Nov 6, 2014

Panel Print Shirt Progress -- One Day to Go!

Speedy sewing has no special value in my book -- better to take your time and do a first-rate job.

That said, it is nice to be able to move through a project quickly because you're familiar with the steps plus you're home all day with a cold so you might as well sew.

The good news is I will have my shirt completed for tomorrow (Friday) night.  The bad news is I may be contagious so if you're attending the Pattern Review event at Elliot Berman Textiles, please don't kiss me.

You guys came up with some great suggestions yesterday about how I might lay out my panel print.  In the end, I decided to lay it out horizontally: darkest on the left sleeve and gradually lightening to the right.

For my topstitching, I used a combination of gray thread (for the darker sections) and white on the lighter sections.  There's so much going on with this print, an approximate match is fine.  I stitched a lot of samples to see what looked best.

I included a center button placket.  It provides a resting place for the eye, I think.

One sleeve is largely off-white:

The other is dark:

Here's how things stand as of this afternoon.

I actually completed the cuffs too, but I didn't get a photo of them: the sun goes down so early now (which is why some of these photos look grainy).

Tomorrow I'll make the collar and collar stand, stitch my buttonholes, attach buttons, and hem the shirt.  Then I'll pull on a pair of pants and off I go!

Michael said this is the nicest shirt I've ever sewn but he often says things like that when I'm working on a project.  I do think it's going to look cool when it's done.

For my pattern placement, I must give credit where credit is due: I was inspired in-part by the queen of the panel/border print, Carolyn -- and I believe she has made something with my very same fabric though I wasn't able to find it on her blog.

I hope I feel better tomorrow since, now that I have my shirt, I must attend that party.  I didn't even walk the dogs today: it was raining, so they did a half hour of treadmill.  I love that machine.

Have a great day, everybody!


  1. The shirt is going to be fabulous.

    But how on earth did you ever coax those dogs onto a treadmill? I can only imagine that any such attempt with our two spoiled darlings would end - at best - with tears and recrimination...

    1. I can't explain it. They really seem to like it (especially the kibble they get after they're done)!

  2. a treadmill? for dogs?? madness and genius all at once..
    I think you definitely made the right call with the print placement. It's fantastic!

  3. That's really nice of Micheal to say. My bf says "you know they sell those in stores right".

  4. Love your choice. Beware! Although his comment is true... Michael may be fishing to wear that lavender flannel shirt you just finished!

  5. I am really impressed and want to try this out in a garment. Thanks for showing it can be done and thanks to Carolyn, too.

  6. Love it. It's a fabulous print placement.

  7. I like the print placement as well and thought of Carolyn when you were were pondering your decision. I look forward to the finished shirt. Have fun tomorrow.

  8. Your sleeve plackets are flawless. The pattern placement Carolyn suggested is a great idea. It's like a shooting star going across your shirt. I think I need one of those treadmills hooked up to my computer so that it would only work if I was treading : )

  9. The flannel might be more practical if you are ailing. But damn man, that print work is so good! You and Carolyn are going to make me make something like this! Blog gang up!

  10. Love how the shirt is turning out. I wonder how red topstitching would have looked with the black & white. Your topstitching is always so nice that it might have added some extra peee-zazzz and showcased your work. Can't wait to see the finished version.

  11. I love the shirt even thought it is not quite done !!

  12. I am insane for your shirt. The layout you chose is brilliant!!!

  13. I think it is going to be unanimous. FAB FAB FAB. Michael was right on the nose saying that it may be your best shirt ever.

  14. The fabric orientation is so dynamic! You teaching me with every project that menswear doesn't have to be boring; maybe one of these days I'll actually make myself something!

  15. Such an awesome shirt, you really do inspire me Peter.

  16. Peter, this fabric and the print placement you've chosen are just brilliant! I can't wait to see the finished shirt. Hope you're feeling better!

  17. I love the shirt! And I found Carolyn's dress that used the same fabric:

    Can't wait for your FO.


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