Jul 31, 2010

New Glasses for Cathy! Yea or Nay?

As anyone who has ever shared a meal with Cathy and wondered why she was eating off their plate soon realized, Cathy's eyesight is not one of her strengths.  Most of the time she's stumbling around in semi-darkness, poor thing.

Unfortunately my cousin was raised to believe the old adage that "Men don't make passes..."  I'm trying to get her to re-think things and update her look.

What's your take?

PAIR #1  -- Too...derivative?

PAIR #2 -- Too big?

PAIR #3 -- Too busy?

PAIR #4 -- Too Carol Channing?

PAIR #5 -- Too smart?

Because Cathy is indecisive, she needs your help, readers....really!

It's photoshoot day so I'm busy helping Cathy squeeze into her "Adaptolette" girdle -- tune into tomorrow for the results!

Big hugs from Freddy and Willy!


  1. I`m afraid, Cathy is more the contacts-girl...

  2. If anything it would be #4, but i would suggest and "invisible frame" look.

  3. I really like pair 5...There's no such thing as too smart. Pair 3 isn't bad either, though they won't go with everything.

  4. When all else fails, it's better to be too smart, I think :)

  5. I think pair #3 are the most flattering, they're quite pretty. I agree though, they won't go with everything.

    Pair #2 make Cathy look like Edith Head. Which would be a negative, in my book.

  6. #5 for color, shape and size. All of the others just overwhelm Cathy's face and features.

  7. I agree with ladykatza, invisible frames would likely be the most flattering, but if I have to pick from your selection, #3.

  8. I vote #3 or #5. #3 are great on Cathy's face shape, but there's sooo many colors. #5 are good as well and will probably go with more.

  9. I typed in the wrong number! I like #3 the best, but I am laughing hard at this post.

  10. I'd like to submit a write-in vote for cats-eye frames. :)

    Otherwise, I like #3.

  11. Loving pair 3 makes he look smart and interesting.

  12. #3 hands down. Makes a serious fashion statement.

  13. #5 but none of them do her justice. As a women (ahem) ages, the last thing she needs are distracting frames around her eyes. As a lifetime specs wearer, I prefer the frameless look. Add a little spark with nice earpieces. With frames, esp. heavy ones, all you see are the specs. You can't see her eyes!

  14. I wonder what Gertie has to say about this?

  15. From the choices available, #3 is the most flattering. Black frames won't work because Cathy has both black hair and dark eyes. Also Cathy's short hair is thickest at eye level, heavy frames just add additional weight at the upper part of the face. So, thinner frames or frameless as someone suggested might work better.

  16. I like #3 - very interesting on her!

  17. Really! I think Cathy should keep all of them -

    We glasses-wearing girls know that there is not one pair in the WORLD that goes with every outfit!


  18. Nay. Cathy's perspective on the world is unique and requires no "correction".

  19. They are all too overpowering for her face. I don't know what else to tell you, sorry!

  20. Oh, my, I just had to exit my google reader and log in over here to comment. Yikes! Keep shopping. Cathy deserves sexy and saucy. Number 5 is the closest, but . . .

  21. When they go with the outfit, #3 for sure. You need more options for other looks.

  22. She looks amazing in Pair 5.

    I'll have the pics up from the photo shoot of my latest skirt on Monday. The previous post is the tute on how to make it. See you then.


  23. I like the Carol Channing pair. Cathy definitely needs something bold when it comes to eyewear. #2 is a little too Mr. Magoo.

  24. Pair 3 is the most flattering while pair 4 is the most unique and attention-grabbing.

    I personally love number 3 the most!

  25. Pair #3 are very flattering but pair #4 have a certain something too. xx

  26. The shape of pair #3 looks really good on Cathy and makes her eyes look gorgeous. And sometimes a fabulous pair of interesting glasses trumps the "goes with everything" plain glasses. Plus you can always have an extra set of boring glasses.

    Nope, looking at them again, I agree with myself that #3 looks the best on her. She looks so lady-like and fab. :D

  27. ack! what are the chances she'll sell me #2 if she doesn't choose them?!

  28. Good Lord! No, no, no. None of these. They just make the oblong worse. She needs something more horizontal and angular that will bring a much needed balance to her face.

    Look for something more like this:



    And the black color is much too heavy! Too cold! She does not have Anna Wintour's hair style so can not carry off her look. Nor Edith Head. Non, non, non, Pierre!


  29. #3 hands down
    feminine, funky, adds sparkle and pizzazz!
    and the round ones for the chihuhua

  30. I don't like any of them, except #3. Cathy has such pretty features, I would be reluctant to cover them up with the wrong pair of glasses (this from a glasses-wearer).

    She's look great in a cat's eye pair.

  31. I vote for pair #2 or #4, very Andy Warhol!

  32. #5, just smart enough...
    And whatever happened to the Miyake ones??

  33. Mon cher Pierre, Andy aurait aimé Cathy ! Regard: http://sewsister.wordpress.com/

  34. I prefer frames #3, but I agree that Gertie should weigh in. She found a great link to a vintage frame site and now has a pair of Cat's Eyes.

  35. Don't worry, I'm here!

    #3, obviously.

  36. Ha! Hilarious!
    I'm thinking something more along the lines of Marilyn in How to Marry a Millionaire.

  37. If I had to choose from just these 5 I'd say #3. But I agree with many others about something less "heavy". Holley M


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