Aug 5, 2010

Peter's padded blog!

Friends, perhaps it's the arrival of August, or the heat, or something, but my thoroughly unscientific analysis suggests that there's not a lot of sewing going on these days.  Or is it just me?

Elaine's shopping for notions. Gertie's buying new glasses.  Elizabeth is in the throes of paralysis.  Sigrid is missing in action

What is going on?

Having finished Cathy's Hollywood 1942 dress last Friday, I haven't had the energy to return to the sewing machine at all.  I don't know what I'll be sewing next and nothing in my queue is really charging me up.

As a result, instead of blogging about sewing, I have formally entered the scary "meta" universe of blogging about blogging about sewing!

I had a few topics in my head initially, but they're still gestating I guess.  Or maybe they're just not all that interesting to me.

Are you a sewing blogger who's not sewing and looking for blogging ideas?  These are all up for grabs, folks, so if any of these strikes your fancy, run with it!

I thought of writing about pattern mixing.   This sort of thing...

But I just couldn't work up the enthusiasm.  Whatever.
I thought about blogging about men in tights...

...but it just seemed so obvious.  You wanna wear tights, guys?  Go right ahead!

I thought about writing about politically incorrect fashion advertising...

...but I'd rather leave that to someone who feels more passionate about it.  There's a LOT of material to be had, goodness knows.

I thought about the strange and ironic popularity of Tyrolean looks during WWII....


I even thought about writing about visible tattoos and high fashion.  But who am I -- whose last tattoo was a rub-on "Dopey" dwarf (from Disney's Snow White) that came free in a box of Jiffy Pop in 1972 -- to enter that scary realm?

Dear Hearts and Gentle Readers, I'm figuring out that it is time to stop thinking about sewing and start sewing again.

You see what happens when I skip my weekly goal-setting and obsessive nagging?

Many of you have been trying to suggest as much, I know, but being the soft-touch types, you didn't want to push me and I appreciate that.   But it's time to put the metal to the pedal...or the pedal to the metal...or, well you know what I mean.

I hope you're not experiencing sewing inertia and gratuitous blog padding, friends.  It's time we collectively pulled ourselves out of our sewing slumps.  Tempus fugit, as they say.

Now then, tell me: WHAT are you sewing and WHEN will you be sewing it?

Seen any good old movies lately?


  1. I actually put covers on my sewing machines this week! It's too hot for anything. I am completely lethargic. I did sew last week but not this one. I can't even keep up the blogging I used to do. Maybe I'll get some energy this fall--I usually do.

  2. Susan, YOU should be blogging about men in tights! What do you say?

  3. I watched "High Society", one of my all time favorites. That gorgeous dress Grace Kelly wears at her pre-wedding party-SO much chiffon! I always wanted a dress like that. It is way too hot to sew; I am spending my time in the air conditioned thrift shops, stockpiling goodies for my stash. When the weather cools, I will dive back in...I know my sewing machine feels neglected!

  4. It's always a good time to sew! I actually have the opposite problem -- always antsy to sew, planning a million different projects in my head, but being a work-at-home mom with 4 little kids... well... my sewing machine is usually the last to get any love. Don't worry if you've temporarily lost your sewing mojo, Peter, just don't lose the blogging mojo. I would miss you!

  5. Peter, Yay! Goals! YAY! This week, I will set up my sewing area where I am living at my parents' house before the move to Rome, 9/2. Also, I want to start Vogue 1176 (Michael Kors dress). I haven't sewed anything in so long (two months seems like forever), so I need to get back in the swing of things. But I am very excited after so much time away. Yay for sewing!!!! Yay for goals! YAY!!! (too much energy so early?)

  6. Maggie, skip the coffee tomorrow. ;)

  7. Since you've asked, I'm attempting to sew a brand new work wardrobe this weekend as I start a grown-up job on Monday in a proper office and am giving up my career in the jeans and tee shirt world of telly. This may or may not be successful (the sewing, hopefully not the career change) but should, at least, be interesting.

  8. No, I am not going to blog about men in tights! At the moment I could care less if men want to wear tights. (Tights seem like they would be binding and hot right now though.) How about men in kilts? That's a look I like!

  9. I have so many ideas, and enough spare time for sewing, but I just miss my mojo. I'll have to force myself to make a dress very soon - I'm supposed to write an article about pattern drafting technique for the dress, for the SewNews magazine, and the deadline is so close... The article is dued for April/May issue 2011, but the preparation process takes time. So, during the weekend, or sooner, I'll be working on a hot red shantung silk dress.
    Ahem, since I'm bragging around, I'll say that I will have a column in the magazine during the year 2011, starting with February/March issue, so go ahead and read it when the time comes!

  10. I have a green floral 40s dress cut out and lurking on the sewing table, but I doubt it will get any attention until September. This is my busy time and all spare energy is spent on getting 40 winks more!

  11. I haven't touched a sewing machine in what is rapidly approaching a month. The weather's too hot (I agree with other Susan) and my new job is sapping me of time and energy. I've been making very very slow progress with a vintage Butterick, though all that is left are 5 buttonholes and the hem, and I'm hoping that I'll find the time/motivation to finish it for the fall. I was dying to make a backless sun dress, but perhaps next summer.

  12. We watched Vertigo recently. I want the white coat Kim Novak wears in that movie! Stunning and classic. I'm not sure why she was considered so beautiful, but she sure knew how to wear clothes. In her "real" incarnation, as the working girl, she wore a full skirt, sweater, and big ol' wide belt. I remember that look! i think it is not her best look, and it certainly wasn't mine.

    Anyway, its a dumb movie. I guess I'm not a Hitchcock fan, really. But I loved looking at the clothes.

  13. I've been sewing so much that my husband is back to making jokes about me working in Kathy Lee Gifford's sweatshop. Of course, I'm counting down til the start of the school year when my time will be sucked away by all of the planning and set up for my new classes. I made 4 items for my DD's fall wardrobe yesterday and 7 other items on Monday. I haven't reviewed yet - waiting to play fashion runway with Gracie, but I have some pics on my blog.

  14. Peter, I am still spinning my wheels and trying to re-enter the sewing world after a very long hiatus. I just finished padding out a dress form (reality check) and drafted a sheath dress and skirt pattern, cut out a toddler's dress and hope to sew this weekend. Blogging ... hmm I know it will keep me accountable. I just created a blog but have yet to make an entry. I need more time in the day.

    The pooches are just delightful!

  15. I've actually sewn more in the last month than I have all year, I think. I have a dress that's cut and sitting on the cutting table still. I had minimal fabric, so I had to do some creative cutting, so I think that my have wore me out.

  16. Speaking of no-shows. Do you know where Brian is?

  17. Is that why they call it the dog days?

    I had a dream I gave my dog away and I woke up all freaked out. Actually, I traded him for a less peppy dog who turned out to be a much more peppy dog. I'm glad today is the last day of summer school.

    So, I was thinking about your circus print. Really, I think you need to make art. Stretch it over a frame. Or, buy some sort of really tacky, tacky frame--very circus like--and krylon it big-top red. Put the print in the hall or the bathroom. If there is good ventilation in the bathroom, I really like art in the loo.

  18. Best Willie & Freddie pic ever!

    No garment sewing mojo here. I don't know why. It's not the heat because we're used to that.

    I've been in home dec and quilting mode. I know! Last night while watching Top Chef I cut out some quilty pieces from the scraps of my IKEA bin covers. I'm thinking of wall hanging size to put on now blank wall where my bookshelf used to be before the sewing room makeover started happening.

  19. I'm sewing the vintage dress from the V & A Golden Age of Couture exhibit! (It's a free downloadable pattern on the V&A website.) I'm trying to finish it in time to wear it to the museum meet-up with Gertie in Nashville!

    Details here:

  20. Well, at least some people are busy sewing! Jenny that dress project looks exciting -- and promising. But isn't it HOT in Nashville?

  21. It's not much hotter in Nashville than it is here in the St. Louis area. The dress will be cotton with a batiste-lined bodice, so that's not too bad. Also, I have found that a full skirt with a net fluffer is ideal for catching any little breeze. It helps that I'm not too proud to quietly station myself directly over the AC vent for maximum updraft if the heat demands it! In the car I always set the AC so that the floor vents are open. You should have Cathy try a very full skirt and let her explain about the advantages of breeziness!

  22. Great blog, I've been reading for a while, but never really comment much. I'm starting on the Bella shorts pattern from BurdaStyle. And as for movies, they have these awesome four packs of old movies at target. So right now I'm watching All About Even, then up next is The Valley of the Dolls.

  23. "All About Even?" That sounds "odd" -- get it! LOL

    Then "Valley of the Dolls" -- what a great combo!

  24. Peter, for those of us without air conditioning, it is entirely too hot to sew. I thought about cutting out my Rooibos dress at about 3am when it was actually cool out, but I couldn't muster up the energy. We watched Little Miss Sunshine this week which never fails to make me laugh and cry.

  25. My sewing/creating blog is padded these days with lots of music related fluff. I have inspiration, desire and absolutely No Time! I grow most of my own food, so during the summer and fall months my garden owns, which means my machines sit quietly in the corner longing to be turned on. It's a bitter sweet struggle.

  26. Oops! haha. All about Eve. Must have been typing too fast.

  27. I'm (barely) working on McCall's 2818 (as part of a sewalong on Pattern Review), and am in the process of preparing a whole buncha patterns so I can start sewing school clothes for my daughter. She's as tall as a Child's size 5, but just barely a size 3 around, so I have lots of altering to do.

    And I cleaned up a lot of my sewing room...whaddya know? It now looks like "my bedroom that I sew in" instead of "good god, when did this fabric/pattern explosion happen?"

  28. It's August.... Too late to sew anything new for the summer. Too early to start the fall sewing. I'm waiting until the September Vogue hits. That always gets my mojo rolling.

  29. Peter I think you should spend today planning a sewing camp (aka retreat). That would be a fantastic way to spend the afternoon.

    You would be the camp director (aka mob boss,) and the rest, of course, is up to you!


  30. I'm still working on my silk blouse, and have a pair of awesome pjs cut from baby Disney fabric from 1984 ready to sew, and finally a pair of shorts cut out also waiting to be made. I'm in the middle of moving and trying to finish up other crafts so sewing is being put on the back-burner.

  31. I've actually had the machines out and running quite a bit this week, but just to mend and alter thrifted clothing to pack for My Great Adventure in the UK and Europe (and to avoid working on a paper). I shortened a dress, lengthened some pants (a new one for me--maybe they were meant to be ankle-length?) and repaired an inseam pocket that had been jaggedly snipped out of an otherwise respectable pair of Alfred Dunhill pants (!).

    If you really have nothing to do you can hop on over to my blog and tell me how to make a cardigan out of my old patchwork skirt.

  32. Oh pleeeease write a post about politically incorrect fashion advertising! Or at least just post some images and let them speak for themselves.

  33. Maybe, maybe. But right now I'm too busy....sewing! Tune in tomorrow!

  34. I've been blog padding for I don't know how long! I think I now officially have a "fashion" blog instead of an actual "sewing is getting done" blog. Oh, well...

  35. I watched Marnie recently, with gorgeous Sean Connery and Tippi Hedren. I loved the clothes. And the story was good too!

  36. My favorite "vintage" movie is Major and the Minor starring Ginger Rogers and Ray Milland. After years of waiting, they finally put it out on a DVD. Previously, I had a VHS tape that I recorded off the TV. Of course, there are other movies I love, that one is on top of the list.

    I'm recovering from a little procedure, but if I feel like it, I'm going to clean off the horizontal surfaces in my sewing room. Then I can sew! More precisely, cut out, sew and press. The press board is also covered with stuff, so it also makes it hard to sew.

  37. I'm tired. I'm sick. I'm completely unmotivated. That being said, I have several projects in the works. I've had the dress and jacket for Vogue 8060 cut out for almost a month. I've promised my sister a sailor suit for my nephew, and two vintage layettes for the baby. I need to make up some diaper covers for the new online kids' boutique I'm seriously considering opening. I'm making Evie a new ducky dress from a vintage 1966 pattern McCall's 8121 and I need to start on Christmas presents, plus Evie's winter coat and a pair of fancy corduroy overalls and a matching blouse.

    But I completely lack motivation. I find that what I really want to do is ignore the world for a while and maybe go back to writing some fiction. I've been too busy sewing and taking care of the baby to write for almost two years now.... but I still want to go through my project list and make things. I love sewing, I just lack the motivation and getupandgo to start something right now!

  38. Feel better, Laura!

    Meredith, being the big Ginger Rogers fan I am, I also enjoyed "The Major and the Minor." One of her last really good films, imo.

  39. I think it's a summer thing.

    Thankfully it's winter here in freezing and wet Melbourne so my sewing mojo hasn't disappeared at all. Sadly not much sewing has been happening because i'm too busy with other things, but after getting serioud withdrawl symptoms from my machine, cracked it out on Wednesday night. However, on sunday I have 7 uninterrupted hours of sewing at the Melbourne Modern Quilt Guild! (not garment sewing, but sewing nonetheless).

    I hope your sewing enthusiasm comes back soon!

  40. I guess I'm the odd person out - I'm sewing my DH a fancy brocade vest to spiff up his tuxedo. The brocade is black, gun metal grey and plum. After that, I have a veritable list of items I've noted to fill in blanks in my wardrobe: navy blue wool gauze dress; navy, cream and shocking pink plaid jacket, and a shocking pink blouse (to go with the orphan navy items I have in the wardrobe) and, ahem, the other stuff.

  41. I am experiencing sewing inertia. I thought it was just me and winter. In fact, I seem to recall some northern hemisphere bloggers saying something similar six months ago when your winter was drawing to a close. I have loads of things cut out and ready to sew, but sewing them seems to not interest me at the moment. I have promised myself that this weekend I will finish the skirt that is hanging on Vera at the moment (needs a waistband and hemming) and I will pull out my wrap dress pattern and make one. I'll let you know on Monday if I actually did it!

  42. Actually the sewing energy is up. Way up. Having a looming deadline does that to me.

    Now that said, I also make jewelry and it has been long enough that I hear it calling me. But I don't have enough room to set up sewing and jewelry.


    Dearest Peter, reading about sewing instead of sewing is a good thing. You can get very inspired and/or educated that way. And usually in ways you don't expect. And guess what? Your blog is still super entertaining even when you are doing whatever it is you are doing right now.

  43. I watched Shirley Temple in curly top while beading the last of the flower girl dresses I've been making

  44. It's been strangely cool, even rainy 'round here, so I've felt more energetic than usual midsummer. Usually I would be prone on the couch very like Peter's dogs. Instead, summer sewing is happening. But except for a dress for my 7 year old (McCalls 2880 using 2 Heather Ross prints) -- it's been pillows and then patchwork pieces to upholster a chair (completed!). I need to get sewing for ME ME ME, because my wardrobe is looking sorry. But I've promised to make Vogue 2850 (Anna Sui top) for my 17 year old first with a flowery Anna Maria Horner voile: Anna Squared -- should be good. Then I'm excited about sewing Vogue 1189 (Rebecca Taylor wrap dress) with my new serger -- still too intimidated to thread it. But maybe today.


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