Jun 1, 2014

All Talking, All Singing, All VLOGGING!

Readers, today's the day: the debut of my very first weekly vlog! 

To quote Michael, "The next phase has begun."

As you can see, there's a bit of Mr. Rogers in me and a lot of Dinah Shore.

PLEASE NOTE: Some images in this vlog may be unsuitable for small children and those fearful of life-sized dolls.  Parental guidance is suggested.


If you're on a portable device or wish to watch full-size, click here.

Have a great day, everybody!


  1. Who knew you had such a nice voice?


    You've outdone yourself, Peter - music, costume changes and all.

    Thank you for a cheerful start to Monday morning :)


  3. Congratulations to my videogenic partner....I'm so proud of you! Xxoo

  4. More costume changes than Cher! Can't wait for next episode.

  5. Peter, this was great! Except for the new building update - that was a bummer. :( Why do almost all new buildings look like that? Anyway, looking forward to the next vlogness post!

  6. Loved it! Beautiful singing (and good pianist, whoever that is) and watching you grip Patti's hair and twisting her neck had me laughing out loud. I enjoy your lighthearted approach to life.

  7. Thank you, thank you, thank you. That was just wonderful, and made my day. So nice to see you and your life. I'm looking forward to next week.
    Please give Willie a hug from me.

  8. Dear God Peter you missed your opportunity on Broadway - really brilliant v-log! What a sweet voice! XOXO, Pammie
    p.s. Jonathan (my partner and professional pianist) said Michael played with a nice rhythmic feel!

    1. Excellent! More please! Seriously, I'm ready for your next show!

  9. It's so nice to put a voice with a face!

  10. This was really very good and funny. Nice singing voice.

  11. I never (never!) watch videos on the internet, but I watched this one and now I'm all smiles. Thanks Peter!

  12. Peter, you're the cutest! Thanks for making me smile with your beautiful singing and sincere commentary. I look forward to the next vlog post.

  13. Loved the show Peter. Went by so fast. Singing was pure.
    Where I once thought of you as the Ethan Mordden of sewing blog, now your one of the two brightest lights on Broadway (Michael being the other). Sewing and show tunes, who knew, but you? Now you can montage sewing machines going and spinning like Mildred Dearest in Str8 Jacket. Keep it up. love it

  14. This was fun! Looking forward to more.

  15. Having a vlogasm here!

    If that's the LAST we see of THAT DOLL, my psyche may actually begin to heal.

    Can NOT believe you ran into and coffeed with sewing celebrity Senor King!

    Does your bedroom sport two different shades of green on the walls (reflecting the "winter" and "spring" who slumber there)?

    Sundays are suddenly the best day of the week.

    Sign me,
    He who believes yours is a charmed life.

  16. Peter....you make me SMILE! Thanks. I wish I got as much sewing done as you....I'm too busy reading blogs!

  17. Delightful! A lovely way to combat the Sunday spiral!

  18. Loved the Vlog and hope over time to see more of
    Michael and the dogs
    The inside details of your beautiful creations

  19. More songs please, and piano. Love the bit of history and everything else was great.

  20. Bravo !

    I began my week with a smile, thank you !

    1. Well that was a great start to the week here in sunny Northern Ireland. I am in awe of the costume changes, your singing, Michael's piano playing etc. Thank-you Peter it was GREAT.

  21. loved your singing, looking forward to next week.

  22. Perfect start to the week! This blog is the best. Keep it up! Looking forward to next week!

  23. Soooo CHARMING! A bit smile on my face to start the week with, thank you!

  24. Hello from Australia! It is quite a way from here to America!
    I've been loving these videos, please keep up the good work and keep singing! :-)

  25. Absolutely loved your vlog. You made me smile from start to finish.

  26. Love, loved it. The costume changes, the balcony, the fabrics and your fabulous spirit - what an opener to season 1. Hoping Cathy will agree to a cameo or two.

  27. Ha ha.. I think you changed clothes more times than Cher in concert!

  28. SO fun! This is everything that keeps so many of us addicted and inspired year after year.

  29. That was the best!! I loved the intro/exit singing :D Your energy is contagious :) I look forward to next week!

  30. He sews, he sings, he VLOOOOOOOOOOGS! Love this!

  31. you made me happy. Thank you. Jane

  32. *Standing Ovation*

  33. Most enjoyable! You're so sweet and energetic and enthused about sewing, here's another big grin to add to your collection. Bravo!

  34. That was awesome!!! Love the singing and the piano, love that it felt like a visit. Yay!

  35. Oh, dear god, I love it. Thank you.

  36. Loved it, loved the singing, loved how natural you were in front of the camera.
    Thank goodness the doll is gone. It gave me the goosebumps when it came up on screen at the end of the song!!!

  37. Not that you're soliciting comments on your sewing plans, but what about a suit from McCall's 5119 pants & Butterick 4362 jacket? Best of both patterns! I must say that Michael is a lucky person having you in his life - I was smiling all through your vlog because you are so happy! It was lovely, thank you! Rachel ☺

  38. You have a very nice voice, Peter! It was great to hear you.

  39. You're adorable. I'd like to keep you in a pretty box to open on gloomy rainy days.

  40. You are hilarious. That was pretty great!! Looking forward to more!

  41. Oh I loved this! You are so talented (Michael too!) I'll be visiting NY in August and I told mr husband the greatest thing would be to run into you in one of the fabric stores! You do remind me of Mr. Rogers, and that's a good thing. I miss him....

  42. More songs! Please more songs!

  43. I do not generally go to internet video, but have become obsessed with your blog the last couple months, and was looking forward to the video version. Loved it - well, until the doll started swooning at the end. That's a little creepy. Isn't she supposed to be ditched? Did she swoon her way back? Eeek.

  44. You have a beautiful voice!!!! What a nice way to start the week...thank you!!!

  45. hi, more songs please and could we see Michael playing the piano. Absolutely loved it.


  46. Sigh! Loved your singing, and 'the week that was'. And Michael's piano playing, and the sweet-faced doll - just not the creepy bit at the end! Thank you both. Anne-Marie

  47. Please do an entire vblog post in song!!!! PLEASE! I love the singing!

  48. Could you, pretty please, indulge me with the actual Mr.Roger's Neighborhood theme song? I'll sing along. It was one of the few shows I was allowed to watch as a very young child.

  49. Lovely vlog, thank you. You asked for comments and suggestions. Vlogging is the perfect opportunity to show behind the scenes footage of how you get such perfect results.

    For example, I'm in awe of the accuracy of your topstitching. Even more, I despair of ever getting fat, overlapping seams to line up just right - and you appear to do it so easily!

    So, while you're giving us wonderful songs and making us jealous of your incredible shopping opportunities, maybe slip in a little video tip or tutorial.

    Love your blog and vlog!

  50. So much fun! My toddler kept jumping up to dance to your wonderful singing. When Patti came on for her part, he said, "Gosh! She's cweepy!" Loved it :)

  51. Loved it....! looking forward to more...

  52. Loved the singing and costume changes however, the doll was creepy. LOL!!

  53. Who doesn't want their toes separated? I sang along with you quite happily with my evening glass of wine. Delightful! I'm looking forward to future installments!


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