Jan 17, 2016


Readers, great news!

I've decided to organize an MPB winter event: the first annual MPB Winter Frolic, on Saturday, March 5th.

Here's what I have planned (so far):


We'll meet at 11 am outside the FIT Museum at Seventh Avenue and 27th St. 

Here's how to get there if you've never been.

Instead of just one, we'll be visiting two exhibits at the FIT Museum, Fairy Tale Fashion in the upstairs gallery, and Denim: Fashion's Frontier in the larger downstairs gallery.  In case you don't already know, the FIT museum is free, so you can save your money for...


We'll be grabbing lunch at 12:30 pm at Panera Bread, just half a block north of the museum.  If you've ever attended an August MPB Day, you know that we generally occupy the entire upstairs eating area, so if you're coming late, expect to find us up there.  (We usually have a lunchtime pattern swap, but maybe there's something else we might do -- any ideas?)

After lunch, at approximately 1:30 pm, we'll walk roughly ten blocks north for some good old-fashioned...


There are so many great fabric and notions stores to explore in the Garment District, and we'll likely split up into a few groups so everybody gets to visit the stores that interest them most.  Expect to hit Paron's, Mood, B&J, AK Fabrics, Pacific Trim, and more!

After shopping, we'll have time for...


Around 5 pm, (depending on the weather) we'll either meet outside in Bryant Park or in a nearby spacious cafe whose name must remain a secret for now.  Inside or out, we'll share our purchases, rest our weary feet, and get to know each other better.

At long last, you can dress up in your winter finery for MPB Day.  No bug spray or sunblock necessary!


I'll be reminding everyone when we get closer to the date, but please RSVP by sending an email to me at peterlappinnyc at gmail dot com, so I can keep track of who's coming.  (If you know you'll be meeting us at lunch, please let me know that too.)

MPB Day Winter Frolic is a free event, but you'll want to bring some money for lunch and fabric shopping.

Hope you can make it!


  1. It sounds iike a marvelously festive Manhattan outing. I don't even sew and I'm half-tempted to tag along...

  2. Plenty of photographs, please.

    Your on-line contingency has an entirely different March Madness to look forward to!

  3. Alas, we are coming toNew York about 10 days later

  4. Sounds amazing! Sadly, as I live in the uk, it's a tad too far on this occasion. Thanks for the invite :-)

  5. Gutted, I'm visiting NY from the UK in March but won't arrive until the 8th. I will be following in your footsteps a few days later!

  6. Shall have to follow by on-line :( Too far from southern Australia. Sam

  7. What fun! Unfortunately, though I do not live in the UK, I do live just about as far away. Portland, OR is just too far to drop by. Perhaps another time!

  8. I wish I would be there, the program looks great !! France is a bit far for the afternoon :-(

  9. That's on my birthday (sobs), I live in London and that's very far :-(.


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