Oct 31, 2016

Me and Cathy in UPPERCASE Magazine!

Are you familiar with UPPERCASE Magazine?

If you're aren't, you should be!  Uppercase is a quarterly publication that focuses on craft, illustration, fiber arts, and the creative process.  I am honored to be featured in the latest issue with a two-page spread about me and my sewing life.  And guess who else gets her moment in the spotlight?  My glamorous identical cousin Cathy Lane!  (We both get separate interviews, natch.)

There is so much more in this issue that will delight anyone who loves sewing.  (BTW, New Yorkers can find UPPERCASE for sale at Kinokuniya bookstore.)

You can find out more about UPPERCASE, including how to subscribe, here.   (You'll also find links to Facebook, Instagram, etc.)

Have a great day, everybody!


  1. That is so cool for you and Cathy! And well-deserved. Thanks for showing us this magazine as well. I have to check it out.

  2. Very cool!

    Where is Cathy these days? I hope you are planning something deliciously draped for her from one of your classes.

  3. Congrats!!! How did i miss Cathy before now? :D
    ps- your "test" blog post is showing up in my feed - you may want to delete it.

  4. I will go be looking for this in the real world; I need a new 'special' magazine (I miss Nest. Sigh.), and Selvedge is just...too much moneys. And congrats as well to your stylish cousin Cathy. So much talent in one space!

  5. Congratulations to you two! That's awesome Peter!

  6. Congratulations you two. Cathy must be loving the attention. Perhaps she (and Simplicity?) could guest blog.


    1. Thank you Spud!

      As a long-time Cathy fan, I can only concur, and encourage.

  7. Greetings from Calgary (Where UPPERCASE lives). Congrat's on the article in the new issue. Very cool. I think I will go find a copy on my lunch break.

    I was in your neighbourhood a couple of weeks ago on a NYC getaway.

    I aspire to sew, but haven't taken the leap yet. No sure how/where to begin. I do lots of knitting, love natural textile dyeing, and have started messing around a bit with Sashiko stitching. So (Sew) there may be hope.


  8. I'm so glad your genius is recognized. Not only are you incredibly talented, but you've created an entire community of makers who support and encourage each other.....and that's really something wonderful.

  9. I bought an issue! Can't wait! :)

  10. I saw you! Quite delightful. On a whim after a friend posted about that magazine, I subscribed for a year. Apparently it's won magazine design awards. It's quite nice, good photography and all, but I love to read magazines in bed and the font is entirely too small and grey on a light color background. I would say that 85% of the magazine are like the 3rd and 4th pictures above. 4point font at best. I must be getting old, but it isn't enjoyable to read. It was fun to see a big writeup on sewing though.

    1. Alas, most design awards are decided by a panel of elites in the field with decidedly impractical ideals, and good/young eyes. God forbid that any of us of a "certain age" would actually like to read the text. I suppose they think we just want to look at the pretty pictures.

  11. It's Jan. 17, 2017 as I find this blog post but am DELIGHTED at the features on you and Cathy! A fine addition to your respective portfolios!
    This periodical title is unknown to me so will scope out places that may carry it.


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