Dec 9, 2014

70's Bedsheet Score + Keeping Up With Technology

I knew when I started reading complaints about my choice of boring muslin fabrics in my last post's comments, I had to do something and fast.

I hightailed it to the Salvation Army this afternoon and scored some classic 70's cotton/poly flat sheets that fit the bill perfectly.  I am hoping these will last me through the winter, at least.

I could write a book about the 70's cotton/poly floral bed sheet.  Many of the manufacturers have gone out of business and the few remaining have moved production offshore.  I think today, even at the lower end of the market, 100% cotton sheets predominate, though I could be wrong.  You just don't find sheets like these 70's florals anymore except at thrift stores.  I miss them!

In other news, since my mother's fall, I've become aware of how challenging it can be to communicate electronically nowadays.  I have never had any interest in owning a smart phone; I use a bottom-of-the-line cellphone (that I rarely even carry with me); texting on it is nearly impossible.  My sister-in-law, on the other hand, is up on all the latest technology and finds it a chore to communicate via email, which I am accustomed to doing.  I may have to upgrade, though I'm not very happy about the prospect. 

You can probably tell from looking at this blog that I've changed almost nothing in the past five years -- I'm from the "if it ain't broke" school -- and I don't have any plans to upgrade, though I've thought about it.   I am active on Pinterest, as well as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and that seems like plenty.  I've skipped Instagram (which I believe requires a smartphone) and only today read an article about something called Vine: are 6 second videos in my future?  I don't think so.

In closing, readers, are you active on/conversant with multiple online platforms?

Do you ever feel like technology is leaving you behind and you're constantly playing catch-up?

Does MPB need a facelift, or would just a bit of virtual Botox suffice?  (And if so, where?)

Have a great day, everybody!


  1. I *highly* recommend Republic Wireless. Smartphone on the Spring network that uses wifi at all possible times. $35 a month. It's an andorid phone that starts at $100. No contract. It makes me mad I used to spend $100+ a month on a cell phone.

  2. Life is too short to do "keeping up with the Jones'" on all the various platforms and having all the latest devices. Your site looks fine to me. Do what makes you happy and you are comfortable with, not what others think you need. I too have a "brick" phone, rarely remember to turn it on or take it anywhere! Loving the 70s sheets! regards Jane

    1. Keeping up with the Joneses is what it seems like to me most of the time. I usually only get either what really helps me (Pinterest - I'm an incorrigible image hoarder!) or what I really need to communicate with people (Facebook - so many people use it nowadays to invite to events, to discuss the organisation of things...)
      I recently cracked the screen of my newer mobile phone (which might have been about five years old) and went back to an older one (it already has a colour screen, but it's a tiny one, and yes, typing on this phone is a bother) - pretty much the only thing I miss is the ability of the newer phone to set more alarms than one! (And the music.)
      And I'm in the younger set, age-wise, so, whatever, it doesn't matter that much, do what works for you.

  3. I love technology. Would rather use my tech stuff than eat!! Sliced my thumb really bad a few years ago and was texting one handed while dr stitched me up. He was shaking his head lol!

  4. I just "upgraded" from an iPhone 4 to an LG flip phone. Yes, they charged me the upgrade fee. But I am so much happier. $30 phone and half the bill. No email on the darn phone -- sweet. Don't sweat the technology -- it doesn't save time; it takes time and cuts into productivity. I do love my iPod though -- listen to free library books while I sew. LOVE your blog. Have I missed the Sunday videos, or are they suspended?

  5. I upgraded recently to a smart phone. I rebelled for so long because I should be able to own any darn phone i want and not any access fees for something I won't access. I find it much easier to keep intouch with my adult children via text. I am loving my smart phone and it's something to do while i am waiting for my mil at the docs, instead of writing info down, I snap a shot of the info.....I still think it should be an option as to whether I access the www, but it has been a very useful tool while out and about...and the gps and maps.....made vaca so much easier.

  6. I'm kind of a luddite. I'm resisting the smartphone world as long as possible. I like to look at a map before I leave the house if I'm going someplace new, I like to write myself notes on pieces of paper that I can lose easily in the bottom of my bag, and I really enjoy not having something ding at me every single time someone emails me, comments on something, or makes themselves a cup of coffee. I say keep MPB the way it is.

    1. Yup yup. Does it work for you? There's your answer! When it doesn't, you will change it up.

  7. Technology is fine, but we pay for far more than we use. I recently bought a tablet for emailing and internet access when I'm travelling and it's okay. My phone has a camera but I use my phone for texts and emails; it's not a smart phone and I've no use for one of them. I was a Facebook member for about one week, then I deleted myself as I kept getting annoying requests to be other people's friend and I was not going to post all my doings anyway. having said that, all my younger family members are on Facebook and yet, I don't feel I miss out on much!
    I like your blog very much the way it is - don't change it! It's user-friendly and thankfully free of ads. I'm always looking forward to your next post. By the way, will you delight us with another vlog sometime? Greetings, Anne-Marie

  8. Hey! That second sheet is what I had as a kid!!! and I still have the twin sheet set which is sometimes used on the guest bed.. Love those old floral sheets...

  9. I too had at least one set if not two of the second sheet! My mother-in-law always bought sheets during Jan sales and then gave them as Christmas presents. I never bought a sheet or a towel until 10 yrs or so after her death.

  10. By the floral design and colors, I suspect that is actually an early to mid 80s sheet. That 50/50 percale lasted well in to the 90s. Actually, I've been sheet shopping lately. God, have good sheets gotten expensive! The good stuff is usually the 100% cotton, but the low end (still not cheap) includes some polyester and other blends- including rayon.

    Phones…I can't deal with the expense of a smart phone right now and got a slightly more advanced non-smart but text-able one awhile back. Really, you can live without all the other stuff, especially in the city.

  11. As Internet Director of a high end auto dealership, I have to keep up with the latest technology, so after hours I would prefer to keep it simple. Life moves too fast today, I like my IPhone, but only use a small part of it, and I sew w/a 20 yr old Brother and a 35 yr old Kenmore. Take what you need of all the new stuff and leave the rest, it won't improve you life. Hope Mom is feeling better!

  12. I'm a total luddite too. I have a smart phone with consumer cellular that was $100 and $40 a month. I only have it to text, because my grown kids will hardly ever answer the phone!! I have apps that I don't know and don't use, don't use the web or email. It takes forever to search a "next bus" so I'd rather walk! But I'd love an ereader. or an ipod to listen to books on tape.

  13. Tech is supposed to save us time and improve our productivity. I've found that the goal posts keep moving and the learning curves don't get steeper, they've become pointless. Technology for its own sake? Bah, humbug!

    I wish you'd write that book about '70s bed sheets -- I'd really enjoy it. And I like your blog's design.

  14. My cell phone still has an antenna!!!! I am close to 70 so I am typical to my demographic!!!! And plan to stay that way---oh I also still use 4 VCRs.

  15. I don;t like keepin up with technology too much. My friends say... hello 2004 called and they want their phone back. I don't want all that hoo ha. As long as I can make a call and take pic. I'm good. I even went back to cast iron skillet and eschew the microwave. Vintage sewing machines rock. I think everything old is new again. NO judgement on anyone who likes techy tho. Just lay off it at dinner in a restaurant when your eating with someone. Manners still count for something.

  16. You are looking in the wrong spot there, you need to start looking at 'themed' bedding for children and you'll find that they seem to be exclusively poly cotton (much more poly than cotton) ... sigh ... however these new ones do seem to lack the staying power that those old 70's sheets had. 2 washes and they fade away, although when I pointed that out to my friend she suggested that the dyes used in the 70's are probably now illegal to use :-)

  17. I don't come to read MPB to see animated GIFS, vines,or retweets. I come to see the inspiring sewing projects that you make and to read your often charming and thoughtful prose. That and I love a good bad pun.
    Pinterest, Facebook, Youtube and other sites all want you to have an account so they can use you for their business model. I don't feel left behind by technology, I feel manipulated.

    1. Yes! Bells and whistles on a blog are just annoying. Your blog and it´s layout are perfect as is!

    2. Ditto this!
      Another Sandra

    3. Ditto and Amen!

    4. Double ditto here!! I do love your blog list of similar minds. Keep things the same.

  18. I have a little ugly black lump of a low-grade cell phone. I only want to receive and make telephone calls on it, and have it record messages from people for me. I don't need the 1,001 other things the darn thing *can* do. But you can't find a plain phone these days. I'm also a Luddite when it comes to "smart" phones. I've got a laptop, what do I need an internet connection in my pocket for? And GPS? Forget it. I can read a map. That annoying voice would have me throwing the thing in the nearest river inside ten minutes. I really hate how *everything* has to cater to smart phones these days.

  19. First, hope your mom is doing better.

    I love MPB just the way it is. I wouldn’t change a thing!

    I had to upgrade from my flip phone, because I had to get business emails when not in the office. Plus, most of my family/friends text, and as you said, texting on a cell phone is nearly impossible.

    While $100 is a monthly ouch for me, I wonder how I ever lived without it. I read MPB, check news headlines, search the internet, look at videos, and other stuff if I’m on the train, or waiting for anything.

    Free Kindle/Nook apps allow me to download books from the library. The phone is too small for long reading sessions, but great for in-between time. I also download audio books and keep my favorite music on hand.

    It saved my life one late night when I was sure that I knew where I was going (boy was I wrong) and was lost in a not-so-great neighborhood. A quick map search got me back on track pronto.

    There’s an app for anything you can think of, though I admit that sometimes it’s just too iMuch.

  20. The more technology you have, the less time there is to sew. Or read, or cook, or go for a walk, or whatever. Every device takes time to maintain, or update, or charge. So while it is useful to have an e-reader for travelling, for example, I don't always want to spend time downloading and syncing. I just want to open a book. Content gets lost in format sometimes, and I appreciate the way this blog just has interesting writing and photos to go with it.

    I find the whole texting obsession annoying, and I have stepped away from relationships where time spent together is taken over by a device. But that is just me. I am often the only one in a room not staring at something electronic, but I think I'm better for it.

  21. I find that I barely have spare time and the more platforms I participate in, the less spare time I have. I participate in the sewing blogosphere when I can and am thinking of Pinterest but I do not participate in Twitter, Facebook or YouTube. I like your blog the way it is!

  22. No cellphone here but a family member went with one this year. Would like a sledgehammer to pound the expensive adult toy into rubbish because I cannot tolerate the text pings! Sound-sensitive but I like my quiet!
    Participate in Twitter (just to see what it's about and it's hard to stay on past 30min unless there's a good party) and Pinterest (because of contests and I had some interest in what the fuss was about).
    Spare time is gold to many of us--can you sew with a racket going on about you? Not easy for me--I need my sewing space and quiet please.

  23. I like your blog just like it i! Regarding technology, yes it does seem that once we learn something, it's already passe', and everyone is on to the next thing. I LOVE my iPhone, though. I own my own business, and it would be hard to do my job without it. It's not so much the phone itself, but all my contacts, and my calendar, and email. I use the web browsing a lot also. (I am lucky to have an unlimited data plan that I've had for years and refuse to let go of.) My phone syncs with my computer, and it's all right there when I need it. I'm a whole lot more organized than I used to be. I used to lose things. And I can go out of town and be able to keep up with things by connecting to my work system on my laptop. It has made my life easier. But when it comes to social media, I'm a Luddite. Facebook drives me nuts. And now there are all the others. Who has time for that? I can't keep up with that at all.

  24. Re: Bedsheets

    I was a juror on a murder trial about four years ago in which sheets were a key piece of evidence. A woman who had worked for the company the manufactured the sheets in question was called from all the way across the country to come and give evidence that the sheets that were found were made as a set with the pillowcase that was found. She had to analyze and discuss fiber content, pattern, and everything.

    Also, we had the sheets in the second picture growing up. I miss those good old sheets.

  25. I love your blog. I eagerly await your posts and read them word for word. You've got a loyal following who don't give a stuff about technical and graphic bells and whistles. I'm always struggling to keep up with technology but I have to say that I love my GPS on my smart phone. Without it I would be lost - literally.

  26. I used to have a smartphone and I really enjoyed it - I still use it as a "device" - I like playing virtual card games in bed when I cannot sleep. Because of $, I went almost a year without a cell phone and I did miss it, so I got a new flip-phone for $14; I lovingly call it my "stupidphone". Texting is a wonderful thing - you do not have to answer it immediately & whatever it is is written down, plus I enjoy being able to take simple photos. Being a flip phone & about 25% smaller than a deck of cards, I can stow it in my bra on vibrate and I don't misplace it and I don't miss anything while not bothering others. I love it.

    I love your blog; it's possible that you might enjoy a new theme - sort of like moving the furniture around in one's home - but I would advise finding one as easy to read as this one is.

    Lastly, thank you for going out and getting "new" muslining fabric; I was one of the complainers & I'm delighted at your response! The floral sheets are so cheerful - like you!

  27. I really enjoy reading your blog. I read blogs based on content. Artful, knowledge. I favor routine, consistency. However, I am not oppose to change. I crave challenge and change. After all, if we are see the same movies...
    As far as technology. I am up to my second smart phone, I pad etc. In the past I was connected a bit more. Quality versus quantity works fo me this days. Texting is ok. As a foreigner, I worked extremely hard at writing.

  28. I am a Luddite. I got a smartphone because we have so little choice here and I wanted a full keyboard - if I am going to text I like to use correct grammar! But most of social media leaves me feeling pretty meh.

  29. Love those old sheets! I have a hard time finding them here in lower slower Delaware, I think folks used them up here and only thrift the newer stuff! I like my smart phone for gps, reading books and watching movies on my super slow nights of home health care. It frequently frustrates me with how slow it is when I try to find info or directions when I'm out and about. I won't keep buying a new one every year and I may have about worn it out. Hard to be a use it up person and a techie at the same time!

  30. i think you and i were schooled the same way as i am "use your phone as a phone" and well facebook i have only in the last year started to use (and love for its convenience). my other half however loves technology and always wants the next amazing thing. i think it all comes down to what you feel most comfortable with.

  31. I'm finding I'm a little too in love with my iPhone 6, but the camera and photo editors are excellent, so it makes taking and uploading blog pics very easy. I've found that InstaGram is the place to be for the international sewing community, because it's very visual and not as commercial as Twitter. When I'm doing a project, I'll put up construction pics throughout the day and get a lot of nice feedback. As for the 70s sheets, I saw that someone a muslin not too long ago out of the same sheets we had on our bed for years! Glad your mom's doing better, by the way.

  32. I generally don't upgrade until I have to. Now, since I retired this year that is even more so on the "fixed" income.

    However, I think you could change the template for your blog to one of the "newer" ones. I see the sidebar "jittering" which I read is caused by changes in HTML that affect the old templates.

  33. I finally gave up the basic flip phone last summer. While I really miss the $120/year (got 1-cent phone and $50 month pay-as-you-go), I love the new phone. I use it more for making lists and reminders that I no longer lose on scraps of paper, check my pattern and book inventory to avoid duplicate purchases, the internet for maps & weather. I love having a camera with me at all times. I take photos of the bolt ends of fashion fabrics I buy. Or things I have and want to research, get more of, or not get more of. Texting is nice because even tho I don't get enough signal to use the phone inside the building at work, texts still go thru. I guess phone calls are the one thing I did not get the phone for, and I'll keep it as long as it does the job.

    I don't do Facebook, Twitter, InstaGram, or any other social sites. I'm a bit unhappy that Pinterest now shows non-members only a bit of what people have pinned, I'm not sure if I'll reward that move by becoming a member.

    As far as your blog, I like the current layout, but have noticed the jitter Gene mentioned at home. No animations, no music, no ads. If you do decide to go with a smart phone, check out the pay-as-you-go options, rather than the plans. You might not have the most bells & whistles, but based on what I was seeing last summer, it should be about 1/2 of what a contract plan is per month.

    Hope your mom continues to get better!

  34. Love those sheets! I really miss percale. Today's cotton sheets are nice, but there was just something so comfy about the old sheets, even if they did contain the dreaded polyester. As for technology, if I didn't have texting, I'd never hear from my kids. Anything beyond that is completely optional. Some of it is nice to have, but a lot of it is just entertainment. Life is entertaining enough on its own without keeping my eyes glued to a phone all the time. All best wishes for your mom's recovery!

  35. My family had lots of those 70's floral sheets, too. I agree that it would be nice if sheets came in fun patterns still! I know there are plenty of higher fashion sets available online, but they're out of my budget.Is finding something funky at Target too much to ask?

    I love technology, but I dream of downgrading from my smartphone all the time. If you don't need it, don't bother. I would love to see a facelift on the blog though... Perhaps just a template that uses bigger photos, I'd love to see your amazing work highlighted at a bigger size without having to click over to Picasa!

  36. I saw someone mentioned a tablet, and it may be that you would find that more useful (and probably cheaper) than a smart phone. If you get one that you can out your own cheapest-possible SIM into, then you should be able to text on it and take photos which you can send easily. It should also work as a mini-computer. I suggest it because you would probably find it easier to type on than a phone, and if you're not going to be sending texts etc. while you're out then you can keep it at home. In fact, if you'd be keeping it at home you might be able to get away with not getting a SIM at all -- there are a few messaging apps (e.g WhatsApp) you can get which let you communicate with others who also have the same app but using the Internet rather than a phone.

  37. We had those exact sheets growing up; Mother probably got them on sale somewhere . . . : )

  38. I like the clean look of your blog, a good design that doesn't mess with the content of your good writing and clear photos. We live in a time when good design is not supported, however, and I have been hauled kicking and screaming into a new laptop and new phone at the same time. My DH loves all these gadgets and can't wait to get the next one, budget be damned, but I prefer real life to vicarious digital life. Sometimes they are useful, but seem to be toys more often than tools, which I love. I had a lovely Nokia basic phone when I lived overseas a few years ago--it was perfect. Worked as a phone, text, calculator, flashlight; no need for more. U.S. card wouldn't work with it, sigh. I wish the gadget people would support the strength and versatility of good design and stop making short-life expensive toys and claiming they are useful. They are losing people like me; I'm almost ready to just check out of the gadgets and stick with my old landline phone.

    Wonderful old sheets--made great summer clothes out of them! I found very pleasing cotton sheets at Target last year but the 50/50 textiles may be things of the past. There were so many pretty prints!

  39. I like the clean, uncomplicated look of your blog format. And I still have a flip phone and it's good enough for me; same one for the past 8 or 10 years!! It has a camera but the only way I can get the pictures from the phone to the computer is to send a picture message to my daughter so she can email it back to me! So I may be a tad resistant to change . . .

  40. I now have a iphone5 which I got free as an upgrade. I gave hubby my old flip phone because his was so bad. I must say I love it but I am not using all its capabilities. The BEST was on Sat. though when I did a craft show and could use the Etsy Card Reader to take credit cards.Really slick, but something everyone does not need.

  41. First, best recovery wishes to your mom. :) I'm glad to hear she's coming along.

    Second, someone up above said: "Pinterest, Facebook, Youtube and other sites all want you to have an account so they can use you for their business model. I don't feel left behind by technology, I feel manipulated." Yes yes and yes. Tired of 'liking' things, don't want to create a Pinterest board to win something. No I do not Vine, thanks. Heck I don't even tweet.

    I do a lot of tech support at work. I do NOT want to do it at home too. I stay with the same stuff til it breaks and I have to upgrade because they stopped supporting it 5 years ago. Then I complain that I have to waste my time learning their new crap, I mean system. :) I recently upgraded to a new smartphone. I like it but told my husband to never tell me how much we pay as I'm convinced it should only be $35.

    Upgrading just to upgrade drives me nuts for myself. So my advice is: If you like your site, no need to fix it. If you want to spend the time on it because you enjoy the upgrading activity, or want to use a feature that isn't currently available to you, then upgrade.

  42. As far as technology (or anything else) goes I pick and choose according to my needs, which are pretty basic. I don't feel left behind - I can catch up if and when I want to. Case in point: yesterday I bought an 'entry level' cell phone because my ageing, ailing mother now has a medical alert dialler (which she refuses to wear!) and I'm the primary contact. I've opted out of internet, apps etc because I don't need them.

    I come to MPB for the brilliant content which I don't think can be enhanced by technology. I don't think it needs any 'work' ... but it's your blog :)


  43. Love the clean looking blog - some others are just so visually distracting! I have a smart phone but have chosen the apps I want, own the phone and go pre-pay so no nasty bills! Good to hear your mother is coming along well.

  44. MPB does NOT need a facelift, but you do need a smart phone for instagram. It is my favorite of all social media outlets and I would LOVE to see you on it.

  45. Peter, I think you are a fantastic sewer with good skills that can produce rtw garments.

    Who cares about your muslin choices .... what I care about is your not so great taste in choosing great fabrics and colors.

    You live in NYC, if you are going to home sew then pick great fabric. You need to make shirts out of the best cottons and silks, make suits out a beautiful crape wools and other wools with lycra. You need to choose a color story (and not dusty pink) that speaks to the place where you live, bright strong colors, creams,etc .. make black trousers but top it with a brilliant color jacket. or make great active wear out of polar fleece. Get yourself noticed .. why not

  46. Have a Busby Berkeley opening sequence but leave everything as is. Hope your mother keeps her spirits up in her recovery.

  47. smart phones are inexpensive, and no contract plans are divine. I'd love to follow you on instagram.

  48. Love your site, please don't change, only if you want to.

    I have a cell phone, in fact our provide made us upgrade because it was so out of date. I don't have anything against technology but I just would not use most of the features. I don't text, not into apps and I only receive and make calls. We don't miss anything from not having it. My son and daughter have an ipad for games and school. I don't use Facebook. I do use email. We try not to over busy ourselves with technology and keep things simple.

  49. I think MPB is perfect the way it is. I'm not a technology hater by any stretch of the imagination, but I don't see any reason why you should pander to whatever "the technology of the moment" is unless you get enjoyment out of it. I can't imagine any of your readers has stopped coming to your blog because it is too old-fashioned!

  50. I like MPB just the way it is. I could never quite put a finger on it but now I am thinking the continuity and ease of your blog is what is so appealing about it.You aren't rearranging and bells and whistling it every week.Thank You.
    As far as phone...don't have a cell, no desire to get one either. I could probably count on one hand the times I thought I could have used a smart phone last year. The cost divided by not worth it. I don't want to be connected to everyone all the time. Isn't that part of the lure of adulthood when we were children???
    My children did not have cellphones in school. I recently bumped into their HS english teacher. She told me "I often think about your children's great critical thinking skills, and looking back I think it was because you didn't allow cellphones. They had to think for themselves and make decisions on their own."
    I like simple and free.

  51. I suppose it's because I'm a youngin' (I'm 18) and the way I was raised, (my dad started teaching me to use computers at age 3) but I absolutely love using social media. Facebook, Pintrest, Youtube, and Tumblr are my faves. I also own a smartphone and since I'm an introvert, I prefer texting and Facebook messaging to calling people I don't know well or in public. (Plus my phone's speaker recently got fried, so calling is a useless feature now since the other person can hear me, but I can't hear them.)
    I think you should just stick to whatever you want to do with your blog. You don't need to change anything if you don't want to.

  52. Aahhh . . . the cotton/poly bedsheet . . . I find that the blends tend to stick together when I am trying to put my muslins together, and prefer a 100% cotton for the task. But my mom has some of the old percale sheets stashed away in boxes and I try to steal them when I can. Free scrap fabric is definitely the way to go!

    As for the phones, I was one of the last people I know to have a cell phone. When I had massive amounts of driving to do years ago, my mom would lend me her phone. At that point, I was using my work computer for internet access. When not having access at home became a problem, I decided it was time for a smart phone. The iphone and blackberry was going to cost me the same amount, and I decided the iphone sounded more fun. Now I use the darn thing way more than I expected (not sure that is a good thing . . .). Although I still don’t know how to text, and I refuse to start anytime soon. What is wrong with email?!


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