Oct 30, 2012

Post-Storm Updates!

Readers, we survived Hurricane Sandy.  We are incredibly fortunate that our apartment complex has its own power generator: we're practically the only ones with electricity in lower Manhattan!  Our iPads are fully charged and, after some strong morning espresso, so are we.

We just got back from a walk to assess the local damage.  With the exception of a few downed trees and the -- by now seen the world over -- fallen facade of a small walk-up apartment building nearby (which looks like it was a (presumably) illegal bed & breakfast: notice the identical decor in every room) -- things look pretty normal, albeit desolate.

Even the local Halloween decorations are essentially intact.  We saw very little flooding but, predictably, many broken umbrellas.

Early this morning, we could see a peek of blue sky from our balcony, though it's gray again now and rain is predicted through Thursday.

I hope those of you who live in the path of the storm are OK.   Those of you who own treadles should be sewing of course.

While there's been very little sewing here, I must mention the stunning gown Laura Mae just completed.  If you want to see beautiful clothes in a sunny, hurricane-free setting, head on over to Lilacs & Lace post-haste.

Ugh, it's pouring again, though fortunately there's minimal wind.  I think it's time for more coffee and a warm bath.

Have a great day everybody!

UPDATE:  Just received this email (5:30 pm):

Dear Village Halloween Costume Ball Patrons,

The producer has just informed us that due to Hurricane Sandy, the Village Halloween Costume Ball originally scheduled for Wed 10/31 has been rescheduled for Saturday, November 3rd at 7:30pm.  Your tickets will be honored at that time.



  1. I am so glad to hear you have power! What a miracle, under the circumstances. We made it through the storm well, too.

  2. Glad to see you survived Sandy with more humour than panic.

  3. I'm glad to hear that you and Michael and the pooches are ok. Thanks for checking in, Peter! :)

  4. I love the picture of everyone taking pictures outside. New Yorkers are made of some sturdy stock! Glad you are doing well.

  5. Glad you fared well under the circumstances. And that video completely made my morning! Thanks!!

  6. Happy to hear yo're safe too. And so happy it's over! I can't take any more storm-related anxiety. I hope Halloween still happens!

  7. :) glad to hear you guys are okay!

  8. Yay to electricity! So glad you are safe. I saw the faceless building on tv last night, crazy you live close by it.

    Stay safe and keep warm.

  9. I'm happy to hear you are okay. Man, the wonders of a generator. I went out and got one after that eastern seaboard blackout in 2002 - Sandy was just a rainstorm by the time it hit my area Ontario though...

  10. I'm so glad that you are all right. We had a wild night here in Virginia as well

  11. Glad you are okay. Even though I don't personally know you, I was still concerned.
    I have family and friends all down the east coast from Newfoundland all the way down to the Caribean. If I didn't have gray hair before, I would certainly have lots today.

  12. ....and exhaling.
    so pleased to read the updates, but I am very sorry to see on the news here in the uk all the devastation hurricane sandy has caused.
    Mother Nature is very hormonal these days.

  13. I'm glad you, Michael and the pups rode out the storm in fine fashion. So sorry to see all the terrible destruction the storm has done to much of the area, New Jersey especially. Stay safe -- remember no touching wires on the ground as Mayor Bloomberg was kind enough to remind everyone.

  14. I am so relieved to hear all is (relatively) well.

    And I sure do hope your Halloween frippery will have a chance to be seen and admired . . . Perhaps those affected by the storm can declare that Halloween comes a week late this year?

  15. So happy to read that you and Michael are safe and well. I hope the dogs weren't too freaked out by the wild weather. How sad to see those trees down - they take so long to grow and give so much.

  16. Glad you are safe and looking forward to the Halloween reveal some time in the near future!

  17. thought about you two legged and four legged new yorkers all evening...one thing about socal earthquakes: no warning, just lots of recovery, but we're spared the pre-event anxiety. looking forward to seeing your completed harem attire and final makeup plan. SO GLAD TO RECEIVE YOUR POST.

  18. I saw a photo on twitter last night where it looked like the only places in NYC to have power was the Empire State Building and one other little building off to the side. I'm assuming that was you guys then! It was an awesome sight to see, because when was the last time NYC was that dark!

    I'm glad you guys are alright and that you had power through the storm. Thanks for the pictures and update!

  19. Peter, I am glad you and your family are safe and didn't suffer damage from the storm!

  20. Good to read that you're all well. Illegal B&B? Really ??

  21. I have been thinking of you and your family. Glad to hear you weathered it well.

  22. You're so funny. That first picture gave me a good laugh, so thanks for that.

  23. The last picture (with the patch of blue sky) is gorgeous! Glad you're ok.

  24. Pleased that your ok have. But I think it takes a lot more to put a New Yorker down than a bit of wind.

  25. Glad you guys are OK!

  26. We were worried about you; so glad you are safe you guys....

  27. Glad y'all made it through safe. As a Katrina survivor ill let you in on something you are likely to start noticing in the next few months... An uptick of preggers! People will find out (mostly in the more damaged areas) that birth control is not an "emergancy medication" and may have trouble getting more + boredom = LOTS of preggers. ;). Enjoy your people watching

  28. I'm so happy to hear that you and Michael (and presumably the dogs too!) survived everything. I hope the clean up goes smoothly and that your neighborhood is back to normal soon!


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