Sep 15, 2013

Draping the Blues Away

Readers, I've been battling a cold for the last few days and, as a result, feeling glum, and I needed to do something to lift my spirits today, so I decided to play.

I grabbed some fabric from my stash and just started draping it on my dress form (Princess Grace), simply to see what it felt like.  I loved it!  I didn't cut anything or try to create a real garment, but rather to improvise and explore how the fabric looked draped in different ways.  Some of the results look more like garments than others, but the experience got my creative juices flowing and distracted me for a few hours from feeling lousy.  I used only a few pins here and there and tied a piece of elastic around the waistline to hold the fabric there where needed.

I started with this vintage print I picked up earlier this year at the flea market.  I think it's a cotton rayon blend, but I'm not certain; it drapes quite heavily.  I didn't even iron it but just draped it wrinkles and all, but pretty soon it took on a life all its own.

Next, I chose a long piece of a red and white striped cotton, also from the flea market.  It was fascinating to see how the stripes looked when vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines were combined.

This has a sort of Audrey Hepburn look to it, no?

Finally, I played with roughly five yards of an Ascher Studios cotton print I bought last year at Fabrics For Less.  Even though it's polished cotton, it looks a bit like taffeta.  Like the purple fabric above, this is a print that was meant to be draped.

There's something about seeing fabric hanging on a body form that's inspiring to me and makes me see possibilities that I wouldn't otherwise have if I'd started with a paper pattern.  We'll see how it goes from here, I guess.

Happy Sunday, everybody!


  1. the last pic of the red white cotton print is so promising...continue on this ... would love your sweet cousin wearing this. compliments from Germany. keep on Rocking - you more than once made my day

  2. I can't imagine how you fit this "stuff" into your apartment. All of the fabric and machines - I hope you still have the toy singer - and got treadmills.

    You are a true inspiration.

  3. Got?!? Dog, I meant.

  4. This is how toga parties begin.....

  5. Peter, you are already a Master Draper!! I stand in awe. xo

  6. You're in a league all your own. I'm convinced you were a couturier in a past life.


  7. Hi! Never posted before to anyone's blog, but I absolutely adore you! You are my inspiration! I wish I was as smart and talented as you! I find that if I am afraid of trying something new, I won't try it, for fear of failing....but not you!

    1. Susi, you must start small and enjoy the process and don't worry about the results; with time we all get better.

  8. Hey maybe you're ready to go on project runway! I think you've got draping down! Maybe just a pattern making class? You have a lot of fans to root for you! Holley in Roseville MN

  9. Very cool Peter. The next thing you know you'll be a fashion designer :).

    Feel better!

  10. Fun!

    Nothing like playing with fabric to help you feel better!

    Have a feeling we're going to be seeing an entirely new side to your creations!


  11. Go to, go to, Peter! Draping looks so fascinating but unknowable for me. I may have to try this myself. I have the perfect teacher just waiting for me to say yes and she'll reveal the secrets. Now I think I'll never forgive myself if I don't accept her offer. Will be watching your progress with rapt attention.

  12. Have you seen Couture Allure's recent post on the Great Drapo?

    1. I had seen that once a long time ago but it never gets old. Thanks for posting the link!

      I would not want to get my hem caught in a car door in one of those dresses. ;)

  13. Excited to see where you go with this. I watched some draping on You Tube, I believe one dress was from a Paris design studio. Anway, how do you get the design off the form to sew? They uses so many pin.


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