Sep 6, 2014

The Mystery of the Missing Mojo

Readers, I can't explain it.

Maybe it's the weather (humid).  Maybe it's my energy (flagging).  Maybe it's my mental state (distracted).

My sewing mojo has, inexplicably, vanished.

I expect to solve this mystery soon.  (Or to have someone solve it for me)

I hope to be back soon.

Have a great week, everybody, and happy sewing!


  1. Strange, isn't it!?! We all seem to need a vacation after a vacation. My boss said that a 2 week vacation was really 6 weeks long; 2 weeks to plan and talk about it, 2 weeks of actual vacation, and 2 weeks just "out of it" and talking about it. I say just enjoy it!

  2. Sounds like a case for N. Drew!
    But really, I'm lacking as well thanks to a job involving beaded Cleopatra armor.

  3. I say .. I can't believe it took this long to happen, you have been doing some intense sewing, managing this blog .. it's been your life

    you needed some time off ... i am sure going forward you will find some balance maybe a job outside the home, other interests and a balanced life with your sewing

    1. I wanted to add, my experience with sewing is it goes in sprints, sometimes I will make a lot of new things, other times I will have a mountain of alterations to do.

      I typically find between these batch sewing sessions I take a long break until I find some new inspiration. Sometimes, a new pattern, interesting fabric will get me going again. I also find inspiration from watching runway collections for ideas. It is always interesting to pull several looks from a runway collection and recreate them for yourself.

      Putting the sewing machine away for a few weeks is not a bad thing and I think burn out is typical. I still don't know how you made this far without getting burnt out.

  4. Welcome to the club. In my opinion it's the weather. I generally do not touch a needle and thread between July and September. I used to beat myself up over it but now I've made peace with it and I find I'm more productive during the cooler months and I make less mistakes.

    1. You know, I've think you've hit it on the head, there - I've been the same. In fact, haven't really been inspired since May. I think it is the summer weather; I really want to be outside enjoying it after that horrendous winter.

  5. I do hope you get your Mojo back. I wanted you to know that I always enjoy reading your posts so have nominated you for the "One Lovely Blog Award". Please do not feel that you need to participate but I hope that you get more readers as a result of my nomination.

  6. Just let the feeling wash over will pass, it always does.

  7. My mojo has gone walkabout lately as well. I think it is this time of the year for me; just have to ride these out.
    But when you've been sewing as intensely as you have for as long as you have, a minor mojo mishap is bound to happen.

  8. Take inventory of what you have done thus far - you have been more productive in eight months than most people could be in a 10 years.

    Spend time with the dogs and enjoy your days in new ways; the world has something for you to find elsewhere.

    Time to wander (and blog about it).

  9. My sewing mojo has been missing since March and I am oh so broken hearted! I started sewing as work (you know, for money) and then started having full on panic attacks when I tried to sit down at my machine. Needless to say I had to back right out of those plans even though they were fabulous and creative and everything I thought I had dreamed of... But still no mojo. I'm in the process of moving into my own home and I'm hoping that might do the trick. The mojo is telling you something... but what?

  10. What!? is this a contagious disease? The weather?! I have about 5 projects cut out and some started and they are just sitting there. I am never like this! I am praying for cool weather, maybe that will rescue me. Ps. I haven't gone anywhere on vacation.

  11. It happens. Enjoy the break and in no time at all you will find something that inspires you.

  12. I'm going to suggest (as you've posted the Margaret Rutherford picture) have you considered knitting?

  13. Honey, you made curtains. Put your feet up and rest! I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

  14. The amount of beautiful things you make, I'm not surprised your tired! You have sewers block! When I'm meh about sewing I switch to knitting, when I'm meh about knitting I start embroidery, when I'm meh about embroidery I start sewing!!! Im a very sporadic crafter! X

  15. You deserve a spa day with Cathy. New shoes and some pampering maybe some window shopping. Soon you will get a fresh start and some inspiration.

  16. Heard so many people say the same and I feel it too. For me it's the time of year, I've got six Autumn projects planned, got fabric, patterns and even notions for all of them but just can't bring myself to start. Think I'm not ready to let go of summer just yet! Hoping this doldrum limbo will pass soon and I'm sure your mojo will turn up! X

  17. I say a trip to Australia would solve it all :)

    I say time to have a break from your typical sewing, and expand outwards a bit. Does dyeing take your fancy? Creating your own textiles? Volunteering with a theatre/dance/ballet/broadway's costume department for week? Making

  18. Your sewjo will return when you don't chase it.

  19. It's this weather. It makes me feel like moving far, far away!

  20. i think it's the fact that it suddenly felt like fall during the last week of august, and everyone was sad, then september came and brought a heatwave, and now everyone's mad. our guts are confused.

  21. Don't worry, your sewing/creating spirit will be back. I think everyone goes through this: ideas by the bucketful: every piece of cloth you see is an inspiration; sewing until your fingers drop off - then nothing. The muse has to rest occasionally. She'll be back. Go have fun doing something else for a while and rest your brain.

  22. Vacation messes me up. Takes me awhile to get back to "reality" afterwards. Sometimes, when the muse goes on vacation, I have to clear my head of any previously planned projects and go with something else. Other times I chase down the muse and FORCE her into submission, finding when I do it turns out she was just messing with me all along.

    That said, don't sweat it. In the mean time, occupy your time doing something you really hate and I bet your mojo miraculously reappears before you know it. ;)

  23. Start a quilt! That will bring your garment mojo back.

  24. Enjoy pizza and a movie! Maybe it's time do some "stuff ditching" to see if you need anything new. Take a break until something catches your eye and inspires you to sew. Or spend some time pawing through all your lovely sewing patterns and really look at them. Every single one of them. Hold the envelopes and take in the art, the lines, and the descriptions. There has to be something in there that you forgot about but still want to make. Maybe there are some unwanted patterns and you could have a giveaway for your lovely readers. You've done so much sewing, you could even hold a contest and inspire others to sew, too. You could kick your feet up for a while and just pick the winner!

  25. Mine went for about eight months and juat popped back this week.............................I filled the time with fabric buying. I could open a shop. Hope your mojo is back soon Peter for your sake and also for us readers.

  26. Unlike virginity, you can always get it back.

  27. Maybe you are suffering from vacation withdrawal. I felt exactly the same way when my vacation was over.

  28. It's funny but I've noticed that all of your Stylin' Sisters and Men otc have been kind of silent lately. Maybe it's a virus.

  29. Find new walks with your dogs. Splash around a fountain. Take a book to read outdoors on a park bench.Take time to talk to your neighbours about how they are spending summer's dwindling days. Kick some autumn leaves around. Borrow a kid's kite and fly it.Discover a library branch or subway stop you normally don't go to. Hang out with tourists. Take a sketchpad or cellphone or camera to remember interesting ideas or people that day on your travels.
    Teach yourself a few new cooking dishes for fall-maybe you need a new casserole in your menu rotation. Do you have any friends working in the trades that would let you hang with them for a morning? Just to see how a typical day goes with them? Maybe you can help a senior with grocery shopping.

  30. It is only two months to Halloween. :)

  31. This happens in Sept when the weather gives us an inkling of Fall coming and we are sick of zucchini and cherry tomatoes. When I can't seem to get the desire to sew on things I am supposed to be finishing, I clean my sewing room...not surface, really get on my knees (ouch) and get the corners and under the loveseat and dust under everything and wash windows...until there is a vacancy to fill with inspiration the air and your mind will stay stagnant. Churn it up, Peter, disturb the dust bunnies, buy some baskets and organize the end of summer mess we all seem to have and the mojo will return along with Cousin Cathy for a great visit and plans for a Halloween costume no doubt!

  32. I'm sure it will return, just don't think about it. You've been creating a variety of items lately so when it does "creep" back your going to sew something awesome. I already know.

  33. Unlike most home sewers, you sew a lot. When you do a lot of something you do lose that zip. I don't know of anyone who has the time to sew as much as you do, unless it is their profession. Maybe you could design your own patterns or re-do your sewing center. Lots of things you could do.

    By the way, I have that movie in a collection of "Miss Marples" .

  34. I'm not at all surprised your sewjo has dwindled. You've been knocking things our like you are a contestant on Project Runway! And drapes on top of it all!

    Here's what I like to do when I lose the will to overcast. Pick a date about 3 or 4 weeks into the future. No sewing or fabric hunting until that date! About a week before you'll start to feel the urge to look at fabric. If you are disciplined about it and don't cheat, the date will arrive with great excitement to fire up that old Singer. It will springload you back into form just like the old days. Look out Mood... Peter's back!

    Meanwhile.... binge watch and brunch.

  35. Peter-- take a break. enjoy it. it will come back in spades.

  36. My desire to do my favorite things, running and sewing, had been away for more than a month. Yesterday, admission to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston was free, so I went. I visited my favorite painting, The Bone Player. The musician depicted looks so relaxed and into what he's doing, I couldn't help being inspired and invigorated. Tonight, after work, I had an amazing run. During my break today, I ordered underlining and lining for a skirt, fabric for four sweaters, and fabric for a t-shirt. (Nevermind that, now, I'm actually looking forward to making two knit dresses and finishing a skirt that's been a UFO since July.)

  37. You're welcome to do a "life swap" with me. Breakfast at 6:15, school run at 7:00, incomprehensible 7th grade homework that you will Google to finish, serving dinner to crabby people while listening to a running commentary about the stock market...meanwhile, I'll be cranking out vintage Claire McCardell dresses from your well-oiled machines and hollering showtunes, with Michael playing skillfully in the background. Then we'll call for take-out and watch some old movies. Sadly for me, you and your mojo will be back in within 36 hours.

  38. A class or workshop might be a pick-me-up.
    I love taking classes. I sign up for Craftsy online sewing classes all the time. I like to watch them even if I don't sew along. Anyway, don't worry some sewing project will pique your interests , never fear.
    Maybe an outfit to wear to a special occasion????

  39. Mate, try 'mayo' inbetween, please.
    a) sounds similar and Mojo seems to be just the translation of 'mayo of the mind' ;-)
    b) provides strength

    ... aaand I'll run away fast, before you find at least some temporary Mojo to throw something after me ;-)

    Coockoo, this is a cheer-up attempt from down-under.
    Peter please back to fans - fans in panic ?

    LG, Gerlinde

    PS: please don't blame the entire nation - most of us are just fine and not even HALF as cheeky as I am - serious !

  40. I understand your lost mojo. Sometimes we just need a mental health day, or month or however long it takes to get back on track. Only you will know when you're ready. I used to take mental health days when I was in the work force and have encouraged my kids to do the same ;-) See you soon and take care.

  41. I've lost MOJO for years at the time. It always comes back, or changes to another interest. Now, I am putting the mojo onto schooling. How about another class?

  42. Have a good rest Peter and come back when you want to blog again.

  43. I've always found that I never have any mojo for anything at the later part of summer and winter, the most boring times of the year. Conversely, my best work usually happens around transitionary seasons, like fall and spring. It's something you can't really fight, but often it's short lived.

  44. Watch the sequel to "Cat People." The old one.

  45. Hope you don't mind but I shared this on my Facebook page and my sewing friends and I had only this week been wondering why we come up with a million reasons not to sew yet we love doing it, clearly we've lost our Sewing Mojo as well - plus I happen to think Margaret Rutherford was the best Miss Marple ever

  46. Peter a week in barbados will solve your missing Mojo


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