Jul 19, 2013

Return to the Planet of the Y-Fronts

Readers, it's one thing to be defeated by a men's tailored suit jacket, but Y-front underwear?  No way!

Maybe it's a male thing, or a Taurus thing, or a me thing, but I had to give these briefs another go.  This time I used remnants from my Jalie underwear project from -- when was that again?  It feels like months.

Meanwhile, it is SO hot here it's not even funny.  Even the dogs are tuckered out.

I used the red stripe knit for the body of the briefs and the gray solid for all the trim.

I cut the crotch panels on the bias just for fun.

This time around I was much more careful attaching my elastic to my leg binding first, and only then attaching the binding to the briefs.  I have most success stitching (and topstitching) with a narrow zigzag -- so narrow in fact that I can still use my straight stitch foot, which provides the best visibility.

And voila!

Given the heat, I consider this is a complete outfit.  Handy!

Friends, I think it is time for me to take a nap in my crate. 

Have a great day, everybody!


  1. I love your series about pirate underwear! My little boy have those Y opening on his brief too, but I have no idea if or how I could teach him to use it!!

    In case you need any advice from a 2 yo, he says it is super cool to put your nose in when using it as a hat!

    1. After reading yesterday's comments, I would say he's doing it right!

  2. Is there a connection between Y-fronts and Planet of the Apes? Or is it between our current heat wave and the repeated shots of walls of flame?

    1. I think I was inspired by Charleton Heston in a loincloth.

  3. How can you sew when it is so HOT? I just can't face anything remotely taxing when I'm sweltering. Today's undies are a great improvement over yesterday's.

  4. Ok, you have conquered the y-front brief. Now you can move on with your life.

  5. Just the cutest thing ever!! I mean you in them! And they turned out so much better than yesterday's.

  6. Go forth and conquer, and you did! Also looks as if the fit is right on! Now the question: Do you like to wear them? Good job!

  7. Just too, too cute.

  8. That version of the underwears not so bad. But what happened to the tailored jacket? What did I miss? I make men's tailored jackets all day long, by hand, with my own patterns and I don't think I could make a pair of briefs that good if my life depended on it. Come on dude get with the jacket. You can do it.

    1. This might sound like a dumb question when you mean by hand, do you mean every part? Or just some parts. I can't imagine making a jacket only by hand. To be honest I haven't made a jacket.

    2. I generally never use the sewing machine when I make a jacket. All seems, padstitching, lining, everything by hand. If I'm making a linen jacket I will use a the machine on the back, side and arm seams. But with wool the machine sits in the corner and it usually hand work all the way. The seams are stronger a bit more flexible and less stressful on the fabric.

    3. Curious... Where do you work?

  9. I am much more impressed with your new undies than the dogs appear to be. And your skill in modeling them is superb. Doesn't it feel grand to conquer something that seemed to flummox you? Good going, Petah!

  10. Peter:
    But does the hole in the front work for you? Or do you still pull the elastic waist-band down in the bathroom ?

    Inquiring minds want to know!

  11. Delightful photos-- and I like the bias cut crotch.

  12. If there were "Y-front" openings on nursing bras many of the women-folk would have experienced the genital gymnastics involved in utilizing this "feature".

  13. One of my earliest memories was seeing my brother demonstrate the Y flap for the neighbors. He was a mere tot and right out of diapers. It was a skill set he had just learned and he was proud. This was probably 1965, but I still remember the bemused expression on the face of the next door neighbor.

  14. I think the Charleston link is that the Y front is good for men that engage in "something in your crotch" activities. Cowboys, cyclists. You don't have a seams rubbing where its not wanted. Plus the style has some "enhancement" qualities.....

  15. You are adorable. Nice Y front undies!

  16. I used up ends of spandex on a Kwik Sew underwear pattern and ended up piecing some colours together to get enough fabric (I made 7 pairs). A couple pairs look very superhero, as a result. I like your superhero/underoo look, will have to make something similar for my husband!
