Jul 25, 2013

Michael, Michael, MICHAEL -- models his new summer outfit

Readers, although Michael is not my brother, I do occasionally feel something akin to sibling rivalry toward him -- no doubt some sort of transference related to my older brother. 

Anyway, since this month it's been all about MICHAEL, you probably want to see him modeling his latest outfit, which is live today on the Mood Sewing Network.  (Just click here.)

Seriously, go check out Michael's new outfit, see if I care.  And leave a complimentary comment while you're at it -- big deal!

I'm off to create a groovy new look for me, me, ME -- and a far-out personality to go with it!


  1. Do not pout Peter for my heart is big enough to love the both of you, but right now I'm rushing to MSN to check out Michael . MICHAEL !!!!!! OH, Yeah !

  2. Michael finds the rayon t shirt cool (temperature wise, not style wise)? It looks very lightweight, but I find rayon in anything just holds in the heat.

  3. Beautiful job, Peter! I admire your sewing skills.

  4. Great use of Brady memories! I'm off to check out Michael, Michael, Michael.

  5. I love rayon for the summer, cool and light. I make most of my summer skirts out of it. My favorite is rayon challis but the designs aren't always my taste. Have one piece of bamboo rayon knit to make up, can't decide what to do with it. Will it be too cool for winter??

  6. Great job as always, Peter, and nice use of the fabrics. Michael does look rather fabulous.

    (Hm, what would Mike and Carol do?)


  7. Glad to have it confirmed, that you are not brothers. The sibling relationship should only go so far, no? And does he steal your clean socks?

  8. Both Michael and the outfit look lovely!

  9. Remember, its the clothes that makes the man!

    I've been a big fan of pique knit fabrics this summer, goes well with light linen or finer wool trousers. On the yacht for lunch, or bocce ball and sangria.

  10. O go on then! Sew something up for yourself and suck in the compliments! :)

  11. I do like the pouty sort of tone to this post; it's quite funny! But you need not worry, Peter; I am actually more fond of YOU than of Michael because YOU remind me of a dear friend and HE doesn't! And you look just as good in clothes as HE does.Just because he's much more striking in appearance (he does look rather like a version of Anderson Cooper, doesn't he?)) doesn't mean anything at all...to me, anyway!


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