Sep 30, 2014

Two sewing machines gone, two more heading out.

This morning as I sipped my coffee and glanced at the sewing table in the corner of my kitchen, I had an epiphany: 

I cannot -- will not -- sew amid this kind of clutter anymore.

Now, less than twelve hours later, I've already sold one sewing machine, taken another to the thrift store, and have two more posted on Craigslist.  It feels great and I've made $40 so far.

These are history:

Things are looking much better, though I still have a ways to go.  (That's the same table!)

Now this is not my primary sewing area, but I do use it.  It's where my Singer 15-91 lives, and I used the Singer a lot to make my parka.  Can you imagine trying to work in that hellish environment?  No more.

In other news, I've received the rest of my outerwear patterns.  Today I bought some fabric for the Green Pepper pullover (below), which I will henceforth call an anorak.  Some people call what I consider a parka an anorak.  I, however, call a parka a parka.  To me, an anorak is something you pull over your head and it has a hood.  This.

With fabric, I wanted to go either classic or over-the-top.  I opted for over-the-top, partly because my parka was classic enough, but also because I couldn't find anything classic in colors I liked.  Here are a few things I considered today:

Metallic coated nylon!

When I crushed the fabric in my hand, it didn't return to its original state and I wasn't sure how it would wrinkle (or unwrinkle).  I doubt I'd want to iron that.  Plus, let's face it: it's a little Tin Woodsman-sy.

I liked this nylon print...

But it seemed a little drab somehow.

OTOH, this blue was vivid:

But it was rubbery feeling and I was afraid it wouldn't breathe at all.

Then I saw this psychedelic cotton/nylon blend:

Bingo!  I bought two and a half yards.  What I love is that it has a classic 60/40, cotton/nylon outerwear feel, and that it's kind of acid-trippy.

I may get started as early as tomorrow.  It's time for some genuine male pattern BOLDNESS. 

Have a great day, everybody!


  1. I am sew proud of you. A de-cluttered work area will make sewing so much more pleasurable!

  2. Much better - and very reassuring to know another sewer has stuff stored under and around a clean table top as well:). I think when you sew, a certain amount of clutter is unavoidable - especially in the small spaces most of us have to occupy.

  3. It's a lot easier to sew in a clean, organized space.

    That psychedelic fabric is not something that I would have thought of for your project, but I like it. Can't wait to see it made and to see how you style the whole look.

  4. You're BACK! Hooray!! Love your choice..bold! Doing any accent colors on it? Like maybe red thread? Congrats on purging! It's liberating!

  5. Every time you declutter, a new sewer is made...

  6. I love the psychedelic black and white - it will be a stunning anorak

  7. Love your choice, but push-leez use that silver for so,etching wonderful! It's gorgeous!

  8. A clean sewing table is a productive sewer. You can have all the mess around it, but you need a clean table. It's all that "cluttered desk, cluttered mind". I love the Mod Nancy Sinatra fabric. White boots? I like Marcia's idea of red thread. I hope your sewing machines found a good home.

  9. Great that you have de-cluttered again. It helps you think clearly and organize better for your sewing projects. It has taken me a week, to sort thru a storage room full of fabric and reorganize my sewing area.

    Not sure I could let go of any of my machines, I like them all for different reasons. I did sell 4 that I no longer liked or needed. The rest are all organized on selves that can be sorted, labelled with their purpose. Right now I am bonding with my Pfaff 332, doing home dec projects - all new pillow covers, duvet etc for maximus (my dog) and my bed.

    As far as your coat project you should consider, hate me for it, the DKNY look. Choose color in the city, bright yellow, green, red, traffic light, taxi cab, neon green or go out on a limb with fuchsia. The silver will look great and fit in the city well maybe with a black polar fleece lining.

    Happy sewing

  10. That black and white is going to be a traffic stopper which should be great in NYC. I am guilty of getting messy and I have a whole room to sew but I don't think I could handle a sewing machine collection. I collect thimbles. 400 take up less space than a treadle sewing machine

  11. I was doing the same today. Listing three on Craigslist and two on the way to a thrift store. Feels good just making the decision to make space.

  12. *sigh* I need do do this too.....10 sewing machines (at last count?), more patterns and fabric than I can poke a stick at. It's not conducive to happy sewing, is it? Good luck with your de-stashing! Sounds like it's well under way :-)

  13. Once you've organized it makes you want to mess it up again by making something, LOL. The one thing I've been trying to stick to is that every time I stop working on something I gotta clean up my space and keep it clean. So far so good. A parka outta that fabric is going to be FUN!!!

  14. That print needs a bold accent color. What about piping in the seam detail?

  15. I have...possibly too much of that silver, and it's really good for accents and EXCELLENT for Tin Woodman costumes. I think I got it for a robot costume for one of the pesky children and they each politely declined.

    Take their hint.

  16. I know exactly how you feel, yesterday I decluttered as well, I couldn't get to my sewing machine for the mountain of stuff surrounding it and it was getting me down, now it's beautifully clear, you could hold a dance in my sewing area, ahhhh!!!!

  17. Sewing in a clean environment is the best. A few years ago when I was a student, Mr.Man and I lived with his parents. We mainly stayed in his room as the apartment had three rooms and I didn't want to create a huge mess in the living room where everyone hung out. So my home sewing projects were all put together on my computer table(which is a bit on the small side) So imagine my Bernina, my mouse, mousepad, keyboard and computer screen all on the same little table. It was horrible. Now I have enough space in the studio and I try to keep it as clean and clutter free as possible cause I don't feel motivated when I have to fight for space.

    And I looooove the psychedelic black and white fabric! It looks so cool and special. Can't wait til your anorak is finished! :)

    1. "I don't feel motivated when I have to fight for space." This is the sum of how I'm feeling right now. All I have to do is hem a skirt, but there are so many distractions around that skirt!

      Thank you for expressing it so perfectly. I'm about to get out of bed, have a coffee, and tackle the problem before going to work.

  18. I call that an anorak as well. So glad you've decluttered and have your eyes on a new project already. Love the black and white trippy fabric. :)

  19. Peter, bravo on the decluttering. The psychedelic fabric is gorgeous! Good luck making the anorak. I'm sure that it will be wonderful.

  20. I've only just learnt that sewing clutter free is better! And I'm not a very tidy person at all!

  21. Wow! Nice decluttering work and love, love, love that fabric!

  22. Oh, I've been looking for one of those little machines. Aaaagh!

  23. Wow, who knew there was a secret sweatshop hidden away at the back of MPB headquarters! It's looking much better. I've been in a major purge mode this week too. It's good to liberate oneself from clutter!

  24. I only get rid of machines in order to make room for others. No such thing as too many!

  25. When it comes to decluttering, you are my hero. I love, love that fabric and can’t wait to see the project!

  26. Wait! The City has a Whole Foods??? When did that happen? This is a good thing.

  27. If I don't use it I don't buy it. I only have one sewing machine. I did have two vintage machines and I gave them away. I am not a big fan of vintage sewing machines they just don't do the things I want and need. They look good though. I don't have fabric stashes, although I wish I did some days. I buy the fabric I need to make the project and then move on to the next. I hate clutter and stuff everywhere that I will probably never use or unlikely to use.

    I love the fabric you chose and great job at decluttering.

  28. You will make a really fun parka with that black and white fabric. I find that having a lot of clutter around me makes me feel crazy. I always feel better when my work area is neat and organized. Kudos to you for decluttering.

  29. so what's the sewing machine count now? I agree - having to fight to find room to sew can be a mojo-squasher. I've come to the conclusion, it's not the lack of space (at least after a certain point) but lack of discipline on my part. It's sort of like the advice about leaving the bobbins full and needle threaded ready for the next session.

    1. I should have a better count by the end of the week.

  30. Who's a pretty Viking? Yes you're a pretty Viking!


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