Mar 5, 2010

Peter speaks! The 15-91 sewing machine VIDEO!

I wanted to share this special moment with you, dear readers.  So I now present my first-ever Male Pattern Boldness video! 

Sit back, relax, and join me for an exciting adventure you won't forget, as I unpack and examine for the first time ever my new Singer 15-91 sewing machine!

Pretty cool, huh?


  1. Sweet! I'll take your word for it that the stiches were pretty. :-)

  2. Hi Peter - looks as if you had a great time with your new (old) machine. New toys are great, aren't they? I like the addition of a video clip to your blog - but now you are in movies, won't Cathy be jealous??

  3. Congratulations on the new addition to your family. Love the Video.

  4. Very nice! I've never had any desire for a vintage sewing machine until right now.

  5. Thanks, guys. He's sounding even better this morning (after a good night's sleep, no doubt -- and a little more oil).

    Susannah, not to worry: Cathy is only interested in making musicals.

  6. I love your video! That was so much fun to watch. Thanks for sharing the exciting moment!

  7. I'm currently awaiting the arrival of an Ebay-purchased machine (Necchi 510), and this video is just making me more excited about the arrival of that box!

    Unlike you, I will have to buy a manual to figure out how to thread it. :)

  8. Oh Peter, now you're spoiling us with videos! What a great way to start my morning.

    Enjoy your new machine and thanks for sharing with us.

    I'm off to check out Ebay now...

  9. Oh, BTW, that lever that goes up and down as you stitch is called the TAKE UP ARM.

    In the video, I called it the PICK UP BAR, which is something else entirely! LOL

  10. Rather Be Sewing - Lynne WMarch 5, 2010 at 10:04 AM

    Thanks for inviting us into your home to share the moment as you enjoy your newest addition! I really liked hearing your reactions on video as I sipped my morning coffee.

    I'm going to pull out Mom's 1950's Singer right now. It's the one I learned on, enjoyed for years, then completely ignored in favor of my new Viking fancy-dancy computerized marvels.

    I'm so ashamed. Hope my loyal Singer 301a (in pristine camel and brown linen-look case, no less..with Bakelite foot pedal!) will find it in its sweet, stitchy heart to forgive me.

    Thanks, as always, for the inspiration!

  11. Great machine! I have one 15-91 in my collection, gotta love the old Singers!

  12. I love your video! Give the 15-91 a good oiling then with it unthreaded sit back and push that foot pedal for a good four to five minutes. That'll work the oil through. Do keep us posted on it!

  13. Gorgeous new machine! I'm a little envious of your ability to smoothly sew through eight layers of denim. Enjoy the heck out of your new addition.

    More videos, please!

  14. Yes, really cool. True the 201-2 sort of purrs as it sews - but I love the gear driven machines. I would love to see it tested in the other direction - try sewing together two really fine mesh pieces of lace.

  15. Great to see the 15-91 in action. I am amazed it went through 8 layers of denim like butter. I was talking back to your video at that point: "Oh, I don't know...that's pretty thick..." Nice!

  16. You SO made me want to have one of these machines! Thank you for the video!


  17. It was great to hear you speaking and to see you opening your new machine package. Reading your blog every day, I sort of feel like I know you. Hearing you speak adds to the sense that you're someone I know. That's nice. I vote for more videos, too.

    I guess I'm the only person who reads your blog who has no desire to own a vintage machine. I owned a wonderful vintage machine at one time. Of course it wasn't considered vintage at the time. It was an avocado green Singer that was my high school graduation present! (Yes, I survived the avocado green/harvest gold era.) I used it until 2000 when I started sewing again and bought my first computerized machine. I should have kept it. It still worked.

  18. Wow, Peter. Great video. I have been wanting a machine for straight stitching/top stitching etc on jeans, purses, etc. This machine looks like a winner to me. Thank you for the video. To me, a good seamster cannot avoid vintage machines. There are just some things that they do better. Besides, they are so much fun. Hope you have many hours of fun with your new baby. ;-)

  19. Oh this was great! Even better than a photoessay! Thankyou!

  20. Peter, Thank you so much for the wonderful video. You are such a natural.

  21. That's my machine too and I love it! Mine has a knee pedal though and is in a table.

  22. A good oiling and re-greasing (kind of a messy job) will quiet that machine down tremendously. A very nice machine, although mine doesn't sound nearly as "rattly".

  23. Congrats on the new machine! Loved the video. You were so cute being so proud of your new machine. :)

  24. Oh Peter, how have I not found you until today!!! I have 3 15-91's, as well as an obscene amount of other various vintage machines. A man who sews!!!! YOU ARE THE MAN I WANT TO BE!!!!
    take up arm vs. pick up bar = i love you!!

  25. I bought a White treadle machine last summer. Some cleaning, refinishing the wood cabinet, some elbow grease and TLC (compliments of my 13 year old son, who loves machinery), and a few gallons of machine oil, and it purrs like a kitten. Congrats on the new addition to the family!

  26. I have to admit I am a sewing machine junkie!! I have been an avid sewer since I was in my teens and I don't think that love has died any over the years. I seem to have areal passion for older sewing machines. Currently I own 2 Singers in cabinets dating to the 1920's, A Singer Touch & Sew 758, a Singer 503, a Singer Merritt 9110, a Necchi 1960's? (pink), A Montgomery Ward Signature 1970-80's?, a Brother 1966? , a Husqvarna Classica 90, and a Husqvarna 500. All are running except for the Brother who I think has a timing issue. I was so proud of myself for letting one go that I gave to my DIL's young niece. Yesterday I sold another one to a friend but that same day brought another one home from a thrift shop that just begged to come home with me. It was in rather bad shape when I got it but the price was right. After a thorough cleaning and a little adjusting it sews well. Another "friend" to play with! If this is an illness I'm not really sure I want to find a cure!! :c)


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