Aug 15, 2014

Getting Started on My Wacky Patterned Shirt

I was back at the sewing machine today, but I spent most of my time laying out and cutting my fabric.

I did a pretty good matching job -- not perfect, but not bad.

Here's the back (cut on the straight grain), where the back piece meets the yoke (cut on the cross grain -- thanks, guys, for the idea!):

The back is a little hard on the eyes, especially with that center pleat, but the collar should help -- or hurt!

I cut the inside yoke out of purple gingham from my stash.  You can just see it peeking through below:

There will be a little button loop on the left front collar neckline to fasten the collar -- I love these.

I expect to finish the shirt tomorrow; I'm done for the day.

In other news -- gifts!

MPB reader Cheryl S. (of the blog, Thimble Fingers) sent me the most awesome throw pillows she made for me.  (I suspect she's trying to encourage my home dec toe-dipping and freshened-up living room.)  The workmanship on these is amazing.

Thank you again, Cheryl!  (Cheryl has an Etsy store where she sells more of her handiwork -- check it out.)

Meanwhile, reader Michael C. has sent me fabric yet again!  Look at this cotton shirting with a pattern of....cotton shirts!

I have some awesome readers!

Finally, our morning glories are blooming at long last.  (OK, the flowers are on the wrong side of the balcony railing but what can you do?)

Have a great day, everybody!


  1. A shirt printed with shirts!?!? YESSSSS!!!

  2. Glad you like them. I like the look with the sofa. They are inspired by the painting and the whole mid-century vibe.

  3. Great work Peter, the pattern matching and impeccable construction. I'm just reading David Coffin's shirt making book, some great ideas still trying to learn to do a perfect welted seam instead of serge and top stitch. Any pointers ? By the way, your point turning on the collar is terrific, any suggestion on technique?

    Thanks in advance

  4. That shirt print fabric is hilarious! Love it! You are doing an awesome job matching that print.

  5. A shirt, pillow gifts, fabric gifts, Morning Glories...MPB is a lifestyle.

  6. Love that pattern placing on the back of your shirt. I am looking forward to seeing the finished item.
    How lucky to have readers that send you gifts! Those cushions are beautiful!
    Wow that shirt printed cotton looks fun! What are you going to make out of that?

  7. Wow. So much eye candy! What a glory-ous morning it is. :) Your shirt looks awesome, the pillows are perfect and I can't wait to see your cotton shirt from cotton shirting of cotton shirts.

  8. It no small wonder that MPB is a life choice!

  9. You have nice friends! Love the pillows! Love the mid century look! Your apartment is transforming before our eyes! Your shirt is fantastic and love the shirts fabric!

  10. The morning glory goes nicely with your shirt!

  11. I like that print! Should make a great shirt for either of you. I'm in the middle of canning season here, so won't be sitting down to sewing for at least another month... but I'll have a fully stocked pantry for winter!

  12. Ah! That print is so fun, and very pretty colours. I LOVE the shirt printed shirting fabric, it's so you.

  13. Love the shirt print, and the zippers on the pillows rock my socks. Zipper mastery is underrated!


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