Feb 12, 2012

Fervently fighting faux fur fatigue!

Readers, where did the weekend go?  I can't speak for you, but mine was spent fondling five pounds of fuzzy faux fur.

I'm not complaining though, because miracle of miracles, this fuzz is beginning to look like a coat!

My underlayers are basically done with the exception of staying the lapel fold line and a few other tailoring tasks.  Tomorrow I'll attach the facings.

I've stitched so many hinge seams I could do it in my sleep.

My vintage Kenmore 158.141 has proven to be an indefatigable friend.  This is actually the first garment I've sewn on it and it has certainly earned its place in my sewing machine collection, not to mention it's a handy computer table too!

Up top I'm basting in my sleeves.  Once they were set, I hinge-seamed them in with my Kenmore.

Today I also cut my facings and collars.  Those will be straight stitched on.  The seam allowances on the pink rabbit fur have to be shaved.  My beard trimmer (which is also my head shaver) has been indispensable here, but it needs lots of cleaning and oiling; trimming those seam allowances is a big job and the fur is superfine and very thick and creates lots of fine fuzz.

Here's the undercollar with the seam allowances shaved down.

I also had to shave the seam allowances on the neck of the coat.

I'm still vacuuming up a storm.  Goodness knows what the neighbors think I'm up to.

And that's been my weekend, folks.  I know this is not going to be the last faux fur garment I make; I really like working with it.  It's toasty and surprisingly light, and fortunately, doesn't have to be pink!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, everybody, and happy sewing!


  1. Fur-bu-lous Peter! :)
    Looks like a lotta fun!

  2. Wow, it did not occur to me until I saw the above try-on photo that the normal association of man-in-fur-coat has more than a whiff of a pimp vibe. Fun!

  3. I'm so freakin' impressed! I spent the weekend working on the most frustrating culottes known to the western world. Your efforts look much more fantastic.

  4. The only thing missing is a nice pink felt fedora with a suitable feather and a bit of dollar sign bling around your neck! You is looking hawt sugar!

  5. Shaving the seams has made this impressive for me! After making a couple of ff blankets for children, I vowed not to touch the stuff again. The kids loved the snugly fur and velour lining, but all I could see as they paraded round being princes and princesses was lumpy seams. Your fabulous effort has made me think that maybe I will have another go - if I get grandkids.

  6. wowww, great coat. Can I have one like that? JUST KIDDING:-)

  7. I have the matching hat pattern for you (and it's a fun one, I've made it): http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vogue-Misses-Classic-Fur-Accessories-7353-UNCUT-/170778582971?#ht_570wt_1398

    Because Ensemble is everything.

  8. A beard trimmer... what a brilliant idea! I'd have never thought of it myself. I'm still wanting to make myself a couple of fur collars with silk facing but have been worrying about the ungainliness of the seams. And here is my answer! Although I may need to buy my own, as I'm not sure hubby will appreciate me using his...

    1. It definitely works, Nathalie. Mine is an Oster. You might even find a used one on eBay for cheap. You'll need to brush it and oil it to keep the fuzz from building up, but it does mow through the fur quickly!

  9. Ooh cozy! I don't know how you're managing to sew this coat. I would've just wrapped myself up into a pink furry burrito and stayed there all weekend. It looks great so far!

  10. MMMMMMM....WARM!!!


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