Jul 10, 2012

MPB Day 2012 is on its way!

Readers, I have such exciting news to share:  MPB Day is nearly here!


Saturday, August 11, from 11 am -- 5:30 pm


We will meet outside the Fashion Institute of Technology Museum entrance at Seventh Avenue and 27th Street.  See that sculpture below?  That's the place!   (Directions here.)


Thanks to the generous donation of an anonymous billionaire, MPB Day is completely free.  In fact, last year, many attendees made money by re-selling their flea market finds, fabric scores, and assorted valuables found in the trash.  (Those who want to purchase food or buy fabric are encouraged to bring a little extra cash.)


1) We'll start by visiting the new FIT exhibit, Fashion A-Z: Highlights from the Collection of the Museum at FIT, Part Two.  You can read about the exhibit here.  (I took a brief peek a few weeks ago, and it is wonderful.)

2) Next, we'll grab lunch just around the corner at Brown Cup, a spacious, air-conditioned, self-serve cafe on Eighth Avenue and 27th St.   (We'll be there from approximately noon to 1 pm -- late arrivals can meet us there.)

3) After lunch, we'll stroll approximately ten blocks north to the Garment District and visit some of our favorite fabric and notions stores, including Mood*, Paron's, Sil Thread, Pacific Trim, Chic Fabric, and It's a Material World. (If there's a store you especially want included, please let me know.)

We will likely split up into groups: "high end," "mid-level,"and "dumpster."

*Meg over at Mood has arranged that MPB Day participants will get a 10% discount -- and a free Mood tote bag!  Thanks, Meg!

We'll shop away the afternoon and perhaps grab a quick pick-me-up at the cafe in the Japanese bookstore, Kinokuniya (Japanese pattern books fans, this is your place), on Sixth Avenue near 42nd Street.

4) Finally, we'll rest our weary pins in Bryant Park, where we'll relax, compare fabric finds, and maybe even sing our favorite MPB Day hymns and carols!

Expect the day to wind up around 5 - 5:30 pm.
Early Bird Special!

Those who wish to begin the day earlier can meet me at the 25th Street entrance to the Chelsea Flea Market at 9:30 am and spend an hour or so hunting for treasures!   We'll meet outside The Garage, just west of the southwest corner of Sixth Avenue and 25th Street.

I'll be posting reminders over the next four weeks, but please RSVP by sending me an email at peterlappinnyc at gmail dot com, so I can get an idea of who's coming (and how many cupcakes to bake).

If you know you'll be joining us at the museum, the flea market, or Brown Cup, let me know that too.

PS - This is a rain or shine or heat wave event!

You can read about last year's fun-and-fabric-filled event here.  Hope you can make it!


  1. This looks like so much fun and everyone looks so well-dressed, elegant and comfortable. If I go, will I too be well-dressed, elegant and comfortable?

    1. Francesca, one of the remarkable things about MPB Day is how many attendees finish the day better-dressed, more elegant, and more comfortable than they arrived!

  2. Valerie, I say book that flight ASAP.

  3. Am I missing the Moment of Silence on the schedule for Nahir?

    And when are you going to have an international day in Paris? (I bake a mean cupcake, and I'd show you my favorite Montmartre fabric shops, and Cathy could just well, be Cathy, but even more French-like.)

    1. You should host Paris Day. I'd come - well for more than just a day - if I could get a nice, inexpensive flight.

  4. Plenty of pictures please! Maybe even an attendees list with "quotable quotes" about MPB-2. Us voyeurs cling to every snippet and scrap posted about this event (it's yet another vacation we didn't take, but it IS the one where we actually WANT to hear all stories and see the slide show).

    Glad you are continuing the tradition, Peter. You were truly bold last year to pierce the Internet veil.

    MPB-1 seemed like an e-village materializing in NYC, for just one day. A Blogadoon, of sorts.


  5. Wiah I wasn't stuck in the UK with no money lol. I will join you one year even if I am on a zimmer frame. Right where's those lottery numbers,

  6. i wish the mysterious billionaire would fund international airfares for those of us across the seas :(

    anyways...am really looking forward the post-MPB-Day post with fabulous pics

  7. to think i'll be in NYC exactly one month later!

    so sorry I won't be able to make it...

  8. Woo-hooo! I couldn't make it last year, but maybe this year! I'm in fabric shopping withdrawal - this could be the cure!!

  9. I want to come!! It'll have to be next year though, since I will be in Disney World this year.

  10. Depending on when we end up going to see our grandson, I may very well join you this year. It sounds like lots of fun.

  11. I would luv to go but the short time frame (booking plane, accommodation etc) and then there is my walker. I think that casual 10 block stroll would be a bit much. Oh well, I will have to "windowshop" through other people's photo's.
    If you ever plan a 3 or 4 day event, it might be more practical/worthwhile for your farther away fans.

  12. I'm so tempted to hop in my car at 3 am and make the 5 hour drive, but we're planning a trip to NYC later in August. So I'll just have to tread the path you made two weeks earlier. Be sure to include lot of pictures so I'll recognize the places when I get there.

  13. I am so in! I'll be coming up from DC.

  14. There are hymns and carols?! To be sung loudly, and in public? I wish I could come... but I'll be orchestrating a laser tag birthday party for my soon-to-be fourth grader instead. :-(

  15. OMG-I SO WANT TO COME ALONG! TOO FAR AWAY! DO ENJOY, AND I NEED PICS Sorry, shouting in excitement for others!

  16. HI Peter, I am coming to join you on the day. Buying plane ticket as we speak- I will arrive on Friday 10th of August just for this event. Count me in..... Good Bye Sydney, Hellow NYC....
    Cant wait...Soo Excited...Count Down started...Day 1....

  17. Long time lurker, sometimes commenter, but I'm intent on finally going to these NYC hook-ups! I hope I can join you!

  18. I am EXCITED to hear how it goes and what everyone purchased. It sounds like it is going to be a lot of fun for the fabric hunter. I know you will post lots of pics.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. >We will likely split up into groups: "high end," "mid-level,"and "dumpster."

    ha ha, I like reading this stuff. Then I see the pic of the handbag with handgun pics? I must say this is one heck of blog. Peter, how do you find time to write all these articles? Sewing itself is a huge time pit.

  21. August 11th is my birthday. And what a birthday present it would be to spend the day with you. Working on the logistics ... will be in touch.

  22. I'll be flying into NYC from the UK that week for a holiday. I have just broken it to my husband that I'll be ditching him in a foreign land in order to go fabric shopping with other sewists. He took it surprisingly well. I'll drop you an email once I know at what point in the day I can meet up with you all.

  23. A day in NYC I am in for it all, it will be a great way to spend the day with everyone, while I try to get some fabric shopping done.

  24. I'm barely more than a lurker and have hardly sewn a thing all year, but I'm planning to tag along because this sounds like fun -- got the hotel and the bus ticket, so I'm all set. I am long overdue for a trip to NYC, so this gives me an excuse. I'll send an email, too, not that you'll know who I am.

  25. After all the fun of last year's MPB Day, I can't resist another chance to attend. Of course I'll be there!
    Claudine (couturearts.wordpress.com)

  26. Last year was SOOOOOO much fun. I'm going to try my hardest to make it.

  27. Unless I cave in to reason in the next 24 hours (I really can't afford the time), I'm planning to be there. I've had hotel reservations for a month and tomorrow is my last chance to cancel. Driving from Western NY (anyone need a ride?) and staying in NJ. Planning to meet you early at the flea market.


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