Feb 10, 2013

MPB EXCLUSIVE! -- Cathy Goes Rogue + Simplicity's First Snow!

Readers, I have a very special treat for you today -- an exclusive MPB post-blizzard Cathy photo shoot!

Yesterday baby Simplicity got her very first taste of snow and Cathy debuted a daring new look.  I so wanted to share these special moments with you.  

My cousin Cathy has been experimenting with new hairstyles for a while now, but I was knocked for a loop when she came home from the discount beauty supply store with this:

Of course, a number of bloggers have been dyeing their hair lately, and while Cathy prefers to set trends rather than follow them, sometimes you just have to follow your bliss.

I'm delighted to share this photo shoot with you and I do hope you enjoy it all -- the love, the laughs, and the fluffy white stuff.

As always, to see these photos full-size, please click any image and, in Picasa, choose the album name, and then, in the upper left hand corner, "Slideshow."  (Mobile devices, click here.)

Frankly, I'm curious to hear what you make of Cathy's new look.  Do you think it suits her or is it a little too Hello Kitty?

And how about little Simplicity -- isn't she a doll?

Have a great day, everybody!


  1. OMG. My FAVOURITE Cathy photoshoot to date! I love it all...the pink locks, the Brittany attire, Simplicity debut....the snow!!! And of course, Cathy and Simplicity on the slide!!!! Thank you for making my week!

  2. Love the new hair and the legs and the baby. AND the NY snow. I missed out on the snow, but had a fabulous time in your amazing city including (thanks to your advice by email) a great morning trawling the fabric shops and a lovely afternoon at the flea market.

  3. Tell Cathy she looks fabulous. Never be afraid to rock a new do. ESPECIALLY the ones that have the possibility that you'll look back on in ten years and shudder (kind of like the whole world in the 90's). It's these trials and occasional errors that allow us to stretch our boundaries and grow over time. Like trying out a new pattern or piece for the first time. It could be a trial, or even a mild disaster, but every once in a while you get a gem.

    Cathy will always be a gem, and don't let her forget it!

  4. Great photo shoot. I love the hair!

  5. Uh oh, I think that lady in the background on her phone is calling Child Services!

  6. Cathy looks fabulous in anything! I use to use that same shade of Manic Panic but it never looked that good!

  7. Great shoot - some outstanding shots. I like the idea of Cathy matching her hair to the colour of Simplicity's snow suit! Would like to see a photo series of more of that!

  8. Nice hair, but love the new eye makeup. Great use of the eyebrow color, and false lashes Cathy. Did you do your own work, or hire a makeup artist? Love the last glamour shot...

    1. Cathy does it all herself, with a little help from me of course.

      False eyelashes? She claims they're real!

  9. THAT SMALL CHILD!!!!!!!! Such expressions!

    My sides actually HURT!

    Thank you SO much for this one!

  10. Laughed so much, so funny, Hope we see more of Cathy and Simplicity.

  11. That was so much fun!
    ....except for the part where Simplicity landed on the ground.....but she's resiliant!
    Cathy's stroller needs some snow tires.
    The pink hair might be a little much for Cathy, but it sure lights up those snowy days.
    Thanks, you made my winter morning!

  12. Peter: This goes down as avant garde in my books. Seriously, only in NYC! I am still laughing. The shot where Simplicity ends up in the snow having fallen out of Cathy's embrace. Hilarious.

  13. "Whoops!" Too funny! Thanks for the laughs.

  14. Best. Shoot. Ever. LOL
    Cathy radiates in pink!


  16. Three Cheers for Cathy!!! Such grace, such glamor...such a way with a dol..I mean, baby. I don't know how any young dad at the playground can resist her. I love the new hair - during the winter, it is so easy to get depressed. A new hair color is just the thing. And from what I've seen from the pictures at Fashion Week, MOD is definitely in for spring so Cathy is, as usual, in front of the cutting edge of fashion.

  17. It seems to me that on a slushy February day, Cathy is not only allowed, she is indeed *obligated* to inject a touch of springtime color with her 'do. It's a public service!

    Plus, given the dinner date with Henri, it's hard to argue with results.

  18. Hilarious photoshoot Peter, as always Cathy looks fabulous. I love the pink hair and baby Simplicity. However, the rubber boots were the funniest footwear I've seen Cathy in.

  19. I think Cathy traumatized that poor boy in the park!

  20. Véronique in MontréalFebruary 10, 2013 at 12:50 PM

    You bring such joy, no wonder sewing machines just fall in your lap !!! What goes around comes around, just not always like we think it will.
    Thanks for being you and sharing with us.

  21. OMG! How I have missed the fabulous Cathy Lane! She, of course, looks sensational in her new pink hair and I am delighted to see that she still has her 'touch' and is chatting up the local Frenchman! Awesome photoshoot - the galoshes were classic!! Bring on more Cathy!

  22. Yes yes, pink hair. But what about the fashion? Where are Cathy's pants? Or short shorts? Or skirt? Is she just running around New York in a pair of tights?

    1. She said they were leggings and Lindsay Lohan wears them like that all the time.

  23. Do not take your fashion cues from Lindsay Lohan. :-)


  24. Love it! The final shot of Cathy is particularly good. The thing I liked most was that it didn't seem like the locals batted an eye at Cathy's hair, outfit or having Simplicity out in the snow. All quite normal for NYC, right?

  25. If Lindsay Lohan jumped off a cliff, would Cathy follow? ;-) Love the hair, love the slightly risque pink tights, er I mean leggings. A couple of possible TMI moments there!

  26. Ooh, Cathy is so on-trend as a celebrity with a baby! They're the hottest accessory these days! Loving the pink locks.

  27. Kathy's new hair is FAB-U-LOUS!!

  28. I tried Manic Panic once and went right back to Fudge straight after. Didn't like the Manic Panic at all. (I use Fudge Blueberry Hill and have a streak on the left side of my head, although it seems to keep growing wider and wider. I used to wear it mostly covered up, but recently have been of the opinion that... what the hell, everyone knows I have it, why not show it off?!)
    I love the leggings, but weren't Cathy's legs COLD?

  29. Great photoshoot and amazing pink color. Adore :)

  30. I needed that! ROFLOL!


  31. The camera really loves Cathy. What a beauty. Do you ever get jealous?

  32. I do think the pink suits Cathy. Maybe not for an every day look but definitely for a trip to the park with the baby.

    Also, I love the pink hair with the purple ensemble.

  33. Peter, Just pleased that Cathy waited until after her confinement to dye her hair. Hair coloring can be harmful to a developing fetus,or la grossesse as a chic Frenchwoman would say. Simplicity does have a rather blunted affect. Maybe that little doll needs a check up. Cathy seems to have regained her pre preggers figure very fast. Lucky girl. No doubt she is thrilled to be off her back, and back on the streets, I mean back at work, so soon. Is it true that Karl Lagerfeld sent Simplicity a studded leather onsesie from his Paris workrooms.

  34. Simplicity is indeed a doll and cute too. Very cute, but tights in the snow? Got to keep moving or one would get cold, but it appears that is what Cathy did.

    Much fun, thanks for posting. :-)


  35. OMG...the look on little Claude's face, checking out Simplicity, and then eyeing Simplicity's momma... this was tears-running-down-my-face funny! Kudos to the photographer for capturing these expressions... he hasn't received nearly enough credit here!

  36. This made me laugh till I cried! Oh how I love Cathy and baby Simplicity (and of course you Peter) - that was just magic! Thank you!!

  37. Tell Cathy that now she's a mom, she should stop acting like such a slut. What kind of example is she setting for sweet baby Simplicity?

  38. Haha the way Claude is looking at her..
    the one on the slide is my fav:)

  39. Love the blue coat.

  40. Cathy has outdone herself! Marvelous!

  41. Cathy: right on the cutting edge with Dame Helen.


  42. As always your post bring a smile to my face. Loved Kathy's photo shot. Questioning her parenting skills.

  43. I love that Cathy's hair matches Simplicity's outfit! So cute. Henri is a doll, too.

  44. The hair is fab. But I'm so cold looking at Cathy's legs! lol


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