Jul 23, 2010

Peter's (near) perfect summer shirt!

Thanks for dropping by, Jude.  We'll call you.

So remember how I kvetched on Wednesday about style versus comfort on these balmy summer days?  And remember that I showed you this fabric I bought -- sort of a lawn-weight, eggshell white, loose cotton weave?

Well, using a favorite vintage men's shirt pattern of mine, Butterick  4712 (the same one I used for the orange flowered shirt in my blog header)...

...I made this:

It's a banded-collar shirt (my first), loose and airy; dressier than a caftan top with it's long cuffed sleeves and sleeve plackets, but more casual than a regular dress shirt with its side vents, lack of collar, and semi-transparent fabric.   Now if only I could master Jude's suit....


I think it's the perfect combination of style and comfort, modesty and elegance!

It even gives those pajama pants a little more class.  I'm now nearly ready to visit all you sub-tropical dwellers and thanks again for the invite(s)!

I'm very happy with the way this turned out, though now, somewhat predictably, Michael wants one too so it's back to the sweat shop for me.

Today is a special day for another reason: it's our six month anniversary.  No, not mine and Michael's -- mine and yours.  Do you believe it?  Half a year and we haven't once argued.  Thanks again for spending your time with me, Michael, and the dogs.  It gives us hope to know that in some parts of the world one still needs Ugg boots not to freeze to death.

Somehow the week has flown by in a blur of cotton stripes and white gauze.  Never ceases to amaze me.  I'm in laundry mode here.  You?

Have a great day everybody!


  1. Most excellent shirt! I love it with the pants. If I lived in a sub-tropical clim -- wait I do live in TN! Anyway you look great. Thanks to you for 6 mos of fun, entertaining, and some times thought provoking reading. Long may you reign!

  2. Looks awesome! (And I like what you did with the collar!) Told you comfort and style could co-exist :D.

    I wish the summers here were less terrible... it's a rare day when we get above 80F. I really need at least a few weeks of solid baking to brace myself for the Canadian winter. You're welcome to come visit us, too, although the spare room mostly holds all my fabric in random piles... it's in the basement where it's nice and cool, though.

  3. Lovely shirt Peter. You have given it a very professional finish - I can't get over your detail - just perfect.

    Those sleeve plackets seem long...are they?

    Congratulations to all of us on our anniversary! I wonder what will happen in the next 6 months now that the honeymoon stage is over...

    P.S.) What was the reference book you used for sewing men’s shirts? I think you mentioned it once before?

    Love your work!

    Cherri in Aus

  4. Love your shirt. It looks great on you!

  5. Lovely shirt - I feel cooler already. And a chic combination with pajama pants - what a fashion-forward thinker you are :)

  6. There is NOTHING (and I do mean nothing)like a good white shirt. You can wear that shirt everywhere, with anything and look fabu.

  7. Spectacular! You need a tropical cocktail to complete the outfit ; )

  8. Cute, cute, cute. I really like it, but I just love the pattern photo with the blue and red stripes, but I'm bias about stripes.
    Happy Anniversary though.

  9. Love the shirt.

    Happy Anniversary!

    How about we go buy each other his 'n hers vintage sewing machines and then have lunch.

  10. Great shirt! Wonderful cas-elegance! What's that shirt on the stand in the background of the last photo?

    Finally, here's to another 6 months, and another, and another ...

  11. Love your shirt, it looks fantastic!

  12. Happy Anniversary! You're darling, as always.
    I'm sewing on my 15-91 today in honor of you.

  13. Thanks, All. Debbie, that's my cabana set top. Kate, it's a date!

    Cherri, the sleeve plackets are a little foreshortened in the photo: in reality they only go up to my ears.

  14. FABULOUS! Of course I'm referring to not only the shirt, but your anniversary as well. Thank you for being so prolific with writing and sewing and so darn entertaining as well. As a newer reader, I know you make my days brighter.

  15. Peter, you are amazing! Great shirt!

  16. You did an awesome job on the shirt, sleeve plackets and all. The shirt itself looks very good on you, and I understand why Michael wants one too.

    Stay cool. (Heat index in my neck of the woods will be 111 deg. today!)

  17. Really cool! Works perfectly with the pajamas :-), and nobody would be embarrassed at being caught wearing that to a party either.
    Loose but covering are the traditional garments of choice for hot dry heat (think Bedouins). It's hot and humid climates that require as little skin coverage as possible. Of course I got my first sleeveless items when I arrived on the East Coast from California, but all that is relative, NY seems dry to people from Florida..

  18. Thanks Peter. I knew it looked familiar. Those darn 40+ memory lapse moments are hell. ;-)

  19. Happy Anniversary! It's been a wonderful 6 months. :)

    Beautiful shirt too! And I love the pajama pants/dress shirt combo.

  20. Great looking shirt! The details are so crisp.

  21. Happy Monthaversary! I'm so glad to have you in my (blog) life!

    And you look dashing in your new shirt and pants. Jude…pshaw! He ain't got NOTHIN' on you.

  22. Lovely job with the shirt and Happy Anniversary!

    Rose in SV

  23. I like the shirt- perfect touch of refinement and elegance in this heat wave. Ties in nicely with the modesty post of yesterday.
    And this BLOG! It's a breath of fresh air with the sewing blogs I read... It's always good to find someone else who doesn't fit the mold of the traditional sewist!
    I'm excited for you and your six-month anniversary... it makes my heart happy. Here's to many more!

  24. OH I really love it Peter! It's got that comfort with a touch of class look. So swanky! Length looks fabulous too, to keep in or out of bottoms. Lovely idea and perfect for those hot sweltering days.

  25. Great shirt, it has a very rich Riviera-yacht vibe. You can't have too many white shirts!

  26. First, it not fair to give no warning when Jude is coming by. I would have picked a totally different outfit!!!!

    Your shirt is beautiful and timeless. Awesome sleeves!

  27. HLT, if there's anyone who always looks perfect for Jude Law to stop by, it's you! LOL

  28. How do you do it? How do you make shirtmaking look so effortless!?!?! This shirt is glorious. I'm really going to have to have a go as soon as the wedding dress is done. Mr S deserves a little of this elegance.

    Keep cool...just be glad it's not raining and flooding!

  29. I have been enjoying your blog for some time now, and that shirt dragged me out of my lurkdom. It is fantastic. Well done!

  30. Beautiful job on the shirt and the blog, Peter. Thank you for the inspiration and entertainment.

  31. Peter, you are utterly fabulous!

  32. Peter,

    You in your white shirt, absolutely stunning.

    Your blog is a joy, can't wait to read it every day. Thank you.

    By the way, men in sarongs, yes, think David Beckham.

    Big hugs from Alicante, Spain


  33. I love this shirt! It looks perfect!

  34. Thanks again, guys.

    Gaviota, I have actually been to Alicante (about 25 years ago) -- fíjate!

  35. Very nice relaxed looking shirt! Everybody needs one of these!

  36. Wow, 6 months ... itt's been a total pleasure. PS Great shirt.

  37. It IS a perfect summer shirt! Loose and breezy and that effortless-style look.
    Happy six-month blogoversary, you've been a pleasure to read :)

  38. Peter you look smashing as always.. Happy Aniversary.. You are a joy to read every day!


  39. WOW! Peter, this shirt is amazing. You make it all seem so easy. If you can make this shirt you can certainly make all of Jude's suit. Hell, you probably even know how to repair his sports car in the background.

  40. Let's not talk about ugg boots on the same page as this lovely, elegant - summery! - shirt. :0)
    Happy anniversary!

  41. Elegant and beautifully executed shirt! Call me crazy, but I'm happy to see something done in "non-sheet" ;-) You have mad skilz!

    I don't blame Michael for wanting one.

    And here's to the future!

  42. I have major, major placket envy. My first attempt looked nothing like that. Bee-yootiful. Jude? He's such a slut, he's lost almost all of his appeal. Almost.

  43. Can I just say that I think this shirt is the perfect "guy shirt"?! (And not just because there is a picture of Jude Law at the top. *ahem*) I really love the style of men's shirts, especially in really crisp, classic fabrics like this. I used to buy a ton of men's dress shirts at the thrift stores and wear them my first year at college (it became my "signature" look those first semesters! ;). Yours looks fantastic!!!

    ♥ Casey
    blog | elegantmusings.com

  44. Absolutely gorgeous! Looks better than any quality top-notch shirt I've ever seen. Really crisp and clean - a winner!



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