finish them yesterday because I was making the top to go with them.
I love your dogs! They remind me of my boyfriend's brothers chihuahuas that he used to have, Fran (may she rest in peace) and Fred (or something like that).
The woman who designed it did several other patterns, which I posted about here:
One might be a good alternative to your harem pants!
Hi Peter!
ReplyDelete-Officially Delurking-
I LOVE your blog! your blog definitely inspired me to start sewing. I love how you put your process on display. Anywhoo, just started sewing a few months ago and now i have Official Sewing Goals lol! Anyway, I am going to enter a PR contest, so I need to finish a dress, vest and belt for that. I am almost done with the dress, and have never made a vest, so we will see how that goes! I am very excited to hear more about Cousin Cathy's Bathing Suit.
Peter I finished short pants from this burda pattern,
as close as I can come to harem pants and your inspiration. I made them of light blue, white and red plaid. I packed them for my summer in Texas and Paris. Will I wear them in Paris? Who knows.
Thanks for your funny posts, they're keeping me entertained during my 11 hour layover in Bogota!
The skirt remains unfinished *sob*! But THIS week shall be different!
ReplyDeleteI didn't finish the shirt for hubby before packing up the sewing machine to move. :-( He'll have to wait a few more months. This week's sewing goals are nonexistant. I'm taking a break at my parents' house.
ReplyDeleteHello Peter, I am greatly enjoying your blog, it is really a great read and so interesting to see what you have been sewing. It's influencing me to begin sewing clothes, something I have long been thinking about. Also, do you ever get your machine cleaned and fixed, or purchase machines, in the old sewing machine stores on 26th street? I'm sure by now you know all about them. Anyways, your blog is fantastic and I will be reading! Michael (ran into you yesterday at the flea market)