Mar 15, 2013

Peter's Jacket and Matching Shorts REVEAL!

Hi, everybody!  I'm Willy.  

Peter's post about his Marc Jacobs daisy print taffeta jacket and matching shorts just went live on the Mood Sewing Network site.

It's full of great pics from his freezing cold photo shoot.

Peter will be back tomorrow.

That is all.


  1. Well hello there Willy! Lovely to see you posting in Peter's absence :-).

  2. Willy, you are a man of few, but useful words. Thanks for the update. I love the cape look on you.

  3. I love the completed jacket but with the shorts it is too much. I like the fabric but 50/50 about using it for a jacket. However your jacket on style and craftsmanship is way above 100%. You do amazing work!

  4. You look also very handsome Willy!;)

    Peter, I simply LOVE the whole outfit! You definitely found better use for this fabric than Marc Jacobs! Congratulations!

  5. Wonderful! "Rainy Daisies"
    and thanks, Willy.

  6. Who's the best dog in the World! See you over at Mood, I've got some treats for you.

  7. Absolutely precious!!!! I'll bet every thought he has comes out as a facial expression - ha ha

  8. A different kind of Willy Wear.

  9. Willy, you are absolutely adorable (just don’t tell Valentino I said that!).

    I sure hope you asked to borrow Dad’s fabric before you got dressed up today . . . and please tell him “congratulations” on his first Mood post if you are not too tuckered out from your latest treadmill run!

  10. Willy, don't tell Peter, but I think you wear the taffeta best of all. Very sophisticated.

  11. Willy, this is the best post I've read in a long time. You and Freddy should have your own blog.

  12. How sad. Images on the Mood site don't show up on my tablet -- the type that is now out-selling iPad.

  13. My puppy-cluckiness has just gone through the roof.

  14. As usual a great job Peter! I've always loved the fact that you can dress dogs up in anything.....if you even get the thought in your mind when it comes to a cat, they seem to be able read it and have their fangs and nails ready! LOL!! Which machine are you using the most lately? It seems like you use your 15-90(91) more than your 201.

  15. Willy is styling! You had gotten away from dog pictures, Peter, but you know they are always appreciated. I think your jacket and shorts are so well done. Now if I could just figure out how to put in a zipper that well. It really looks so smooth and done in one of the worst fabrics for ease of zipper placement. Tips?

  16. Hello Willie, you are too cute for words. I have a little guy just like you.

  17. Willy! He's just too cute! I'm seriously impressed by the jacket and shorts-- I can't get over how awesome they look!

  18. Super cute doggy, cute jacket and shorts.


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