Jun 13, 2013

Pink Linen Love

Readers, do you remember how last summer I made myself a linen shirt with the pink linen pictured above?

It was a rather droopy, medium weight linen, and the shirt I made with it is one of my favorites  -- especially because it requires only minimal ironing: I wear it somewhat wrinkly.

You may also recall that last week when I bought my cotton madras, I also bought a couple of yards of a very different sort of pink linen.  This one is slightly sheer, and where last year's linen was droopy, this one has a much crisper hand.  It's also very pale.

Today I started making a shirt with it, to wear with my madras shorts.  I mixed sewing patterns, using my standard Butterick for the main body of the shirt, but adapting the sleeve from Vogue 8889, which has a higher sleeve cap, which results in a slightly more fitted sleeve.

I also widened my shoulder yoke an inch (and shortened the back accordingly).

I'm sewing this shirt on my Singer 15-91; the Bernina is taking a break.

Unlike with the madras shirt, this time I decided to make real flat-felled seams at the shoulders instead of fake ones.  It's a bit more work to trim the seams and fold them over, but since the shirt is slightly sheer, you do see the seams.

I still have to add the collar stand and collar, buttonholes, etc., but it's coming along smoothly.   I hope to finish it tomorrow.

In other news, our apartment has regained some semblance of order; this phase (the second of three) of our construction project is winding down.

And this week our CSA (short for "Community Supported Agriculture") has begun -- farm-fresh vegetables (and soon fruit) from now until Thanksgiving!

I hope your sewing is going well, friends, and don't forget the salads.

Happy Thursday!


  1. I am just getting to put my machine out for a little while, then our place gets taken apart for new flooring and moving in the MIL.....by mid August, I should be able to sew on a daily basis...ahhhhhh
    Your finished pile inspires me and shames me all at the same time. lo
    And I ♥ linen too, especially a tad rumply.

  2. The stitching on the front of your shirt is beautiful! I've never had a stitching line as nice as yours on my current machine - Pfaff 1222E. Now, my old Kenmore . . . . . don't remember the model number, that was a different story. Traded it on the Pfaff.

  3. I don't even know how I came across your blog but I'm loving it! You are so creative and the sewing is something not many men can do! Love your blog and since I'm the sort of guy who appreciates creative talent, I'm bookmarking your blog to read through the weekend ;-)

  4. Another great shirt in the making.
    Where do you belong to a CSA? We do to, but it's down the street. In fact tomorrow is our pick up day.

    1. Ours is in Chelsea a few blocks from here but the farm is in the Catskills.

  5. That will be a perfect shirt for summer.

  6. I have a linen shirt project to begin soon! Your linen looks like it will definitely be lovely to wear.

  7. Nice pattern weights; just for some fabrics, or all the time? do you ever have to use pins?

    1. I always use glass paperweights as pattern weights -- so far, they work great! I only use pins to keep selvages lined up if I'm cutting along a fold.

  8. Michael looks pleased with the fresh food. Enjoy your summer!


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