Jan 23, 2014

National Pie Day + MPB's FOURTH Birthday!

Readers, it doesn't seem possible.

Could it actually be National Pie Day again so soon?  My goodness, how time flies!

As you know, coincidentally, National Pie Day is also the birthday of Male Pattern Boldness.  Today we turn FOUR!

If someone told me in 2010 that I'd still be blogging in 2014, I wouldn't have believed them.  How do I do it?  I consider blogging to be a lot like sobriety: you take it one day at a time, and I hope nobody thinks I'm trivializing writing a blog in saying so.

As on every January 23rd, the telegrams and telepathic good wishes have been pouring in from our many celebrity friends -- perhaps fewer than in years past, but that's OK.  Among them...

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ford.

Joan Collins and June Allyson.

And -- a first for us -- her Royal Highness Queen Sofia of Spain.

I also want to honor some of the people who work behind the scenes at MPB.  You won't recognize their names but I couldn't function without them.

First, makeup artist Carole, who keeps me looking flawless.

My hairstylist, Alexandre de Paris.  He turned me on to the vinegar rinse.

And finally, the three girls in the back office who work tirelessly answering phones, making coffee, and keeping my workspace tidy --  Doris, Mary, and Angie.

Friends, I hope you'll be celebrating this very special day at home with a slice of pie, a glass of milk, and maybe a journey through the massive MPB archives.  You can go back to the beginning, or just pick a random search word and see where it takes you.

Happy National Pie Day, everybody, and, as always, thanks for being there!

(A special, unscripted public service announcement from Doris and Angie)


  1. do tell about the vinegar rinse! sounds very interesting!!

    1. http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Your-Hair-Silky-and-Shiny-With-Vinegar

  2. Oh, happiest of happy birthdays to you, MPB! I hope that Cathy and Simplicity drop by to wish you well, and that they bring prezzies.

  3. National Pie Day and MPB's birthday are on the same day?!! How fortuitous! Best wishes for both reasons to celebrate!

  4. Oh! I told S.M.SofĂ­a to call you...
    Isn´t she cool?:-) Happy birthday!!

  5. Happy MPB birthday! That spam pie brings back memories of the sixties.

    Who knew Glenn Ford was ever that handsome?

  6. Happy Pie Day! Hears to many more years! :-)

  7. Wow Peter! So impressed by the calibre of your team! Can I apply for a job at MPB's headquarters please? A big congratulations for your 4th year blog anniversary!

    1. We may have an opening coming up, David. How are your manicuring skills?

    2. I knew you would come up with something right up my street Peter! :)

  8. Wow, four years! Here's to happy birthdays and pies. Keep up the good work? This blog makes my day ;)

  9. Happy birthday! And now I have an excuse to go buy a slice of pie. Mmmmm.

  10. Ha ha! Just the wake up read I needed this morning! Congratulations on your fine work and your first four years!

  11. Happy blogiversary! I am new to your blog, but enjoying your posts. Keep up the good work!

  12. Big Congratulations! So it's pre-school for you this year then? Being four is fun!

  13. Happy Birthday, MPB! Thank you so much for all you do to share valuable information, inspire creativity, and generally keep spirits high in the Sewing Blogosphere. You're a real gem.

  14. Happy MPB birthday! Congratulations!

  15. Oh lordy, that wagon wheel pie - spam as garnish is utterly horrifying!

    Many happy returns, Peter and MPB team! The sewing blogosphere is a much more colorful, fun and informed place with you in it!

  16. Happy 4th Birthday MPB. Great to meet the crew.


  17. Happy Blogaversary---- may all your days be yummy as pie! Thanks for being there!

  18. What a great accomplishment! I enjoy your blog very much and I hope you have many more blogaversaries!
    Shannon D.

  19. Happy Anniversary to you and your staff! The world is a better place because of you and your blog. Thank you for sharing your sewing life with all of us!!

  20. Happy, Happy Birthday/anniversary/Blog-O-Versary!!! That picture of Doris, Mary, and Angie is killing me (the REAL Charlie's Angels)!!!

  21. I for one, am thrilled you are approaching this blog like sobriety :-) Not that I think sobriety is all that.

  22. Hooray! Congratulations on turning 4!

  23. So, what is it you're supposed to get someone on their 4th anniversary? Paper?.....wood?......Vintage sewing machine.....? =D

  24. I just checked, and the appropriate gift is vinegar. How timely! Thanks for the tip, Peter, I had been wondering about the secret behind your lustrous hair.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Erased my comment by mistake. What I said: Happy Birthday! Here's to at least another four.

  27. Joyeux anniversaire et bonne continuation. :))

  28. Happy Birthday! I look forward to many more posts on your sewing adventures.

    Is it bad that when I saw "National Pie Day" my first thought was "that's not until March 14!". Then I realized Pie != Pi. Old Farmer's Almanac predicted pie to be rising in popularity, and cupcakes fading this year. I wonder if they would have make that prediction if they had seen that Spam pie ad...

  29. Happy, Happy Birthday!! Speaking for the masses, we are all very pleased that your blog has made it this far - can't wait to see what you come up with next!


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