Mar 17, 2014

BREAKING: Peter Models the Man-Skirt at Mood!

Today's the day.

My March runway-inspired man-skirt ensemble is now live -- just click here.

The looks I'm drawing from are, 1) unconventional pattern mixing from Issey Miyake:

2) Miyake's use of pleated polyester:

And of course, 3) the man-skirt (also drawing on Yohji Yamamoto and Comme des garcons):

Not to mention, 4) my own sensibilities, plus Mood's fantastic fabric selection!

Readers, I hope you like it but I'm OK if you don't: fashion is play, after all.

Have a great day, everybody!


  1. SeamsterEast (at) aol.comMarch 17, 2014 at 12:08 PM

    Nice touches on the Mood photos. Ice/snow in the background, a Naval Watch Cap style stocking cap, large size circle dark sunglasses, a three-day growth of gray beard, and combat boots with stockings pulled out. Good on ya.

    Ever consider yet another avocation of say photography?

    1. That's not snow, that's garbage! LOL

    2. I admit I was skeptical but you really pulled this look off. Congratulations!

  2. Love love the shirt. I like the whole look except for the print of the skirt but you look amazing anyway!

  3. You look sensational! Love to see a man think outside the box!

  4. I can't see a link to the site. I would love to see it.

    1. The link is at the end of the first sentence above.

  5. Now, this outfit really expresses Male Pattern Boldness! I particularly love the shirt--I think the prints look great together and it looks like it would be very cool and breathable, should summer ever arrive.

  6. I love the outfit, and good for you for making what you wanted and ignoring the naysayers. I would really like to experiment with print mixing the way you did on your shirt, I just loved the way it turned out.

  7. The shirt is wonderful. The shocking part in Iowa is less a man in a skirt, than anyone in that third pattern of pink dots. The skirt pattern is too silly. Overall, you look amazing though!

  8. Wow! That really 'outside the box'. I'm not sure if I like the look or not but I think it's great you went ahead and made this.
    Couldn't help noticing one thing though: I think now you know what's so dangerous about narrow wrap skirts...

  9. The shirt is my favorite piece, especially styled with the hat. You definitely nailed the runway inspiration.

  10. the bold pattern mixing of the shirt works, you have the personality to pull of that look. The skirt, enh. maybe it was the fabric choice because you don't look bad in the skirt, the shawl made it go all old lady for me. bravo for having some fun and being bold!!

  11. Great shirt Peter! Ya didn't show enough leg for my liking.

    As this trend continues, it will be interesting to see how high the hemlines go on the runways.

    Does Phil Donahue get any recognition for his pioneering talk show episodes done in a skirt?

  12. Every item in the outfit looks fantastic and even better when you are wearing it. Gorgeous.

  13. I was just looking at pinterest and thinking how tired I am of everyone wanting to the same and then went to your Mood photo shoot. How refreshing to see someone expressing their own sense of style. I love how you pulled all those elements together AND did it with pattern mixing. I really want a shirt like that now.

  14. Oh so cool! BUT love that you dont take it seriously too fun fun fun and smiling back at ya!

  15. Menswear is so boring isn't it? This is certainly not boring and you wear it with panache. Don't know if there is anywhere that this won't attract attention, but who cares? It looks great on you.

  16. Love the shirt and I don't mind the idea of a man in a skirt. But, there is just something about the whole ensemble that reminds me of what I put on to clean the cat's litter pan. One person mentioned the skirt print being too cute ( kinda Anne Hall ? ) as well as the hat, that might be throwing the whole look off for me.

  17. My comment got eaten, so I'll try again.
    I LOVE the shirt, and couldn't have imagined such awesomeness from that combo of prints when you first posted them.
    I'm not feeling the skirt, and not because it's a skirt. I think it would look better in a more substantial, heavier, textured fabric. But what do I know about men's skirts?!?

  18. Pics 9 and 15 are high-fashion worthy in my eyes. I particularly like the shirt.

  19. Awesome pattern mixing and styling! You look so great!

  20. I thought I would hate it, and I found I didn't! I totally got it - which means you executed the look perfectly!

  21. Love it. The shirt really rocks it. Some of the inspiration pictures show at least one solid non pattern garment. They almost look hasdiac/luddite/amish vibe. ( I don't know how else to explain it. no offense to anyone). I do love your stuff.

  22. I love the pieces; not sure I love them all together. On the other hand, I don't know if it's the shirt and man-shirt with your styling or Michael's ability to translate his feelings into his photography, but in the photos without the shawl, you read super masculine and super hot.

  23. Totally cool!

    Just asked my SO how he'd feel about wearing a skirt. Apparently he'll be happy to do so as soon as it becomes more common practice (he's not much of a statement-maker). I'd say he's not alone.

    It's the brave visionaries like you who are the future of menswear!

  24. A lot going on here but it meets the challenge as required. I commend you for taking it on and taking it to the street.

  25. Peter, I love that you are a risk-taker and such a great sport when your work provokes a lot of opinions (that means you're doing something right, eh?). Love it and glad you went for it.

  26. (o) Peter " less is more". Miyake on steroids ' but I liked the shirt. You really don't like monochrome do you ! lol

  27. You are working those cobblestone streets like a catwalk. I love the man skirt.

  28. Love the shirt...the skirt seems a little floaty... Maybe a heavier weight fabric. Laughed at how it kept blowing open...I learned an embarrassing lesson about wrap skirts as a teen...those up drafts around tall buildings can be quite a surprise! Keep on rocking .

  29. As Tim Gunn would say. "That's a lotta look." I'll bet is was fun to sew, however.

  30. Is the shawl simply a rectangle of fabric, or did you use a pattern?
    Love it all!

    1. It's just two yards of fabric (the bolt is approx. 60" wide). Since it's a tight knit, no seam finishes are necessary.

  31. Peter, it was fantastic! I was really unsure when you were planning it, but I'm impressed. I think the footwear chosen gave the proper proportion and the black shawl/stole gave visual weight to the patterns, allowing the eye somewhere to rest, as well as giving the whole outfit a certain elan.

    Really, I'm terribly impressed with how you pulled off the whole thing--planning, constructing, and wearing it.

  32. Oh my days.The one with your shopping bag looks like my nan. I am finding it difficult to type because I can't stop laughing. Annie in London.


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