Nov 9, 2013

Cathy's Photo Shoot from the Pattern Review Anniversary Party!

What a lovely night Cathy had at the Pattern Review Anniversary Party held at Elliott Berman Textiles yesterday!

The theme was "Little Black Dress" and, as you know, I worked hard and hurriedly to make one for Cathy to wear, though the end result was hardly little nor entirely black.  Who won the night's LBD competition?  You'll have to view the photos to find out!

I must thank Michael for escorting my cousin to the event while I stayed home and babysat Cathy's daughter, Simplicity.  Perhaps next year we can hire a sitter. 

As always, to see these photos full-size, just click any image and, in Picasa, choose the album name, and then, in the upper left hand corner, "Slideshow."  (Those with mobile devices can click here.)  I'm sure many of you will recognize some of the guests!

I may never sew with acetate taffeta again, but I think the results were worth it, don't you?

Have a great weekend, everybody!


  1. Gorgeous dress Peter! Cathy should get on her knees and thank the heavens above that she has such a generous and patient cousin as you. She clearly doesn't appreciate or deserve you.

    If you think that Cathy is going to spring for a babysitter for Simplicity next year, you're deluded! That narcissistic cousin of yours will suck you dry and steal your man to boot!

  2. Cathy may have won in person, but she owes it all to her cousin Peter. Congrats!!

  3. Cathy, as always, is the picture of elegance. Michael is a very dashing date, too. :)

  4. Cathy is amazing in that dress-- and she looks so happy. Michael looked very handsome as her escort. I wish I'd been there.

  5. Very nicely done, Peter. I think Cathy looks rather Elizabeth Taylor circa 1950ish with the dress and hair.

  6. Michael looks very proud of his cousin-in-law, Cathy!
    The dress is very becoming, the roses are a great touch.

  7. I will be smiling for the rest of the day. It's contagious.

  8. Congratulations! The best dress won!

  9. What a fabulous group! And that dress is incredible - I sure hope Cathy said thank you . . . for the wardrobe and the babysitting.

  10. Wow! This turned out beautifully! I'm so sad that I missed the party-- I would've loved to have seen you and Michael!

  11. Really nicely done, dress, hair and everything. Every time I see a cute short haircut, I want to chop off all my hair - perhaps I need to get a wig modeled after Cathy's lovely hairdo. :)

  12. Truly fabulous. Cathy did a stellar job. Congrats.

  13. Bravo!
    And double that because you took it from a pattern and material to a sunning ensemble in a week!

  14. Absolutely stunning! Cathy made that pattern come to life in the most incredible way. She deserved taking home the top prize!

  15. Everyone looks so lovely. Congrats to Cathy and Peter for the win! P.s. Love Cathy's shoes! super classy.

  16. Such a beautiful job with that vintage pattern! Cathy looks fabulous. I attended a similar event near Boston yesterday, which was lovely until we all got high on tea and a fistfight broke out during the pattern swap. Deepika had to break it up with pepper spray. Or something like that.

  17. So sorry I had to miss that one! Looks like it was a blast!

    1. I was wondering if you were going to be there! I'd love to meet you sometime.

  18. Beautiful dress and Cathy does look spectacular in it. Too bad you had to miss the party to babysit, Peter.

  19. Looks like Cathy and everyone else had such a great time! I hope Cathy splits the prize with you after all your marathon sewing. And I just met Kathy Morrone and James Bosco on Wednesday! I'd love to make the next big event like this, sorry I missed this one.

  20. It was really lovely to finally meet Cathy Lane! But you failed to mention, Peter, that not only was Michael Cathy's escort, but also her personal photographer. Thank you to Cathy and Michael for treating me to a cab ride to the hotel!

    1. You met and shared a taxi with THE Cathy Lane?!?! Only in New York City!!!

  21. Congratulations, Peter! With you sewing for Cathy, none of them other LBDs had a chance. Your work really is inspiring, and Cathy rocked that acetate taffeta.

  22. Really beautiful dress. The neckline is stunning!

  23. Fabulous dress by Peter and Cathy wore it well.

  24. You look great. Love the dress.

  25. Absolutely stunning! Great work and Cathy totally rocked the look. Love, love, love it! Congrats on your win. You deserve it!

  26. Cathy looks stunning! Thanks for sharing all the photos of the event!

  27. what a gorgeous dress, you deserved to win. You are such a fast sewer, it would take me a month to make this dress..

  28. It was lovely to meet you Cathy and Peter! I just loved the black cherry taffeta!!!

  29. Cathy's dress was even more beautiful in person. What a pleasure to meet her and Michael too! If only we could do it again next weekend!

  30. Congratulations on your much deserved win! Cathy looks amazing!

  31. Cathy and Michael make a handsome couple :). You both look stunning.


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