Dec 28, 2015

Peter's Holiday Hijinks + Another Tunic Shirt!

The last week of the year means festivities, friends, family, and sewing fun!

That's Michael (up top) back in NYC the day after Christmas.  We walked uptown to see the Lord & Taylor holiday windows and stopped off at the wonderful Kinokuniya bookstore, where we stumbled upon a wide assortment of Sonny Angel collectible kewpie doll-type figurines.  I resisted but Michael was smitten.  Do you know anybody who collects this kind of stuff?  Their brilliant marketing ploy is that you don't know which figurine you're getting when you purchase one (they're boxed), so you have to just keep buying and buying and buying to complete a full set -- think baseball cards only much more expensive.

In the cafe upstairs we both had green tea and shared rice balls wrapped in seaweed.  Yum!

We'd spent the previous two days at Michael's father's apartment outside Philly.  We ate Christmas Eve dinner at the famous Spring House Tavern.

Driving down to Ambler, PA.

Michael's Dad and Dad's lovely lady friend Linda.

On Christmas Eve the weather was a balmy 70 degrees.  I went running in shorts and a tank top!

Before I forget, last week my patternmaking class at FIT ended.  You've probably seen my final project, a black cotton print blouse with collar stand, collar, and bishop sleeves.  I got an "A" for the class, which feels good even at my age.  I'll be taking the next level class starting the end of January.  You can see a few of the other student projects below.

Moving right along, this weekend I sewed another men's tunic shirt for a client.  It's made from a lovely black cotton floral print.  Simple but elegant.

But wait, there's more!  Yesterday our neighbors threw a big holiday party with way too much food and sweets galore.  Since their fridge was already stuffed to the gills, we now have most of their leftovers in ours.  It's very hard to say no to tiramisu cake from the famous Veniero's bakery!

"Aunt" Irma, our lovely hostess and my neighbor of twenty-five years.

My Mom was there too!

Finally, you are no doubt wondering what my top nine Instagram posts for 2015 were (see below).  BTW, if you don't follow me on Instagram, please do!

Friends, I hope your holidays are happy ones and you're finding time to do the things you love to do, with the people you love to be with.

 Have a great day, everybody!


  1. I'm up in so much family dirt from your blog. THANK YOU!!
    you all look dapper.

  2. Looks like you all had a great year's end! What a lovely group of people that surrounds you, Peter. This post reminds me that the best thing worn is a smile. Kinda corny but true.

    I look forward to reading you in 2016. May it be your best year thus far!

  3. Those sunset-blush walls can only mean everyone's favorite neighbor is about to make another appearance. Was Ed mentioned during the celebration? Hmmm?

    Thank you Peter for the 2015 edition of MPB. [BIG Dinah Shore kiss]

  4. What is the pink, green and vanilla cake?

  5. Any trip to NYC now must include a pilgrimage to Kinokinuya for Lily. She doesn't collect the Sonny Angel but the little ponies with the same surprise element. All the result of attending MPB Day! Looks like a joyful holiday celebration. Happy New Year!

  6. Your posts are a bright spot in my day. Thanks for sharing with us fans.

  7. You do have a great smile, and I love the black tunic. How nice that you've had the same neighbor for so long!

  8. I can't believe all the great weather you guys are getting. It's cold here in Cali. Love all the shirts. Looks like great holiday fun fun. Looking forward to reading your 2016 posts.

  9. Love the picture of your mom. She looks great and like she's enjoying herself.

  10. Your mom looks great and happy. You must be taking good care of her. Happy New Year

  11. Thanks for another great year of MPB blogging.

    A Happy New Year to you and yours.


  12. That party looks great! And congrats on the good grade.

  13. At our house, we call feast leftovers "dead party." Happy New Year!

  14. It was a great year indeed, in so many ways! Wishing you all the best for the new year!

  15. You and Michael and your folks are really attractive people.

  16. I never years ago not kewpie dolls but Trolls with their hair.
    The Tiramisu looks to die for!

  17. Your mom has a warm and wonderful smile.


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