First, I must share the magenta fedora I picked up at Goodwill yesterday and that has inspired my inner Sammy Davis, Jr.. I love a punchy accessory.
Wasn't last week fun? If you're interested in knowing what girl I want to be or how I feel about clowns, link back to last Monday's post and review the week. It's all there!
So what do I have to show for the last seven days?
1) I stitched up a very respectable pair of pajama bottoms for Michael.
This was an easy project that yielded good results. I love seersucker and hope to pick up more to make summer shirts. It's the perfect hot-weather fabric and, like linen, looks better a little crinkly so requires little care.
2) I finished my Vera tablecloth Bermudas.
Michael tried them on last night and was very happy with them, dwarf pocket openings notwithstanding.
3) I ordered and/or received some fun new (to me) patterns!
Kate in Berkeley sent me this lovely caftan pattern. Thank you, Kate!
You just can't have too many caftan patterns. Like clown patterns, they all have their unique details and this one is no different. What could be more comfortable than a caftan with side pockets for your housekeys or a few Kleenex? VERY practical if perhaps a little "Garden of Allah" for Chelsea.
You probably know by now that I ordered a clown pattern, but I also picked up this:
Can't you see me in this vintage warm-up suit bouncing a soccer ball? It's very now -- and then. (But is it age appropriate?)
I don't think I bought any fabric last week (did I?) or too much of anything else other than a marked throat plate for my Singer 15-91. (I have to refer to Mad Pattern Boldness whenever I'm trying to remember what's been going on in my life.)
4) This was a surprise! As someone who revels in the spotlight, you can imagine how pleased I was, even if it hasn't led to any movie offers -- yet.
5) Not directly related to sewing, yesterday I backed up my hard drive. I cannot emphasis strongly enough how essential it is to back up your computer files on a regular basis. I do this about once a month and, having had my hard drive die on me last Spring, I felt incredibly thankful (if a little smug) that I'd been backing up my files, though I did lose about two weeks-worth of photographs and never was able to get my music properly re-sorted in iTunes. Prices of portable hard drives have dropped dramatically and my new one doesn't even have to be plugged into an electrical outlet.
Now for the week to come:
1) I owe Cathy a dress and she's getting rather obnoxious about it.
2) It's time to make something for me for a change. What will it be; I don't even know.
3) I haven't been fabric shopping in two weeks and I'm starting to feel a little anxious. I've been very good about sewing from my stash; maybe I can pick up a little something special, huh?
But enough about the tedious details of my seamingly glamorous life. What about yours?
If you haven't seen Mikhaela's orange silk floral maternity dress, you must! I love pink and orange and I think I'm going to have to make something orange to go with my new pink fedora or just borrow Mikhaela's maternity dress. I'll belt it.
In no particular order and in no way letting anyone else off the hook:
Kerry: we need to see your wrap dress, like, yesterday; Andrea: pictures of the zebra print wrap skirt, por favor; Fourkid: the purse, the purse, what of the purse?; Elle: have you finished your pink dress?; Maggie: I'm not sure WHAT you're sewing these days. Please clarify.
Kids, I'm very proud of the progress you've been making. I think we're all going to have some lovely new outfits by Easter, or at least the 4th of July -- or Labor Day. But we must be clear about priorities: jobs (or lack thereof), children, ailing parents, degenerative diseases: these are secondary.
There's an awful lot of fabric out there in the world and it MUST get sewn.
And so, dear readers, with no further delay, rev your sewing machine pedals (vroom, vroom) and get to it!
What's on your plate this week and does it come with fries?
Last week I almost finished a nice button up shirt, but it came out bigger then I would wear.... might take it in might not. Wont actually put on buttons if I can't get it to look good.
ReplyDeleteThis week I'm working on an actual muslin for a new shirt. So far so good. I don't want another disappointment. Hope to finish the muslin and hopefully cut it out in some nice fabric!
Also, love the warm-up suit! You'll look great in that!
Hi Peter! I'm working on a pair of trousers from the Simplicity 1941 reprinted pattern and want to make a blouse as well to match....Hopefully I can get a lot of work done on it this week but if not, I may need a sewing intervention next Monday :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I definitely think you need to go fabric's time.
Can I just tell you how much I love those shorts! You're SO good! And yes, PLEASE make thing for yourself. More! More!
ReplyDeleteI finished a couple of sewing projects this last week. Wrapped up the Cynthia Rowley dress (Simplicity 2472) last Monday (picture coming on Thursday, when it warms up enough to wear it!), and on Friday, I finished the Kwiksew 3756 top (photo coming ASAP today) and I plan to write my first review.x Got the Chanel jacket pattern fit and cut out yesterday, and I'll be rockin' and rollin' on that for awhile. Whew! Big week of sewing.
No sewing for me this week - it's Spring Break and I'll be going to the Texas Hill Country to enjoy the bluebonnets. I ordered some denim from Lura's Fabrics last week, and hopefuly it will be here when I get back. A pair of perfect jeans and Sandra Betzina's Jean Jacket is coming up. -- San Antonio Sue
ReplyDeleteClarification: I am sewing Anna Sui's Vogue 1153, which is a cute (short) little (short) summer dress. Last week I was hesitant of the length, but I was reassured that I look fine and not like I should be on a street corner or attending a Hannah Montana concert. Although there won't be too much bending over in this thing ;) I just need to put the final button on tonight and then I am done. I will take pictures as soon as the monsoon stops here in New England. The sun will come out, tomorrow...and then I will take photos.
ReplyDeleteDoes that help?
Also, I LOVE the warm-up suit. I think you should sew that next!!
Peter, thanks for asking. Yes, the pink dress is finally finished. You can see pictures on my blog:
ReplyDeleteI also just need to hem the Colette Patterns Rooibos dress for it to be finished! That one was much faster.
On my plate for this week... get started on the 2(!) flower girl dresses for my daughter's wedding, and maybe make a straight skirt from the leftover rooibos fabric, that will hopefully become a wearable "muslin" for future straight skirts.
Last night I placed my first fabric order from Gorgeous Fabrics, including several swatches for my mother of the bride dress... pattern tentatively selected. Can't wait to see those.
I love the warm-up suit, too. Will you do the stripes?
..and I finally finished the leather clutch.
ReplyDeleteI need to take photos of the projects I've finished and post them on my blog. It's been weeks I tell you! The sun has finally decided to make an appearance today, so I'm thinking I'm out of excuses.
ReplyDeleteI adore that fedora! What are you going to pair it with? Or is this a sewing project in the making?
Doesn't anybody use flashcubes anymore, or am I the only one?
ReplyDeleteI haven't been able to really sew anything all week! We've been packing and fixing things around the house so we can put it up for sale... I think Cathy would be proud of the improvements we've made.
ReplyDeleteI have a pink shirt that I drafted myself that I need to finish, I started it a few weeks ago, all it needs are buttons and buttonholes. I found the perfect buttons in my stash but I'm two short so I need to find something equally as fabulous to finish it up.
I did get to make an earring holder last night for my daughter... she accidentally packed her other one. I can't count that as sewing though because it only took a few minutes and just left me wanting to do more.
Hopefully I can be more productive with sewing this week, heaven knows I'm tired of packing and cleaning!
"...maybe I can pick up a little something special, huh?" What, are you going to spend $3/ yard on fabric instead of $2?
ReplyDeleteHehe, you know I love ya!
Hey, good on you for backing up! Nothing's worse than losing work or photos. Just want to mention that you can automate that, you know - just in case you forget. Not that I used to forget or anything (coff coff). Just sayin'. And can I just add, offsite backups every month or two are a good idea also? (I have masses of data @ amazon storage for about $1 a month).
ReplyDeleteSewing-wise...well, after I finish the days-of-the-week nightgown series for the kid, I will be getting ready to sew my mini-wardrobe for the PR contest! I doubt I'll be done in time, but they're all clothes I really need so it's okay.
Last week I made a green vintage silk version of Simplicity 2599, a shell top. I also have a curtain in my sewing room made from this fabric! I thought I had completed two vinyl table covers that I (cough) agreed to sew for a friend (make that former friend). But one doesn't fit, so it's back to manhandling that toxic vinyl some more.
ReplyDeleteBut most amazing is that two days ago my friend McKenna Linn (who is moving further away, very sadly), gave me not one, not two, but three vintage sewing machines. A Consew domestic (must weigh over 50 pounds), the loveliest Japanese Singer 15 "clone" in pale blue green, and a Singer 201 which has been rewired!!! The 201 must be cleaned, oiled and reassembled post haste. That's foremost on my to-do list for the week.
Peter, I love your blog. I enjoy following along on your journey. It's nice to have a "check-in" person who prods, pokes, cajoles, okay supports those of us who could use a nudge. I've joined the stash contest on PR, just to see how much I can sew in an allotted amount of time. It's been fun having my mojo back! I'll check in next Monday.
Rachel, that comment is now in your file. I'd be careful from now on!
ReplyDeleteRipple, please don't gloat on my blog. It's very unbecoming and since I'm an envious person at heart, quite painful to me. THREE free vintage sewing machines -- that's just not right! I'll try to be happy for you.
I might get more sewing done, if I didn't feel compelled to check in at this blog-constantly! (I am just waiting for someone to start an official fan club for you Peter, so I can join!) I am working on a runway gown for a charity show-all chiffon, lace and sparkles. Oh yes, and wings! But I REALLY want to finish it so I can make myself a dress out of the darling vintage curtains I found at Goodwill. You weren't kidding when you said "maybe by 4th of July"...!
ReplyDeleteI'm blushing!
ReplyDeleteMy sewing plans for this week may be affected by my nasty cold and the start of childbirth classes, but I'm hoping to dive into PR's mini-wardrobe contest. I have most of my fabrics and patterns and need to finalize my color/print choices (at this point I am worried I will look like a striped grape with all the purple I am using) and start muslin-ing. I'm also finishing up some dresses for Cartoonist Baby but those might wait.
My bra-sewing plans have been put on hold temporarily.
A very productive week for you, and I think you could rock that track suit. Just don't put a boom box on your shoulder or anything. As for me, blech, I've been on my deathbead sick, but finally feel better today. I still need to cut out that Easter dress.
ReplyDeleteFirst - I am so jealous of the vintage warmup pattern. I collect vintage track jackets and I hope to someday make myself one. I have a vintage Simplicity pattern for a women's version but it is not for stretch knits and the jacket it is a bit too blousy for my liking. I'll have to draft it differently to get the desired vintage Montreal '76 team warmup look.
ReplyDeleteThe photos - I know, I know. I ended up getting a job interview and I had nothing to wear that was appropriate, so I spent the last 5 days sewing myself a new business-y suit (from a 1968 Simplicity). I just finished it today, maybe tonight will be picture night.
The interview is tomorrow and then I need to spend the rest of the week working on my thesis.
I am quite pleased I finished Simplicity 2550 and lined it - it took forever and I am so over it but so glad I finished it. I wanted the decks cleared so I could take part in the mini-wardrobe comp for Pattern Review. I have muslined one skirt and plan to muslin a blouse today and sit and wait and hope my other two patterns turn up in the mail soon!
ReplyDeletePeter, the crazy thing is, when McKenna offered me these machines, one of my first thoughts was, "Peter isn't going to believe this!" To clarify, the 201 wasn't actually free, although it was so cheap it was a steal. I traded in my rust bucket 201 plus $50 for the good one. But the reason I feel it is basically free is that her husband already redid the wiring on it!!!
ReplyDeleteNow I simply must take photos and post them on my blog, where I can gloat to my heart's content. Terrible gloomy light the past two days.
Happy Monday!!
ReplyDeleteThe purse, the purse, is D-O-N-E, reviewed, and entered into the PR purse contest. I thought of you all week as I sewed it (really!) It was so motivating and made it fun too. I also made and reviewed a quick, easy night gown. The robe (which I had hoped to finish last week as well), alas, when I tried it on, I hated the sleeves (love the robe, but the sleeves have to go). So I am currently taking them out (lace and all) and will re-cut them to something I like better. I estimate at least 2 days of some intense unpicking.
Peter, your shorts are amazing. And how cool is that Burda interview - I told you months ago you are destined for something big!
I've got to start doing this kind of thing on my blog...
ReplyDeleteAnyway, having finished the bag (and entered it into the contest... hope you vote for me!) I am all into making muslins of summer dresses.
Flashcubes! LOL! Hey, I never said it was a good excuse ;)
ReplyDeleteOh Peter, sometimes the degenerating disk in my back forces itself to come first before sewing...I wish I could wish it away!
ReplyDeleteLove your Monday online status meetings!!!
At first, I was amazed and impressed by your marvelous magenta fedora, but then I read your spread on the Burda site... Amazing!
ReplyDeleteI knew you'd been sewing only a short while, but when it said in your Burda spread that it's been less than a year, I was once again embarrassed to say how long I've been sewing and still couldn't match your skill.
This week I'm still tweaking the alterations on a blouse pattern that I worked on all last week. (Banging head on keyboard.) My PR tag line is no joke; if I really did sew any slower, I wouldn't be sewing at all.
Oh, Peter, I forgot to post my goals for this week! After finishing the said Vogue dress (with photos and review), I also want to trace and make a muslin for a vintage Butterick pattern, a cute shirt-dress. My husband will be out of town all weekend, so I may get further than just the muslin. But, I don't want to commit to too much here, lest you call me out next Monday ;)
ReplyDeleteI have to drape a skirt or top for my sewing ideas yet, maybe a middy top? A wrap top? Who knows.
ReplyDeleteI thoroughly enjoyed the garden of Allah. Thanks 4 the link. The dance is mesmerizing. Didn't know old movies can be so interesting. Love marlene 's hood with satin lining and the sheer skirt of the dancer.
ReplyDeleteI am surprised to see a caftan pattern for men and from vogue! I love caftans. My favorite is a Hawaiian rayon caftan that is so comfortable to sleep in during warm weather. It is showing signs of wear so I am planning to sew one soon from a sixties pattern I found tucked inside an old sewing book from half price bookstore.
No! No fries until my waistline is the girly equivalent of yours.
ReplyDeleteSewing. Not sleeping. See blog.
Hands-hurt-been=doing-too-much-embroidery.... And *sigh* I'm only about halfway through with the embroidery. But I have *almost* finished one of the two dresses. I got the layette cut out last week and the designs transferred, just as I said I would. This week is off to a good start with the embroidery done on one dress, slip, jacket, and pair of booties with the dress sewn together. I've got half the hemming done on it, but I still need to finish the hemming and add the lace to the bottom. I think if I work hard at it, I can maybe finish the short set tomorrow, since the embroidery is done.
ReplyDeleteThe embroidery on the long dress and jacket is more extensive, so it'll take longer. Wish me luck, 'cause my goal for the week is to finish this whole pattern! And, well, it won't be the first time....
Laura, I DO wish you luck. It seems like a lot of work for something that's only going to get drooled on, but I guess you could say the same thing about most of my clothes too. ;)
ReplyDeleteMaggie, it sounds like somebody's going to get called out next week for sure.
Kyle, can't you prop yourself up and sew in bed? Feel better!
LOL. I know, Peter. There's another layette that I'm making for my soon-to-be new niece that's going to be worse. See, it has a short slip, jacket, and dress, but even though it has a long slip and jacket, it doesn' t have a long dress. So I'm going to have to lengthen the short dress to go with the other long stuff.
ReplyDeleteBoth are vintage rereleases. :) In fact, there are four rerelease baby patterns from Simplicity and there's only one I don't own. The third, well, it's on order. It was my prize for being a runner up in the Joanns/Simplicity Halloween costume contest last year...
My sewing room and I are spending LOTS of quality time together this week - despite the fact that it's gorgeous out. The dress is coming along, despite the seam ripper needing to be use far too often. I'm not sleeping much, but damn it, I WILL have a gorgeous dress to wear Saturday night, come hell or high water!
ReplyDelete:: off to get more caffeine ::
I have so much to share. Wrap skirt, vintage sewing machine from ebay, new fabric. Won't it be nice when my camera un-hides itself? Until that date, I'm working on a dress for the PR Mini-Wardrobe contest. It might be a tiny bit ambitious considering I'm moving apartments right in the middle of the contest. We shall see. :) BTW, I adore your fedora and your shorts kick butt.