May 3, 2017


Readers, it's really happening and it's gonna be yuge!

MPB Day 2017 is scheduled for Saturday, August 12th.

For those of you have never attended MPB Day before, here's what the day entails:

1. We'll meet outside the Fashion Institute of Technology Museum entrance at Seventh Avenue and 27th Street at 11 am.  See that sculpture below?  That's the place!   (Directions here.)

From 11 am to noon we will catch the sure-to-be-exciting Force of Nature exhibit.  (Admission to the FIT museum is, happily, free!)

2.  After the museum, we'll grab lunch one block north at Panera Bread between 28th & 29th Streets, where we'll also hold NYC's biggest summer pattern swapWe'll stay at Panera till approximately 1 pm for those who wish to skip the museum and meet us there.

3.  Following lunch we'll wend our way about ten blocks north to the heart of the Garment District, where we'll shop, shop, and shop.  We'll be visiting excellent fabric and notions stores, including Mood, Fabrics for Less, Sil Thread, Pacific Trim, B&J Fabrics, and more.  If there's a store you especially want to visit,  please let me know.

4.  We'll shop the afternoon away.  If you want to grab a quick pick-me-up at the cafe in the Japanese bookstore, Kinokuniya (Japanese pattern books + snacks and drinks), on Sixth Avenue near 42nd Street, I highly recommend their green tea and black sesame frappes!

5.  Finally, we'll all meet up in Bryant Park, where we'll relax, show off our purchases, and catch each other up on what's new in our lives.

Expect the day to wind up around 5 - 5:30 pm.

Early Bird Special!

As in years past, any morning people who wish to start their MPB Day earlier can join me at the  outdoor Chelsea Flea Market at 9:30 am and spend an hour or so hunting for treasures.

We'll meet outside Perpetuum Cafe (a great place to grab a cup of coffee, btw), 124 West 25th St., just west of the southwest corner of Sixth Avenue and 25th Street.  

MPB Day is a free event, but you'll want to bring some $$ for food and fabric.  A bottle of water and some sunblock are highly recommended!


I'll be reminding everyone when we get closer to the date, but please RSVP by sending an email to me at peterlappinnyc at gmail dot com, so I can keep track of who's coming.

If you know you'll be joining us at the museum, the flea market, or Panera Bread, please let me know that too.

NOTE - MPB Day is a rain-or-shine event.  If in doubt, check the blog or email me.

You can read about previous MPB Days here, here, here, here, here, and here.

Hope you can make it!


  1. this sounds grand -- wish i could be there!

  2. The sadness is real - no way on earth can I be there... but wish I could!

  3. Damn. I will be arriving in New York on August 18 for two weeks.

  4. Planning to be there!

  5. Oh man, that would be SO MUCH FUN! Alas, Portland Oregon is nowhere close to NYC.

  6. I've barely cooled down from last year! We will be in Montana at a wedding that day, sorry to not be in two places at once.

  7. I will be working as usual, but I will make sure to participate in some local MPB Day here on the west coast.
    (I see no reason why it should not be a national event)

  8. I am planning to be there with my husband. Neither of us have ever been to NYC and if not now, when? So excited! We will meet you for the flea market. Thank you so much for organizing this adventure! I can't wait!

  9. Mr.Lappin, I hope you won't mind a stray question. I myself have gotten the sewing bug really bad; you could say I'm obsessed. I'm learning how to be a tailor through self-tuition. I've bought a treadle and love it. (I use her every day.)

    I read on a previous post of yours that you have handsewed items at FIT. What do you think of handsewed garments? Do they look or feel any different to you?



    1. We didn't handsew entire garments, but portions like pocket welts. Sewing by hand can be more precise -- if you sew precisely! LOL

  10. Could you possibly do another in the fall?

  11. I have planned my whole summer around this event, and I will be there! Claudine

  12. Hello from Austria!
    When I told a friend, that I will be to New York soon, as final port of a transatlantic cruise, she was like "you have to go there!" directing me to your site and this event. Which I would really like to, but I won't be there sooner than September... And I will only have one day before going home. So... Sadly no... But great idea!
    Would you have any fabric - store recommendations around Bayonne? That's where our cruise ship lands.
    Greetings from overseas, Michaela

    1. Sorry you won't be able to join us, Michaela. Unfortunately I don't know of any fabric stores in Bayonne. :(

    2. Never mind, thank you and have lots of fun and tons of fabric :)

  13. Hi Peter,

    Calling in from Toronto, Canada. Unfortunately I'm not able to make this MPB day. Do you have an approximate idea when the next one will take place? Would love to attend. Thanks

    1. Hi, Scott. It takes place the second Saturday in August. The following one would be Saturday, August 11, 2018. Hope you can make it!

  14. What a coincidence! On that day, August 12, I will take my first sewing class ever in San Juan, Puerto Rico. I will be 56 in August 18 and sewing was in my bucket list. Wish you the best and thanks for your enthusiasm

    1. Have a great birthday and best of luck with the sewing!

  15. This sounds like great fun! I wish Albuquerque was not so far away from NYC. I'll be watching for pics.


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