Jan 19, 2012

Life is a Cabaret!

NOTE TO SELF: Buy new lashes.

Friends, it's finally here:
On Friday, January 27 @ 7 pm and Saturday, January 28 @ 9:30 pm, Michael and I will be performing our cabaret show, Noah's Very Unusual Insight, for a return engagement!
Below is a short preview of this tuneful (and topical) show, and there's so much more, including two brand new musical numbers: a Jerry Herman ballad sung by yours truly and a rousing duet familiar to fans of Gypsy and/or the Family Frolic Night episode of The Brady Bunch

You'll laugh, you'll cry -- it is SO much better than Cats.
Tickets are $15/$10 for seniors + a 2-drink minimum. (The Duplex is at 61 Christopher Street & Seventh Avenue in Manhattan.   Click here to make reservations (you don't have to pay until the night of the show).
Hope you can make it,  and be sure to stay after and say hello to me if you do!

Have a great day, everybody!


  1. How I wish I was in Manhattan so I could come see your show and say hi. Also I still love Liza!

  2. That looks so AMAZING! I'm in Florida and not able to make it to Manhattan, but I am sending you cheers and encouragement! I'm so excited for you, and I know it's going to be a great show!
    - Melanie

    1. wish i could be there. " break a leg" Peter and Michael.

  3. That is fabulous!!! A great clip - I wish I was closer, I would come to the show. You both have such great voices, and your duet at the end is magic! And you look SO pretty!
    Chookas for the show, please let us know how it all goes, too.
    Have a look at my blog - my S4's GF wrote a song for me when I was so ill a few months ago & they recorded it. It is a bit special, I think. (www.banaghaisge.blogspot.com)
    Hugs, Jasmine in Oz
    PS Youor photo of Liza reminded me - when I was in NYC I stayed in an apartment on Riverside Drive, just like the song...

  4. I wish I could be there. Alas, I'm stuck in snowy Seattle. Have fun.

  5. Ahhh...I SO wish I could be there! But I'm so happy to have watched the video. I used to work on Christopher Street...so much fun!

  6. Oh, I wish I could be there! It looks like such fun! You'll have to post more clips!!

  7. Wish I was in NYC! I would be there!

  8. If Australia were not so far away i'd be thrilled to celebrate the number 46 on the 27th with you! Have a wonderful time performing!

  9. Any plans for a DVD or other electronic version? And have the American psychoanalysts adopted your duet version of 'try to remember' as their official tune? If not should do so instantly!

  10. If I lived in North America I'd be there for both performances. When are you bringing the show to Australia?

  11. Off topic - Peter L-O-V-E the blog. I found it a week ago and have not been able to live a day without. Just wanted to send a link to a pic of men sewing that I thought you might enjoy or perhaps use in your blog. It's from another blog. Maybe you can't use it,I dunno. Is there honor among bloggers?


    ron b.

  12. Oh! That looks like so much fun! What a talented duo!

  13. That was adorable! What great acting and singing. Wish I were in New York to attend. Merde!

  14. Ooo, I am back in the city now and would love to see the show! Going to see if I can get a couple of friends to join. Break a leg!


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