Feb 23, 2015

Jeans Genie? Peter Models Two Pairs of Jeans!

Today's the day!

To see me model my white jeans and indigo jeans, just click here.

I'm happy with both pair, though I'm not sure if I'll be wearing the white ones much till the weather dries out a bit.

While the jeans journey has officially ended, you already know that my pants-making process continues.

Question: Do dark pants make you look taller than light pants?  (And if so, why?) Enquiring minds want to know.

Have a great day, everybody!


  1. If your shoes are dark, too, then yes, the dark pants will make you look taller than the white ones :-)
    Or, as the general rule goes: footwear in the same color as your pants will visually lengthen the leg.
    a vertically placed or a sharp, ironed vertical crease will help in the lengthening departement as well.

  2. They look great Peter. Great fit. They look like good rtw.

  3. They look fab. Such a great fit. When I style people, I explain that rather than live by rules about what not to wear, consider the 'science' behind it all and then make better decisions. The whole concept of lengthening is based on proportion. Shoes matching your pants increases the proportion of that colour long ways, so the colour block is proportionally longer than it would otherwise be. So, think about proportions of the blocks of colour making up your outfit, and have a play in the mirror. You should be able to get a better idea of what is really going on there.

  4. The jeans are/look wonderful. And I could just add, phenomenal posture-such as yours-really makes a person look taller!

  5. Do they make you look taller? The white jeans in the snow do make your legs disappear. Both pairs are lovely.

    Being taller would make me look taller. That's not gonna happen.

  6. Did ya change pants on the street??

  7. Your doing those jeans a favor and makin em look good : ). Your making me think twice about white. Love your top titching on the blue. Your great at styling your outfits. I need to sooo work on that. I'm better at styling hair than I am with my wardrobe : )

  8. Jeans look great. Looked cold out that day. You of course looked hot. I can't believe you changed pants on the street. I hope you were wearing woolies and not a thong. All your makes could start a store.

  9. Fantastic job on the fit, Peter--both pairs look great!

    Before viewing the pictures, I would have said the dark pair make you look taller. After viewing the pictures, I'd say you look taller in the white pair.


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