Jun 28, 2016

New Summer Separates: Geometric Print Shirt + Linen Shorts!

Isn't that the coolest print shirting you've ever seen?

Readers, you can see me modeling my new summer outfit right this very minute by simply clicking here!

Wait -- perhaps you didn't even know there was a new summer outfit in the works.  That, I suspect, is because you don't follow me on Instagram.   These days, that's the best place to find the most up-to-date info on my sewing projects.   It's so much faster to post there than to craft a blog post.

An interesting factoid about my shirting fabric: I bought it for a client (whom you'll be meeting soon) and loved it so much I picked up more for myself.  The two projects I made from it are different in style but it's cool to see more than one thing made up in a particular fabric, don't you think?

Inside yoke and collar stand lined in Liberty of London remnant.

I practically live in clothes like these during the summer: casual enough to be comfortable but sufficiently put-together so that I can wear them to, say, my new patternmaking class at FIT (which started earlier today).  Yes, I impulsively decided to continue my studies this summer, and am taking a second-level intensive flat patternmaking class that meets three days a week for the next five weeks (much like my draping class).  Much more about that in the days and weeks ahead.

And what did I wear to class this morning?  This very outfit!

(Who doesn't like new school clothes?)

Have a great day, everybody!


  1. I love your pattern combo in the shirt. I'm forward to looking forward to seeing what you learn in your new class.

  2. What a beautiful combination of patterns! I love watching your creations come to life.

  3. Nice shirt fabric pattern. Another class? I am soooo jealous.

  4. Peter, you pensive scamp (second picture at Mood - and I luv your jewelry, and I'm not a jewelry guy), the shirt and shorts are "better than Bloomingdales" quality.

    Can NOT wait to meet Susan-2! I can't be the only one to have trouble getting over the brief time Susan graced us with her direct charm.

    A new class at FIT! Please Reader's Digest us on the doings (we don't need a long blog post).

  5. Love your new summer outfit. And those shorts show off your great legs. :-)

  6. What an awesome idea to use the reverse side of fabric! Sometimes I've found beautiful prints but the intense colors and can ruin the print. Great post..thanks!


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