Jan 7, 2011

MPB Men's Shirt Sew-Along!

Friends, we're all set!  The MPB Men's Shirt Sew-Along officially begins on Tuesday, February 1 at 9 am EST.   You have 25 days, which sounds like a lot of time, but you know what the boy scouts say.  Those of you ordering fabric and notions can use the extra lead time.

I am thrilled to announce that, for those of us choosing to sew the same pattern, we'll be using Colette's new retro-chic Negroni men's shirt pattern.

Love it.

I have never sewn the Negroni pattern and I cannot wait to receive it.  I really wanted to choose something that was contemporary and a little hip and I think this pattern fits the bill perfectly.  Plus I'm a sucker for a vintage 10-speed.  I'll be making both the printed one-piece camp collar version and will also provide instructions on making a two piece collar with collar stand.

BONUS!  Sarai is offering a 20% discount on the pattern for Sew-Along participants during the month of January.  Please use the promo code MPBNEGRONI  (It MUST be entered in all caps) to enjoy the discount.

You can read more about Negroni and place an order for it here.

Sarai asked me to remind readers overseas that international shipping can take 2-3 weeks.  Please give yourself plenty of time!

NOTE: No one is required to purchase this pattern to participate in the Sew-Along.  If you already have a pattern and/or prefer to sew along with a different one, you are welcome to do so.  

Over the next few weeks I'll be discussing fabric (you'll need roughly 3 yards) and other recommended supplies for making a men's shirt.

I've created a cute button link up top that you can add to your blog if you have one.  I know it will be prominently displayed over at Pleasing My Palate -- or else.  And I could have sworn I saw it over at Stitches and Seams and Pin Queen already.  Thanks, guys! 

In other non-Sew-Along-related news, I've been fabric shopping in anticipation of today's snowstorm.  Here's my take.

The white fabric is three yards of white cotton denim-weight twill.  I've been wanting white jeans for ages, even though I'm a bit of a slob.  There's something about winter white I love.  It lights up my life and whatever happened to Debbie Boone?

I also found this gorgeous gray cotton flannel that may have a little rayon in it.  It has a real retro feel and would be perfect for Negroni, don't you think?  I picked up dark gray topstitching thread too.

I also love this cotton plaid shirting -- a color combination I don't often see.

Nice, no?  Everything was $3/yd., which is a world of $348 dresses, feels like home.

Friends, that's it.  We're not going to be All-Shirts, All-the-Time here at MPB, but I will be posting more about the Sew-Along over the next week so that participants can get the supplies they need and be ready to roll at 9 am EST, Tuesday, February 1.

Pace yourselves, kids -- we have a long and fun road ahead.   

Happy Friday, everybody!

UPDATE: We now have a Flickr group (called MPB Men's Shirt Sew-Along) to share our project pics!  To join, please email me at peterlappinnyc at gmail dot com.  


  1. Wheeee!! Can't wait to get started. Would you mind sharing some on line resources for shirting/flannel for those of us without access to NYC's garment district? ;)

  2. Woohoo! I was hoping you'd use this pattern! I've ordered it a couple of weeks ago after my boyfriend said he liked it and that he'd wouldn't mind wearing a shirt I'd have made him. So it was on my "To Do in 2011 list" as well.

  3. Stephanie, I'll be posting a list of resources shortly.

  4. We should buy fabric in anticipation of snowstorms? Oh my sweet gourd - at last an excuse to go to Fabricland twice a week!

    ("But honey, I need to buy fabric in anticipation of the snowstorm!")

  5. Soo excited! Will you do a post on shirtings? On the one hand I guess they're a bit obvious but on the other I'm not entirely sure what I should be looking for.

  6. Looks fun. Just ordered the shirt pattern. Hopefully I won't be the only other guy sewing along...

  7. $3 a metre????!!!

    I want to live in A-me-ri-ca...

  8. Oh! I'm super interested - I'm very busy in February but I bet I can squeeze it in! Lovely, thank Peter for doing this!

  9. My husband has asked that the next shirt I make him be something less casual than the many shirts I've produced for him to date. He's after a formal cut with a funky Liberty print. I think I've managed to find a 1940s pattern with a front placket, but the collar looks like it's one-piece. So if you show us how to do the two piece collar with collar stand (and hopefully collar tabs), that should do the trick nicely. Are the resources different for a two-piece collar? If so, hopefully you'll cover those too.

  10. Count me in! I know my better half could use another shirt (like a hole in the head) but any excuse to sew!

  11. I do not sew for my dearly beloved; he insists that I do all of my work for myself, so I can remain the prettier one in the family. Of course, I oblige...but I'll watch your progress. I like your grays; I might need that color myself!

  12. I love your fabrics finds and for the non Americans that $3 a yard, still cheap but we are so backwards here not to be on metric. I think that we and Myanmar are the only two countries still on the old system. I think it was Bush idiot # 1 who decided not to change when it had been slated for years.

  13. Woo-hoo! I'm in too - it's sooo spooky 'cos I literally just received my Colette Negroni Pattern this week in the post! (I got mine in the UK UK from Leah at Sewbox.co.uk
    P.S. Sarai also provided a FREE PDF download of different pocket variations
    for this pattern too (they could of course be used on any shirt pattern - not just the Colette one) :)

  14. Great pattern choice! In fact, in light of there being an camp collar option, I'm totally in! I can't help it, I just don't like dealing with a collar stand, and since I rarely wear collared shirts, have only done so when I absolutely had to for school. I probably should suck it up and embrace doing a collar and doing it right, but I don't wanna.

    LOVE the white jeans, I even bought a pair for my 12 yr old since they were a bargain, ($10) and you can always bleach denim since it's so sturdy. I think white jeans with a gray flannel camp shirt will be amazing.

  15. Oh dear. While a Negroni is one of my favorite cocktails, this shirt combines two features that I particularly detest: a convertible collar and chest pocket flaps. I guess I'll be sewing along using another pattern!

  16. aaaaaaaaaaaack i need this!!! i bought my man yards of shirting for christmas (from the sister store to your fave h&m fabrics location, actually) and now i need to actually MAKE the damn things. i've been wishing for your advice since then, it's a christmas miracle!

    is this, oh i hope, possibly a slimmish european cut? can you recommend any patterns that might be, if not?

  17. It definitely looks tapered in the drawing on the Colette site. We'll be addressing tapering and slimming of shirts in the Sew-Along.

    Edsel, we'll be doing both collar types. I left off the pockets on the flannel shirt I recently made; it's always an option.

  18. Are you going to do anything on fit? I've never made anything for Seth, well because naturally I am a selfish seamstress who rarely sews for anyone but myself.

  19. I'm going to stick with my TNT and I have several fabric choices in mind. This will be fun!

  20. I'm going to pass on the Colette pattern. What can I say? I'm a lazy sewist who doesn't want to spend time adding in length when I can buy a $1 pattern that's already long enough. I'll be using Sheermist cotton/poly batiste. I keep lots of it around because I make things like diaper covers and slips out of it. Regular price is about $2.50/yard, but I always stock up when it goes on sale, so I don't pay that. Honestly, the pattern I'm using looks virtually identical to the Colette, but I think it'll be easier when considering that I'm making a shirt for someone who is 6'3 and has proportionally longer arms than average.

  21. Love your fabric...I really want to join in, but none of the men in my life i.e Partner, Son, Dad want me to sew them a shirt :( Maybe i could make one for myself anyway.

  22. There's a reason why so many shirts are unisex, Alexandra, I saw Go for it!

    Laura, that makes total sense.

    Nancy, yes, I am going to address some fitting issues. As you know I haven't had a lot of fit issues myself but I'm sure some of us will. We'll work it out together.

  23. I'm definitely looking forward to this! I may have to check out the Colette pattern.

  24. I just bought my pattern! Whee! Hopefully it will arrive downunder in time for the start date. :)

    Now I have to find some fabric....

  25. Only 25 days to get ready! I better get busy. My sewing machine hasn't been out of it's box since my move... So much to do, so little time.

    I may pass on the Negroni pattern. It looks like a great pattern for a slim, fit individual but perhaps not so great for an overweight couch potato like me. I am reminded of a line from a Paul Simon song, "Why am I so soft in the middle when the rest of my life is so hard?"

    I believe Debbie Boone has been performing a cabaret show in Branson, MO. I saw her on TV performing from there recently.

    And... don't underestimate the beauty of the Enlish foot. It was around for thousands of years before the meter.

  26. Ack! I just bought this pattern after promising my husband that I would FINALLY make him something ... and now I can get your assistance in making it! Maybe even with a collar stand?? (Did I hear that right? Cuz my husband's not a camp shirt guy.) Awesome!!

  27. As a first time commenter, I must say I LOOOOVE love love love your blog. Let's hope I have more motivation for your Negroni Sew Along than I did for Gertie's Lady Grey coat (sorry Gertie...not your fault!). I bought the Negroni pattern for my husband for Christmas, and I CAN'T let him down...CAN'T!!! But this will be my first men's pattern, so...fingers crossed! Thank you so much for the opportunity! I only hope I can keep up.

  28. I like the pattern you have picked, just have to get the OK from husband and then we're all go. Thank you so much for this sew-along Peter.

  29. This is perfect timing for me - I want to make my hubby a tailored shirt for his b'day in April, so I can perfect the fit etc using your sew-a-long! I bought the pattern today, and I'm going to add the button to my blog. Thanks Peter!

  30. I'm in! Just ordered the pattern today and hopefully it will reach Japan in time. Thank you for the sew-along, Peter!

  31. Count me in Peter. After a big fail for the christmas shirt this year, I need to come up with the goods for the birthday shirt.
    Otherwise, its frigging divorce time !

  32. I really DO have a lot of fabric, even enough left from making my husbands' wedding shirt to make him a second one, from same fabric.
    Plaids, stripes, flannel, yep! Name it and I can pull it out! So... defenitively want to join the sew-along. One for me, one for him. I still have no "female" hips hehe 8^}
    The pattern I have is from Burda, to sew in some room I will do a plait in the middle of the back, as usual. Makes moving a lot easier.
    So here we go!
    Hugs from Amsterdam, Irene

  33. I just ordered a boy's shirt pattern from eBay and I hope it gets to Korea in time for the sew-along. I'll be sewing for my 14-year-old son. You can never have too many flannel shirts, or so I hear.

  34. I'm in too! Just ordered the pattern from an Aussie online shop (Crafty Mamas). Now I have to work out how to get that button onto my blog.

  35. The shirt is very beautiful, my husband want that shirt too so I am very excited to join you. I will begin to make it on February,because i still have some outstanding work to do :o)

    Regards from Germany!

  36. Very nice! I'm excited and now that I see that it starts in Feb, I think I'll participate! I've been reading about it over at Stiches and Seams and thought it was THIS month, but I'm too busy right now. For sure I can do it next month, and I think that might be a good time for me to try my vintage men's shirt pattern! Ooooh, I'm excited now! I'll probably blog (and link, of course) all about this! WOOT!!!

  37. Ok, I'm in, officially. Even got your button on my blog. ;)

    Thanks for doing this, it will be SO fun!

  38. Count me in too! I'll be a late-starter because we'll be in Bangkok at the beginning of February. But I'll try to catch up quickly! This will be my second shirt for my husband. The first one took a dreadfully long time to finish because I despise sewing on buttons (it sat button-less for about 9 months and was shipped like that to China when we moved). Fortunately, I now have a button foot for my machine. Bring on the buttons!

  39. The hubby is very happy about this sew along - even helped me pick out some fabric! Thanks for the coupon for the pattern also - very helpful indeed :)
    Was wondering if anyone else had trouble copying the code for the button - I'd love to put it on my blog - but every time I click on or near it to try and copy the text, it just opens another page of this same blog post. Tried right clicking too. I don't suppose you could copy the code into the blog post, Peter?

  40. I'm not being allowed to put the code in a comment, Catherine. (Grr....)

    I find that sometimes I have the experience you did. Then I see the "blinking" cursor already in the box at the end of the code. I highlight all and cut and paste.

    If that doesn't work you can copy either photo and use a photo gadget in your blog that links.

    Hope that helps!

  41. To see that cursor I mentioned, I have to press the down arrow in the box to get to the end of the code, but that doesn't open a new window, fortunately.

  42. Thanks for commenting over at my blog-home, Peter! I will order my pattern and join up.
    Did I miss any comments about a Flickr group?

  43. I'm in. This is my first sew-along, and my first men's sewing, but it is perfectly timed because I just got this pattern. Looking forward to it!

  44. We'll definitely have a photo album available people can upload to.

  45. It's been a looong time since I commented (I feel so ashamed and just want to run and hide, rather than admit it! ;), but I wanted to say that I'm looking forward to this! I have too many projects going on right now, but am buying the pattern with the hopes of spending time in late March whipping up one for my husband and following your posts on the shirt then. Can't wait to see your version, Peter!!

    ♥ Casey | blog

  46. Thanks Peter, just used the keyboard to highlight and it worked a charm!

  47. Thanks, Casey. Great to hear from you!

    Catherine, glad it worked.

  48. A friend of mine just pointed me in this direction and I'm going to take this as an opportunity to make my first ever article of clothing. I've been complaining for a long time about the lack of interesting men's clothing and I guess it's got to the point where I'm just going to have to start making my own. I'm very nervous, but committed.

  49. Woo! Count me in! I've been eyeing this pattern for a while. My boyfriend already has a closet full of shirts, but what the heck!

  50. I can't sew along as I am traveling across SE Asia right now but I am eager to see how everyone works their collar points. This is the one area I have always had problems getting right. Short of buying one of those industrial collar point machines (and I am *this* close to caving), I am desperate for perfectly pointed collar corners! I have done a few techniques and it never comes out the way I would like. Looking forward to all the tips from others on this sew along!

  51. I think I'll join in but considering I am working on the Spring issue of Delish and have my Delish year-end to complete, might have to save up the steps and bang a few off at once, if I can't do each one at a time along with you all.

    I do have a question though. I would like to do this as a surprise for my husband, and so I won't be letting him try it on as we go along. Do you think it's easy or realistic to compare the shirt to one of his others (store-bought) that fits well? Or should I actually just let him in on the secret and end up with a better fitting shirt?

    Thank you!


  52. For the sake of a better gift, I'd say let him in on the secret!

  53. This is awesome. I'm so in. I've never made anything before and I just got my first sewing machine about two weeks ago. I am starting sewing lessons next week, so I'll have time to practice a bit before we get started.

  54. I've been wanting to surprise my husband with a Negroni in a Liberty lawn for his 40th birthday. Yea for sewalongs!

  55. I'm in- this was next on my list to sew and can't wait to get started.

  56. Count me in! I'm looking for good evening and weekend projects. Menswear sounds like something I need to work on :)

  57. I'm in. I have a piece of beautiful blue shirting that I've been stashing for about 4 years now. I think that I'll take your advice and use an old but good quality sheet as a muslin. Thanks for doing this

  58. Peter, I just found your blog last week while browsing other sewing sites and have read your every word. I simply love your enthusiasm, your style and knowledge.considering you're a fairly new sewer (well, compared to me anyway). I am so excited to join in this sewing project. Even tho I have been sewing for years (having sewn for my children and now my grandchildren) I haven't done anything other than alterations for a long time. I'm looking forward to tweaking my skills on this man's shirt. I just ordered the Negroni from Colette's patterns, and seeing I haven't used any patterns other than the basics (Vogue, Simplicity, McCall's, Burda, etc) I'm doubly thrilled to get and use this new pattern when it arrives. I can't wait to get started!

  59. I'm in too!
    Can't wait to get started (just received my Negroni pattern). by the way international shipping was actually really fast (i'm in France)

  60. Hi Peter, I have just discovered you through My Daruma...I am a big fan of Colette Patterns so this sew along is a great opportunity to start sewing one of them....I'll be catching up because I don;t know how long it will take for the pattern to get here (in Guyana...) But I am definitely in !!!!

  61. Can't believe I have just seen this post, I ordered some black wool flannel to make my OH a shirt just before Christmas as he can never find quite the flannel shirt he needs. He is very big across the shoulders and to get one that fits correctly across shoulders is huge everywhere else. I have never made a shirt before, in fact haven't done much with clothes at all but we are planning to make the pattern ourselves from one that he has already and take a bit here, add a bit there stylie! Fingers crossed for us and best shirt regards to everyone else.

  62. I found your blog...I found that I adore your blog and here I am making a rash decision! I have to confess. I'm terrified to commit to the Sew Along! I've successfully completed ONE garment (and a very basic skirt at that) but I want SO badly to make something for my husband. He's such a good sport...always fixing my machines (I have a Featherweight), hanging around in fabric shops (and bless his heart, he's got blue eyes and dimples so those sewing ladies won't leave him alone!) BUUUT he's so sweet and....here goes. Count me in! If nothing else I'll provide you all with comic relief as the 20something non-domestic attempts to be a good housewife.

  63. I'm in too. Got the Negroni a couple of weeks ago. I think I'm going to use a plaid shirting I have been aging in my stash.

  64. I just found you through Burdastyle and purchased the pattern today. I'm going to attempt the sew-along, but will be a few days behind. I get to dig out some fabric from my enormous stash....wonder what I will come up with? Can't wait and so happy to meet you:-).
    I have been in a sewing rut and need to get out of it right now.

  65. WoW..!! Cool stripe & very comfortable fabrics...
    There are so many to choice from...
    For more check out Mens's Dresses

  66. Hi Peter! I finished my Negroni Shirt :o) your tutorial helped me very good. Thnak you

  67. I'm late to the game, but have the pattern on order and am excited to use your tutorial. I have been a fan of your blog for a while now...thanks for the inspiration!!

  68. Those are some sweet shirts you guys made! I'm a noob to sewing but hope there's more fun to come.

  69. Hello! I've read your posts on the Negroni shirt a few times before I dared to start (I'm a beginner) and they were very helpful! So thank you for documenting and photographing the entire sewing process!!

  70. Hello! I've read your posts on the Negroni shirt several times before I dared to start, as I'm a beginner. They were very helpfull, so thank you for documenting and photographing the entire sewing process!!

  71. Being a man and sewing does not make you gay. It means your metro sexual.


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