Feb 3, 2010

Cathy's latest high-fashion photoshoot!

Finally, with temperatures (barely) above freezing yesterday, I convinced my identical cousin Cathy Lane to model my metallic copper dress, Vogue 7739.

Cathy's such a trouper -- never once complaining as her nose dripped in the cold air.

All sorts of surprises await!

If you'd like to see this slideshow full size -- and who wouldn't? -- just click on any image and watch it at Picasa.

You can also read my pattern review for Vogue 7739 here.

Or follow Cathy's earlier adventures here.

Thanks go out to the staff at the Salvation Army for discretely looking the other way as I squeezed into a pair of vintage 9 1/2 Yves Saint Laurent pumps!



  1. The Cathy dramas just keep getting better and better!

  2. Oh my goodness, I'm lying on my sofa, with a cold , feeling very sorry for myself and that just cheered me up no end! Thank you!

  3. What a delightful way to start the morning! Love to you and Cathy!

  4. Cathy is my hero. Although she has much better legs than I do. Wait. I hate Cathy.

  5. Awesome Cathy photoshoot. It's amazing how much the dogs like her too. Thanks for making a dreary Wednesday brighter.

  6. I wish I had a cousin like Cathy! She's soooo chic. The dress looks fab. Though, I'm not sure if I'm disturbed or proud that Cathy and I wear the same size. Love the pumps.

  7. More on darling Cathy, s'il vous plait! Elle est très chic.

  8. Love the hat, the dress, the story ... beaucoup fun. :-)

  9. Such fun! I love that someone as glamourous as Cathy still does the mundane, picking up her own pizza, doing her own laundry, and petting puppies.

  10. I love the story and the dress looks sensational! Fantastic fabric choice. And that hosiery color is also to die for. Simply can't wait to read your review!!

  11. When I see Cathy, all I can think to myself is, "How can someone so beautiful be so sad?" If anything, you'd think that adorable dress would cheer her up!

    And also, isn't it an interesting "coincidence" that Cathy's problematic stepmother and I have the same name? :D

  12. Not easy finding size 9.5 pumps, black or otherwise. And I'm sure hose in the right length is a challenge too. I can see why Cathy might have a little 'Seasonal Affective' thing going - it's just too long a winter. Perhaps some colorful accessories (though with the news story today about Saks taking down their jewelry made in China because the lab has found cadmium in that too, I think jewelry is out) - a pretty scarf at the neck..lots of color!

  13. Thanks, everyone, for your kind comments and fashion tips; Cathy will be thrilled.

    It's true: Cathy suffers from SAD, and February is an especially tough month with Valentines Day around the corner.

    Selfish Seamstress, do you honestly think you're the ONLY selfish person in the world named Elaine? What is it with these people?

    Gertie, rest assured, Cathy's 9 1/2's are the LEAST disturbing thing about her!

  14. Are those pink tights on Cathy or just the cold?

    And why oh why has no one picked up on the Patty Duke connection? She too had an identical British cousin named Cathy . . .

  15. These kids are too young, damn them!

    No, no, the tights are really purple. But the blue lips are natural.

  16. I do love Cathy - none of my many miserable cousins would go out in a flimsy dress in minus temperatures for a photo shoot. Selfish creatures. When you've finished with the hat I think you should do a give-away and let me win.

  17. I agree with Beangirl - Cathy is my hero and she has GREAT legs!!!

  18. Jesus, Cathy has some fantastic legs! The shoes just improve the long/lean. Love these photos...

  19. Another marvelous photo essay! Peter (and Cathy) you rock!!

  20. Oh Peter, I just love you and Cathy (those gams make me green with envy)! You made my day-again.

  21. That vintage purple hat was another great Salvation Army find -- it was actually made in Florence, Italy. (I have another one in a slightly different style I'm saving for spring.)

    Yeah, yeah, the legs -- she's not shy about showing them off, is she? Let's just see where her modeling career takes her. She's getting a somewhat... "late" start. Tyra, are you out there?

  22. Cathy looks gorgeous in her new dress. Do you think she'd let me borrow it?

  23. Those legs! Those shoes! That copper fabric! I love copper, currently eyeing that copper fabric at EOS. And a really fun story too.


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