Apr 29, 2016

New Patterns, New Fabric, New FIT Class (Draping)!

Lots to tell today, readers!

Yesterday, Willy had to have some dental work at the Humane Society, where we take him for veterinary care, and they ended up extracting ten (!) teeth.  This despite the fact that we do brush his teeth on a regular basis; I think it's a chihuahua thing.  Incredibly, he's completely fine today: healthy appetite, normal energy.  I don't get it.

After I dropped him off for his dentistry, I biked down to Chinatown, where I had some vintage eyeglass frames made into non-prescription sunglasses.  It was cheap and took just an hour and a half.  While I waited I poked around the nabe.  Lots of exotic (to me) treats.   I even stumbled upon a store that inserts rivets and snaps.

Exotic dishes galore!

After I picked up my glasses (above), I did a little fabric shopping.  Check out this silver coated wool boucle at Mood!

I bought three yards of this cool crinkled black nylon quilted over poly batting.  I think it would make an amazing coat or jacket.

Also this lightweight striped linen.

Last night I scooped up two super-cheap vintage men's patterns on eBay.  I know nothing about Sew Easy patterns but these look like fun.  Ever heard of them?

Today I registered to take an intensive draping course at the Fashion Institute of Technology.  It runs just five weeks (end of May to end of June) but meets four nights a week.  I hope to continue with tailoring in the fall.

Speaking of tailoring, I'm finishing up my second skirt, to be submitted for review in two weeks (our last class).  I've loved my Ladies Tailoring class and I've learned a ton.

And that's it!  Lots of sewing planned for the next few days and into next week.  Hope your projects are going well.

Have a great day, everybody!


  1. X TEETH!
    Willy, you know about the tooth fairy, right?

    1. Ten teeth, and all of them canines...

  2. The draping class sounds amazing. Lots of work in a short time, but worth it. What's next in the tailoring class?

  3. I usually like city tours on blogs but as a vegetarian I had a hard time appreciating some of these food pictures. Glad your sweet dog is doing well and it is always fun to see fabric purchases.
    Best Wishes,
    Gail from Schwenksville

    1. I just keep away from places like that. I have seen dried up sea horses in China when we went there to pick up our son.

  4. Tummy rubs to Willy!

    "How much conscience has had to chew on in the past! And what excellent teeth it had! And today, what is lacking? A dentist's question." -- F. Nietzsche

    (Sorry, it was the only quote about dentists I could think of while I write this comment.)

    I have one Sew Easy pattern: #163, a jacket. I like yours, especially #166. Was Sew Easy an off-shoot of another pattern company?

    I always enjoy reading about the classes you take and what you're learning. Have fun draping!

    1. Oh Mouse, when I go to the dentist, I'll be sure to let you know.

    2. I hope your dentist isn't Steve Martin! :)

  5. Ugh, how I miss Mood!!! Glad to hear Willy's a-ok!

  6. I love the glasses! I also have one vintage similar for some years. I don't know yours, but mine has a very good quality plastic, difficult to find nowadays.

    Oh, I miss Chinatown! It is really an interessting borrow to visit in NY, IMO.

  7. Interesting post with a nice feeling of time and place. Though I can't say I find the standing chicken appetizing.

  8. Yes, have had a few Sew Easy patterns, I am sure I have some in my stash whichhas been decreasing over the years. Poor willy. I hate the dentist. So glad he is doing better.

  9. Glad your little doggie is well! You will enjoy the draping class. Even though you will be draping on a dress form, you will see how the process can be used on all different shapes and sizes. Enjoy!

  10. Sew Easy was another indi pattern company, like Kwik Sew, originally specialized in knit, swimwear and lingerie patterns in the 1960s to fill the niche created with widespread availability of zigzag sewing machines in the home sewing market. I think they have been out of business for many years.

    1. Thank you, I didn't know that about them. Now that they're on my radar, I will be looking more closely at their patterns when and if I find them. As for Kwik Sew, I've read through the instructions for several of their patterns and they seem straightforward, well-written.

    2. You're welcome. I'm dating myself;)

  11. I don't know about chihuahuas, but tabby cats can have an autoimmune disorder that makes their body reject their teeth. My cat Jeff lost 13 of his before he passed.

  12. I LOVED the Chinatown tour. I especially loved the Standing Chicken, so unique. I used to take my 4 sons to exotic markets and we would choose something we thought was exotic/crazy to take home and eat. Fun times. I used Sew Easy patterns in the 80's to make clothing for my little boys. One I used was a darling sailor pattern To make a christening outfit for my first son. He then used the outfit for his son's christening. I like their patterns!

  13. I have learned many new things, courtesy of this post and the comments, and now I am hungry and need new glasses.
    Willy, so many teeth!

  14. The next time I'm in the city, I must find that Homer statue. MUST. Willy is a trooper for real!

    1. It's 49 Bayard Street - a place called Vivi Bubble Tea.

  15. Peter are the 5 week courses at FIT very costly?

    1. It's about $500 if you're a NY State resident, because FIT is part of the NY State University system. Out of state pay about $1,500.


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