Aug 10, 2018

MPB DAY PREP + Could it rain on MPB Day?

Friends, my staff has been working round the clock and I'm happy to say that on MPB Day tomorrow I am going to look my glamorous best. 

Don't be fooled by today's Retinol creams--nothing erases the years like a good old-fashioned mudpack.

On a more serious note, despite the famous song "It Never Rains on MPB Day," the forecast is looking iffy.  Be that as it may, MPB Day is a go!

I've made a few changes, however, so please pay attention:

For those meeting me for the Chelsea Flea Market hunt at 9:30 am, if it's raining we will NOT meet outside the Perpetuum Cafe at 124 West 25th Street (which is also closed on summer Saturdays so it's just as well).

Instead, we will meet one block west, outside the ANTIQUES SHOWPLACE (below), directly across the street from the Chelsea Flea Market at 40 West 25th Street, between Broadway and 6th Avenue.  If you're arriving late and we're not under the awning then we're inside in the lower level cafe or simply roaming around.  Look for us. 

The FIT Museum is currently surrounded by scaffolding, providing excellent rain protection.  There's a bathroom inside but if the museum isn't open yet, try Argo Tea at 275 Seventh Avenue on the southeast corner of 26th Street.  Naturally, the museum visit and lunch at Panera Bread (330 Seventh Avenue, between 28th & 29th Sts.) are unaffected by the weather.  

That said, you will want to bring an umbrella tomorrow and I recommend a change of shoes as well.

If it is still raining in the late afternoon, instead of meeting outside in Bryant Park after fabric shopping, we will meet in the beautiful One Bryant Park Atrium, located on the northwest corner of the intersection of 6th Avenue and 42nd Street in the Bank of America building.  

It is literally diagonally across from Bryant Park; it's very spacious and there's lots of seating.  There's even a Starbucks right next door!

And that's it, intrepid revelers.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, rain or shine!



  1. Can't wait to see everyone at my traditional lunchtime cameo appearance! (Even got a brand new 'do for the occasion. 💇🏼‍♂️)

  2. Well, it is nice to see you blog something I can actually read. All your pics from stores and the flea market are a poor substitute for your writing about something you've made or will made. I miss Kathy. I miss YOU.

  3. I am SO looking forward to MPB Day! Who cares if it rains?

  4. Ah, we are sad to miss it again this year. Like I need more fabric...

  5. Faaaaa-bric shopping innn the raaain
    Whataglooorious out-ting
    Adding-to-my-stash- again!

  6. Just checked with NOAA on your weather. Oh dear! But I am sure you are all having a great day, wet or dry.

  7. .....soooo sorry that I was not able to join you due to the horrific rain, thunder & lightening....looking forward to seeing photos of your journey through those wonderful fabric stores......

    1. We missed you, Howard, but we did have our rainy periods. I'll post about the day soon.


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