Nov 2, 2011

Cathy's New Hairdo -- Yea or Nay?

Friends, I believe, when choosing between two paths, always to choose the one that really excites you in the moment.  Hence, yesterday, I put aside my two yards of polka dot poly charmeuse (more about that later) and made a beeline for Wigs & Plus at 152 West 32nd St.  Kind of has a nice ring to it, don't you think, Wigs & Plus

The consensus, building over many, many months, was that Cathy needed a new hairdo: something softer, longer, and in a somewhat lighter shade.  But she couldn't lose her essential Cathy-ness.  It was a very difficult challenge, perhaps equal to sewing a poly charmeuse blouse.  No, definitely harder.

You, beloved readers, have been more than generous.  Laura offered to send me a red wig she has tucked away somewhere.  Sadly, red is the one color that makes Cathy's rosacea "pop" in photos.  Semi-retired wig stylist Richard suggested something slightly tousled, with more volume.  Sandy was even kind enough to send me a link to this beautiful portrait of sultry Gina Lollabrigida. 

From among the hundreds of wigs at Wigs & Plus, I found one I thought had possibilities.   Cathy and I took some test shots and I'd like to share them with you.  No makeup here, just a little lipstick, faux fur, and a lot of attitude.  Very spontaneous.  



Yes?  No?  Maybe?

By the way, for those who wish to emulate Cathy's new look, it's Soul Tress "Perry," designed by James Lee (fancy!), and has copper highlights.    

Meanwhile, in poly-charmeuse-blouse land, I'm having second thoughts.  I fear the charmeuse is too heavy and, frankly, too cheap looking for the 1944 outfit project.  I especially don't like the way darts and tucks photograph in charmeuse.  Then again, most of it will be hidden under a jumper.

I may follow Stashdragon's advice, put it aside and opt for a more somber, historically accurate solid in a natural fiber rather than synthetic.  We'll see.

But back to synthetic hair.

In your opinion, does Cathy's hair conjure up any specific period or person more than others?  Ava Gardner?  Loretta Young?  Gladys Kravitz from Bewitched?

It does give off a somewhat late Fifties/early Sixties vibe to me.  Not sure how it will work with earlier periods, but hey, there's always hats, turbans, and snoods!

Cathy's new hairdo -- yea or nay?

More Cathy wig portraits below.


  1. I think the new wig is perfect! Nice choice!

  2. A large "yea". I much prefer it to the old one.

  3. I love it. Still ladylike, yet that slight tousle implies there's some mysterious someone who enjoys running their hands through Cathy's slightly longer locks. (Or maybe it's the stole sans clothing; either way, Cathy's looking good)

  4. Fantastic! :-) Love the new look! Would love to see Cathy with bigger, more curly hair. I think that would be pretty awesome too! :-) <3

  5. Love Cathy's new tousled look! A little longer length makes a big difference. Couldn't the new "do" be tamed down a little for a 40's look?

  6. definately a yes!!!!! it looks so good on her and it matches her facial structure,making it more appealing and a little more inviting to look at,meaning we'll focus in her beauty altogether instead of just her hair!!!!!!!!

  7. Big YEA. Makes the little attitude /that/ she has, even easier to deal with. ;)

  8. Super choice. If she looks that good spontaneously and with no make up, she will be a knock out once she's fully made up : )

  9. Oh, friends, we're all shedding tears of joy here!

  10. The new wig is just what Cathy needed. The soft look really works.

  11. With the new wig Kathy looks like she is having FUN!!!

  12. YEAH! It's cute and more up-to-date (and I think it can be toned down just fine for a 20s-40s look). Also, the new color is less harsh with Cathy's features. Big thumbs up!

  13. The new look is great.

  14. Perfect!! Reminds me of:

  15. The new wig is perfect for Cathy. The soft curls are very attractive on her and it looks like she has her 'zing back' - although maybe she never lost it . . . but so looking forward to her next big adventure!

  16. I really like Cathy's new look. Subdued, yet stylish.

  17. I like the tousled look too. It's a fun look.

  18. I'd like to see more of a Barbra Streisand peek-a-boo look. Or just longer.

  19. Maybe that should be peek-a-bob.

  20. YES! This is exactly what I was thinking of!

  21. Very nice! My red wig was just a bob. :) It's nowhere near as artistically styled. It was for a fan convention costume....

  22. AHA! Cathy got it right, first try. That's exactly the look I thought would work, and work it does. I KNEW that photo of La Lollobrigida would put her on the right path!

    If I were Cathy, I'd stay firmly out of the Forties - she's a Fifties girl if ever there was one. I can easily see her swanning around in a 1952 Lincoln Capri convertible, nibbling daintily on hot hors d'oeuvres in the Turquoise Room of the Super Chief, lunching at the Colony and being squired by dapper men to evenings at the Stork Club and - in her more raffish moods - even the Latin Quarter.

    I second those who have worked up their courage to advise you against the poly charmeuse. Poly charmeuse is not merely difficult to handle - it is a leading cause of needing to be twelve-stepped.

  23. Sandy, I may have to take you on as Cathy's personal consultant.

    How are you with difficult personalities?

  24. "How are you with difficult personalities?"

    Funny - that's what dear Mama used to ask all my new governesses.

  25. Looks like I'm the lone voice of dissent. I think the new look looks old. Or rather, makes Cathy look old(er). I like the more youthful and fun pixie.

  26. I give the new do a thumbs up. Cute and sexy.

    Steer clear of polyester. It's ooky. Stick to natural fibres.

  27. Kapinny, are you talking about the blouse or Cathy's hair?

    Debbie, I LIKE that more mature look. But then, I'm rather mature myself...

  28. I like the new look for Cathy. I think it would be nice even longer, but I am partial to long hair!

    Love the polka dot charmeuse!

  29. If there ever was an argument for 'jumping the fence', Cathy's new 'do' would do it for me! she is HAWT!

    I've got to agree with Sandy, in that Cathy really is a 50s kinda gal...forties fashion ages her unnecessarily.

  30. The new do is so much more 50's lush. That old one was a little too prim and proper for what I have seen in Cathy. She would just bloom in that do.

  31. Love Cathy's new 'do. Would she ever consider going blond?

  32. Yea and yea again for the wig. And for ditching the polyester!

  33. Love it. It has a nice bit of lift that makes it look oh so 50s debutante.

  34. The tousled look of the new Cathy is downright scandalous! I love it.

  35. At the risk of being ever so redundant...I love the new hair do.
    A soft rayon for the blouse would drape somewhat like charmeuse, but it's much easier to work on and certainly more comfortable to wear. I find wearing a poly top for any length of time makes it stinky because it doesn't breathe!

  36. Peter, you? Mature? Hahahahahahahaha.

    Unless we're just counting birthdays. (I think we're tied on that.)

  37. Love the new look...kinda reminds me of Ava Gardner or Elizabeth Taylor on a 1950's Modern Screen cover....

  38. I vote YEA! If Cathy allows it to remain slightly "undone", like in the photos in this post, she will stay out of the Gladys Kravitz territory.

  39. Love it. The other wig is too severe, and probably would look better on someone younger. I love the softness of this wig, and I think you should try one a little longer too, and maybe a different color.

    All in all, I absolutely LOVE it.



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