Jan 25, 2012

Vogue Pattern Winner + Recent Acquisitions!

First, friends, we have our winner of V2787, the glamorous 1948 Vogue repro pattern!

She's a lover of savory vegetable pot pie made with barley and red lentils who uses butter in her pastry, put your hands together for SONDRA!

Sondra, please shoot me an email (peterlappinnyc at gmail dot com) and I'll get your pattern off to you ASAP.  Congratulations!

Meanwhile, readers, you may be wondering what else has been going on in my life.  I've been a little distracted preparing for our upcoming show this Friday and Saturday, so I haven't been doing any sewing to speak of, and yes, I know it's been nearly a month now.  One must recharge one's batteries, though, and I think I may need a complete new set.

So far this year I have been very good about shopping on eBay, or rather not shopping on eBay.  In fact, only last night I decided that of all the things I need right now, a Dritz needle board is not one of them.  Even second hand those things are expensive!

I did buy a DVD the other day, however.  I've been anxious to see O'Mast, the documentary about Neapolitan tailors and tailoring, for nearly a year now.  Have you seen this short clip from the film?  It looks marvelous. 

O'MAST from Kid Dandy on Vimeo.

Anyway, there have been a few screenings in NYC, but I've missed them all, so I decided to treat myself to my own copy.  It should arrive shortly and I'll let you know what it's like.

You may also be wondering about my new Claire Shaeffer Couture Sewing Techniques Workshop DVD.  I received it last week and will have more to say about it in a future post.  In brief: I loved it and who knew there were so many kinds of hand sewing needles?

Readers, do you remember this sparkly fabric I bought last summer?

I finally found the pattern for it, which I picked up for just a few dollars on Etsy the other day.  It's very Diane Von Furstenberg meets Halston with a twist of Liza, don't you think?  (I'll be making the pants version.)

Of course, I could have cobbled this look together using patterns I already own, but since I'm giving away a pattern today, I figured I could make room for one more.  Does that make sense?

Finally, I bought a book (I know, I know...), Lynda Mayard's The Dressmaker's Handbook of Couture Sewing Techniques.

I am hoping this will be a sort of intermediate-level book for those who want to do more hand sewing, but aren't entirely ready to give up their serger.  It's spiral bound, so that's exciting.  We'll see what it's like...

Readers, that's it!

Are you familiar with the Maynard book?  How would you compare it to Claire Shaeffer?  I'll have more to say about why I'm buying all these couture books...as soon as I figure it out myself. 

Anybody out there thread tracing their seam lines?

Happy Wednesday, everybody!


  1. I'm eager to hear your thoughts on the Maynard book--I've had my eye on it but I still consider myself a novice and though better of buying a book that might discourage me from practice, practice practice!

  2. You can NEVER have too many reference books, I don't care what my husband says...eager to see what your next project will be!

  3. I bought the Maynard book last year and like it well enough. I think I was expecting a bit more so was a teensy bit disappointed. Even so, there were several techniques that I found very useful in some recent projects. I'll probably use it more when I start sewing better clothes for myself, not basic knit tops that form the bulk of my SAHM wardrobe!

  4. I thread trace on special projects, but not usually. As lovely as it would be to have every piece I made couture,it's just not practical. I usually make one knock-out piece per year.

  5. Oh my! This IS exciting! Thank you, Peter! I'll make you proud!

    I love the pattern you chose for the sparkly stuff. Can't wait to see the finished product.

    I just finished reading Claire Shaeffer's new couture book. Wonderful stuff. I'm sorry I don't do more of that, but perhaps I'll start.

    Thanks again!

  6. Can't WAIT to see you in the sparkly jumpsuit! Wee heee!!

  7. I am working with the "sparkly stuff" right now, and it is maddening! I am making a Mardi Gras costume for my sister-in-law. I consulted all the books, and read all the online hints I could, but this fabric should just be banned! I will say a prayer for you Peter, as you try to work with it.

  8. Congratulations, Sondra! I must admit that the pattern is better off in your hands than in mine.

    Peter, I think you made the perfect choice for that sparkly fabric. Looking at Vintagegal’s comment, I will send you some extra good sewing thoughts for this project.

    I’ve never thread-traced seam lines. I just don’t have that kind of time or patience!

    1. Thank you, Roberta! My mind is already reeling with the possibilites, and I've read ALL the reviews of it on PatternReview.com. :)

  9. Thank you so much for the "O'MAST" tip. It looks fantastic!!!

  10. I have both books. I got the Maynard book for christmas. I agree with Steph A that though it has some good things in it, I was a little disappointed. I think because it only covers a few techniques and I was expecting a ton of information. But I also like having a variety of reference books so I'll keep it.

  11. I got the Maynard book for Christmas as well--like those above have said, it's not a super exhaustive resource (I mean, it's too thin to even appear to be any sort of compendium) but the stuff it covers it covers thoroughly. I used a couple techniques from it while putting together my new years' dress in a couple of late-night, spiked-eggnoggy hazes and everything was very clear.

    Some of the stuff in there I wouldn't have thought of, techniquewise, either, which is what I found it especially useful for; there's a how-to on banded necklines that I used, where the weird shape of my dress's neckline probably would have been bumpy and disastrous (or at least made things unneccessarily complicated) if I'd tried to face it normally.

    As long as you AREN'T expecting an encyclopedia, it's really awesome, is my point I guess? I've wandered a bit haven't I.

  12. Good luck on Friday and Saturday!

    Since Cathy's glitz seems entirely about seed beads and such, and devoid of reflective fabrics, could the sparkly jumper become a part of Dr. Lorna's wardrobe (last number show stopper)?

  13. Sadly, there's no time for a costume change!

  14. I borrowed both the Maynard and Claire Shaeffer books from the library to see what I thought, and ended up purchasing the Maynard book, as while I think they are both excellent, the Shaeffer book is a little beyond where I'm at with my sewing still. (something to aim for though). As previous comments have said, it is not as detailed, but the information in there is definitely well explained.

  15. Thread tracing the seamlines....hmmmm....I think not.
    Well I'm jealous of Sondra, I wanted that pattern in the worst way! But I just cut out an Eva Dress 1940's slip in silk crepe that will make up for it.
    The video looks really interesting. Hope to see it some day. I just bought David Page Coffin's shirtmaking video and it's GREAT! Very straightforward and, along with the book, it explains how to make those collar stand/front placket transitions as smooth as can be.

  16. Lynda Maynard teaches at my school. I took her lingerie class last semester. She's a very fun instructor.

  17. Does the V2787 remind anyone else of this http://voguepatterns.mccall.com/v1283-products-16414.php?page_id=174 that is in the newly released Vogue Spring pattern collection?


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