Aug 14, 2013

Men's (Fitted) Fall Fashion Post!

Friends, taking advantage of a break between rainstorms yesterday, I managed -- with Michael's help of course -- to photograph my coffee-colored shirt and navy twill pants.  Oh, and my silk tie D-ring belt too!

Thanks to the miracle of technology, you can see our photo shoot live today over at the Mood Sewing Network, simply by clicking here.

For those of you who think my pants are a scad on the shortish side, rest assured that for the shoot I simply basted them up quickly and can add another inch (or two) if I choose; I wanted to wait in case they shrink in the wash.  Deciding on pants length gives me agita, frankly.  (How to make sense of this?)

I know tan is not my usual thing, and the outfit is on the subdued side for me, but I think it's a refreshing change of pace: you can't wear patchwork madras every day, can you?

Happy Wednesday, everybody!


  1. You did a beautiful job, makes me want to try to be brave enough to try something for my husband. You look like you might have been shopping in Italy.

  2. Great pictures but the highlight for me is definitely the belt. Thanks for posting a tutorial yesterday!

  3. I'm so impressed with your outfit, Peter. It's quite elegant. I read somewhere to disregard pictures of modeled pants when trying to decide on pant length, because models tend to have longer legs than the average person. Pants should be as long as possible to lengthen one's leg line. Bootcuts should skim the ground. Straight legs should "break" over the shoe. I think I've been hemming all my pants too short for ages :)

    1. I don't buy it. Old advice, and I'm an OLD one, and. . . I'm tired of pants dragging the ground and breaking all over the shoe. Just makes for early ugly wear marks. I'm all for the shorter lengths. Now, that said, the link to the Nordstrom pants that are obviously a little radical with that cuff barely covering his knees. Ok, they cover his knees and more, but still, who is going to wear those - not to mention that it shows up in my location (EURO) as 720 Euros for the Cashmere Wool blend. That is like a thousand dollars! Geez I must be even older than I thought. Inflation has outpaced my world.

    2. I've always disliked "the break". It makes the most luxurious look slovenly and I can't seem to adjust to it. Did Cary Grant's clothier indulge in "the break"?

  4. I'm so glad you clarified the pants length. I think the outfit is fantastic, but while looking at the photos, I did think the pants were shorter than I would have them. Hemming pants is not easy and full of potential errors. I have to shorten my husband's pants due to his short stature and I always get nervous that I will make them too short.

  5. Great style! Love the color combo and the slim fit!
    However, despite it being very(!) fashionable, I'd prefer the pants a tad longer. I think some styles (e.g. higher hems on mens pants) just need longer to get accustomed to. I'm not there yet.

  6. That's a great classic and stylish outfit, the belt adds a little 'Peter'. It all looks really good on you.

  7. Yours look great...but $890 for a pair of pants that look like you couldn't find your size OR look like you were out wading? I mean "really???"

  8. Peter, forget about "Color me beautiful"! This color combination suit you so great and looks very elegant! I also agree that the lenght of pants should makes the legs longer, not the contrary, like in the case of short hems. The models are very tall and this does not matter for them, but is specially for us small people an important detail. Great job!

  9. The coffee shirt is beautiful, not at all subdued to my eye. Very stylish.

  10. Perhaps I'm over-the-hill but "in my day" we used to call pants the length of those Thom Brown trousers "high water pants". On the other hand, I think I (mostly) like today's anything goes fashion world. Freedom is a good thing and what better area to exercise it than in fashion where one's craziest choices hurt no one?

    Love your outfit. Nice colors and the belt is awesome.

  11. The Nordstrom site says that you buy them unhemmed. This was an awkward way to show that, however. Does anyone pay this much for a pair of pants? Does Thom Browne come over and hem them for you at least?

  12. Love the belt! What's next? A collarless tweed jacket to pick up both colors in that outfit ala Chanel? Pockets to match the shirt? Or something similar with a Peter-twist? :)

  13. I love this outfit. It looks like the sort of thing you will wear a lot, a "real life" outfit. It makes me thing about the difference between bloggable and wearable, exciting/eye catching and chic. Re the dog hair on the navy twill. I recently made a pair of navy twill pants. The fabric was covered with dog and cat hair (mainly chinchilla cat hair) before I even cut it out, and has remained hairy. If I put them in the dryer, most of the pet hair is caught in the lint filter. Not, of course, all. Oh well, I love my pets!

  14. nice outfit and great that you made it yourself...... except the shoes & socks of course LOL

    I like the collar-less shirts.

    as for the trouser leg length I was always lead to believe that you stand with no shoes on and the back should just touch the floor (or a wee torty bit shorter), then when you add the shoes the heel will take them up, just enough to NOT drag on the floor

  15. I just watched this chihuahua yoga video, your dogs may be interested

  16. When are going to take orders for this outfit? It's fabulous!

  17. Your clothes are so well-fitted, they look expensive.

  18. Love those colours and the fit! Re pants length : we who are not blessed with average and above leg length need to take width into account as well as length. I quite like my skinny leg pants ending at the top of the foot, but not the straight legs. Those turn-ups in the pic. do nothing for me. On the other hand I think my 23 year old and petite all over daughter looks very cute when she just rolls up the too-long-legs of her new jeans, so maybe if her brothers rolled up their suit trousers I'd like the look. But only maybe!

  19. Such a pulled together look. It's sometimes difficult to assemble a casual look with a sophisticated edge, but you did it. Muted, but not boring, traditional with twists.

    Just an excellent result, head to toe.

  20. Looks great and don't worry about the heat. When I woke up this morning (in Ohio) it was 47 degrees. In August! Cool weather coming your way.

  21. Ha! I just got the connection with the sheet music image -- slow this morning! Love the outfit, though!

  22. Wow Peter, great coordination of style of color. I don't always like some of your fabric choices, but lately they have been great. You look as though you have been put together by one of those celebrity stylists.

  23. Others have said it all. Looks great. The color combo works better than I expected and the outfit looks very high-end.


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