Mar 31, 2015

Fish Print Shirt -- The Dramatic Conclusion!

Friends, he liked it!

And it fit extremely well.  And it flattered his coloring.  I was delighted.

My client is Shya Kane, whose personal transormation workshops, which he co-leads with his wife, Ariel, I've been attending with Michael since last fall.  Ariel and Shya's work is based on living in the current moment of your life and not resisting (aka saying no to) what shows up.  More about that below.

I brought the newly completed shirt with me to our weekly Monday night seminar.  The shirt is in the garment bag in the pics below.  (That's Ariel in pink.)

Shya wore the shirt all evening and got lots of compliments, as did I, when people heard I'd sewn it.  Shya even asked me to stand up during the meeting and take credit for it!  (Lots of applause followed.)

I could write many, many blog posts about Ariel and Shya and maybe I will.  Their approach is based on three basic principles:

1) Whatever you resist persists, and ends up dominating your life.

2) You can only be exactly as you are in the current moment of your life (and can only have been exactly as you were in every past moment).

3) Anything you can see (i.e., habitual ways of being) without judgment completes (aka resolves) itself.

You can read more about the Kanes on their website here, in their books, and on their Internet radio show, Being Here.

My introduction to the Kanes was through reading Working on Yourself Doesn't Work; another favorite book of theirs is How to Have a Match Made in HeavenThey're all worth reading.

One of the most important things I've learned from the Kanes is that the circumstances of my life don't dictate my well being.  When I feel well in myself, life's little annoyances aren't annoyances at all, whereas when I'm upset, any little thing can set me off.  If I'm in complaint mode, I'll find something to complain about regardless of how well things are going.  Have you ever noticed how that works?

It was a joy and a privilege to make this shirt and a delight that it was so well received.

I don't know where I'll go from here with regard to sewing for private clients, but it's nice to know I've set a positive precedent for myself.

If you have any questions about the Kanes, just ask.  I'm happy to respond.

Have a great day, everybody!


  1. I just love it Peter! It looks great on him and I love the gingham contrast!!!

    I am a huge fan of mindfulness meditation founder Jon Kabat-Zinn (accepting what is without being a doormat, realizing that things are good in the present moment), meditator davidji, and also Louise Hay. Louise has an awesome CD called "I Can Do It" (included in the book by the same name) which touches on things like you mention--if you complain you're inviting more of that complaint into your life and when you focus on the good, you bring more good into your life. I know some folks think it's all baloney, but that's their affirmation, not mine! I truly believe in trying out different methods and then doing whatever works best for you, whether it's sewing, related to medical issues, or life in general. The Kanes sound like great people to know. I'll have to check them out.

  2. Sounds like a great experience all around; the smile on his face can be understood regardless of psychology. I hope you can find more such clients (or perhaps they'll find you).

    The shirt is unique and memorable, unusual in the best way. It would sell.

  3. You're so right! I have a colleague who is the most negative person I have ever met and reacts to everything accordingly.

    The steady stream of complaining is wearing as they never acknowledge or appreciate anything good that happens to them. Your client sounds very interesting.

    Back to the sewing- gingham cuffs, I like it! Yes it is a nice fit, bespoke clothing is so great.

  4. Hey! I just finished reading 'How to have a match made in Heaven' - great read! It's great that you get to see them in person! I've also listened to them on audio, and their philosophies really resonate with me. The shirt looks fantastic!

  5. Love that fabric! And a great job on that shirt.

  6. Congratulations Peter!

    It's been a long time since I wrote here, but I muss say this shirt is very flattering to Mr. Kane! He looks at least 10 years younger wearing this shirt! What a great present!

  7. Great to hear your shirt was/is a succes. Love the fabric, looks good on Shya. Well done!

  8. You do such beautiful work, Peter. I love the shirt, especially the contrast touches.

  9. This shirt is a stunner, and the smile on his face speaks volumes. I love listening to podcasts while I sew, so I'll be adding the Kane's to my listening list.

  10. The shirt is lovely, love both the fit and the fabric!
    Thanks for sharing the information regarding the Kanes; seems to be just what I need these days!

    1. Me too! I'll be exploring this further.

      Peter, another huge success! The shirt looks great. Love the details. Congrats, and here's hoping it's the first of many interesting clients.

  11. Beautiful shirt, Peter! I'm sure he loves wearing it, and it looks great on him. I do love contrasting cuffs, etc. and you did such nice work, as always.

  12. The shirt looks SO GOOD Peter. Awesome job, and totally right on for Shya. Impeccable fit and wonderfully preppy.

  13. You did an amazing job! The fabric choice and the fit are great. I love the contrasting fabric on the inside cuffs!

  14. The fit is spot on, and the shirt is very flattering. How fun that it was seen in such a large venue!

  15. Forgot to add that I agree that it makes him look ten years younger.

  16. The shirt is a great success; you're right about the colour complementing him. Maybe your next client(s) was among all the applauding people?

    The 'workshop' sounds less convincing. The conclusions seem to be: accept everything inside and outside yourself without resistance, it resolves itself, so do nothing. Emperor's new clothes springs to mind.

    1. I totally get that, Marc. Give one of their books a try and see if you still feel that way.

  17. The shirt you made looks great!. You certainly are a good shirt maker ! Also , interesting point of view from your transformation workshop. BestWishes, Gail G.

  18. Great make, Peter. Prof B would be proud of his pupil.

    Just came across a blog post below on using turmeric to dye yarn. Would work equally well with cotton fabric I expect.


  19. Fabulous shirt. Your so talented. It is truly one of a kind. No one else in the world has one like it. I love seeing fabric made up into somehing fabulous like that.
    I like reading Neville Goddard books myself. I like anything positive. The negative will find you and you better have some armour so it doesn't embrace you and drag you down. Keep sewing wonderful things Peter. xoxoxoxox

  20. The shirt turned out beautiful!!! Well done!

  21. The shirt made Shya Kane look youthful.

  22. I knew I had seen that print before, and now it's found a home! When I argue with myself about stashing fabric, it's these projects that make me hang onto stuff. I am going to chalk this up to your luck and not apply this to the destash in progress.

    And around here, we say: Be here NOW, dammit! ;)

  23. You might be interested to read "Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life". It's an introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy that I worked through with a therapist a few years ago, it really helped. It sounds like the Kanes have come up with a similar system, with the addition of a spirituality component.

    Now my therapy is sewing! (Seriously, it really helps with anxiety.)


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