Nov 25, 2016

Peter Models the Bias-Plaid Cape

I did it, friends -- my bias-plaid cape is finished!

You can see more of my completed garment in all it's red, white, and blue glory HERE.

This project caused me some stress as the bias required a great deal of hand-stitching and careful pattern matching.  Adding the hood was not the walk in the park I'd anticipated.  The visible inside of the cape facing where it meets the hood had to be symmetrical (aka, mirror image, which looked best to my eye) and also match the inside of the hood (lined in self fabric). 

Suffice it to say I worked hard to make everything work and if it's not exactly perfect, well it's close enough.

In the end I didn't line the cape: it drapes beautifully without a lining and it's already very warm.  Down the road, however, I might add a lining just to give the garment a more finished look on the inside -- let's face it: linings are classy.

All that said, I'm delighted with this cape as-is.  It's cheerful and, I think, sufficiently masculine that I don't look like I'm wearing one of Miss Marple's cast-offs.  I hope you agree and I expect I'll from you if you don't.

Have a great day, everybody, and enjoy the weekend!


  1. LOVE IT!!!! Yes, a cozy lining would come in handy but it just looks like so much fun as it is. I imagine you doing some twirls and getting compliments galore!

  2. I also thought of Miss Marple, and I loved her cape. I love your cape, it is very stylish. I think this pattern would be very versatile.

  3. It's a gorgeous cape. You did a spectacular job placing and matching the plaid. Love it!

  4. hi,, I know you from Burda.. sewing .. i love the blog really fun page..

  5. Love it. (Shams and I met you at Mood the day you bought it).


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