Nov 18, 2015

And the WINNER IS......!

Readers, while you're all deserving of prizes in my mind, sadly I had only one Kenneth King DVD to give away to a lucky MPB reader.

Today, I am happy to announce that the winner of the Smart Sewing With Fake Fur DVD is.......


Personally, I can't wait to see what fake-furry thing she whips up, can you? 

Hillary, please email me at peterlappinnyc [at] gmail [dot] com with your mailing address and I will get your DVD out to you ASAP.

As for the rest of you readers, I'll be sharing more sewing adventures soon -- and maybe more contests too.

If you have some cool ideas for giveaways or other contests, please share them.  (Keep it clean, please.)

Have a great day, everybody!


  1. Those silver jeans!!

    I may have to drop 50 pounds (alright, 60), but I can't be the only one who wants them.

  2. Congrats, Hillary! Many warm fuzzies in your future. :D

  3. Damn! I only missed it by two. Can I demand a Florida style recount? [grin]

  4. Could you just post me Kenneth King please? (And that phenomenal jacket) :D Xx

  5. Oh bummer for me but congrats to Hillary!


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