Friends, I know it may seem strange to follow a post about finding treasures in the trash with one about tackling my increasingly overwhelming clutter, but so be it.
Readers, as September winds down, I know many of you are eagerly anticipating Oktoberfest, the 16-day German beer festival that is celebrated in many parts of the world -- I am!
But to be honest, that's not what got me thinking about dirndls today.
No doubt some of you are eager to find out what became of the fake fur throw I bought at the Salvation Army last week but was hesitant to use for fear of bed bugs.
Readers, I've been battling a cold for the last few days and, as a result, feeling glum, and I needed to do something to lift my spirits today, so I decided to play.
If not, how do you explain how it is that the very summer I purchase not one, but two body forms so I can learn draping, Laurence King Publishing releases a brand new, 320-page book entitled "Draping: The Complete Course" authored by Karolyn Kiisel?
Yesterday at the Salvation Army I found a very luxurious-looking fake fur throw, fully lined with cotton twill and measuring approximately 60" x 60". The price was just $5.99 so I bought it.
Friends, it has been a long time since I wrote about a sewing book (seven months) but don't think I haven't been accumulating sewing books -- I have; I just haven't gotten around to writing about them. But I recently acquired a book, "Decorative Dressmaking" by Sue Thompson (Rodale Press, 1985), that I had to tell you about.
Friends, thank you so much for your many words of sympathy regarding Michael's mother. They mean a great deal to us.
It is time for me to return to sewing. Having finished my 1920's cotton lawn kimono, next up were the pajamas, using the vintage Butterick pattern I found this summer at the Chelsea Flea Market (see pic above).
I'm a native New Yorker and sewing fanatic! I started sewing in 2009 and today make all my own clothes using vintage sewing machines and vintage patterns, in addition to sewing for private clients. Welcome to the warm and whimsical world of Male Pattern Boldness, where the conversation is sewing, style, fashion, fabric, and more!