Apr 4, 2011

Cathy models the Deborah Kerr Dress!

Friends, those of you who have ever had to begin again after a setback know that it's rarely easy.  Now that Cathy has paid her debt to society she's back in New York City and trying to create a life for herself.

What does the future hold for our youngish model?  At the very least a growing wardrobe of cocktail ensembles -- a big plus for a Gotham glamour girl.

Cathy and I had such fun modeling Simplicity 4227 yesterday.  It couldn't have been a lovelier day and Cathy looked as fresh as the morning dew.  A little rusty at first, she quickly loosened up and was back to her old self.

I hope you'll give my cousin Cathy a second chance.  She's so eager to put the past behind her.

As always, to see these photos full-size, please click on any image and then, in Picasa, choose "View All" in the upper left hand corner, and "Slideshow." 

If you have advice for Cathy, please leave it below.

Your kind words of support mean a great deal to her.



  1. Stunning as always! And you simply must ask Cathy where her sunglasses are from, they're absolutely adorable! :)
    Ashley x

  2. LOVE Cathy's dress! So glad she's back (even though I'm sure it was a bit rough on the inside). I bet she has some crazy stories! Tell Cathy that she should continue to sparkle. I still think there is a career for her in modeling! :-)

  3. Tell Cathy she looks good with hair. Not too sure about the stockings tho'. Too light coloured.

  4. Cathy looks fabulous! She has a wonderful smile:) The dress is great too!

  5. Great dress! I love the accessorizing - especially the gloves and necklace. I can't see Cathy doing anything other than modeling. Take your cousin to some auditions! Or maybe it's time to branch out into acting.

  6. What a nice way to start my Monday morning - big smile on my face. Thanks, Peter!

  7. Great dress- she looks marvelous. Best of luck on her fresh start

  8. Great dress -- just the thing for job interviews for sure. What Cathy needs now is to go get her skills evaluated. Sometimes when you drop out of the workforce, you miss the latest developments and I'm sure Cathy doesn't want to be left behind. Who knows - perhaps just one or two little workshops would do the trick.

  9. I wonder if Cathy ever saw Renee Z. in Down With Love? Do pass on the recommendation, I think she'd enjoy the excessively over the top "glamor girl in the city" costumes.

  10. Cathy looks wonderful but I wanted to scream out "DON'T!!" when I feared her grumbling stomach was about to lead her off the straight and narrow.
    You'll have to watch her with Michael though - I think she has designs on him!

  11. Fabulous dress, fabulous blog. You make me smile.

  12. Gorgeous! So happy to see that Cathy is back. Just reminder her-no one is perfect. She is still dazzling, and can put all that nasty prison business behind her. Hmmm...maybe, since she wears vintage so well, she could open her own little shop. A girl like her will only want to wear a frock once, and closet space is always at a premium for a fashionable gal. She could definitely inspire other women to go vintage, and make a little cash selling off the magnificent pieces you have created for her (oh, with a bit of a commission to you, too!).

  13. I'd watch out for Cathy; after time in the joint, she just may be brazen enough to try to get her claws in Michael!

  14. Your parrot videos have been wildly popular. Perhaps something similar is just the ticket to propel Cathy back into the lime light.

  15. Not sure what Cathy should do with her life (truth be known - I'm not sure what I am doing with mine!) But I loved the pictures. The new dress is lovely and Cathy looks just radiant. I so enjoy your photo shoots - I hope that there are more photos shoots in Cathy's future.

  16. Cute dress, love the bolero. And no poaching on someone else's right man (not that Michael would stray ... ) ;-)

  17. I loooooove your blog and am so glad Cathy is back! I picked up a couple 1940s patterns recently (for $1 no less!!) and have never seen anything like them before! I was at the fabric store yesterday looking for just the right big floral print (inspired by your new dress) and couldn't help thinking about Cathy. I have so many UFO projects floating around that it seems like I'll never get to it. Maybe Cathy would like me to copy the patterns for her, send them to the big city, and she could make them first. They are too fabulous to stay hidden in my sewing room/kids play room/basement. I'll post the pics to your FB page and Cathy can think about it.
    PS: Cathy needs a really great classic shirtwaist dress. Something with pockets!

  18. Thanks, Peter (and Cathy) for the delightful cure for Monday morning!

  19. Love the dress and I'm so glad Cathy's back. However, I think her unfortunate incarceration did something to her tresses. Perhaps she could grow them out and sport a little longer bob?

  20. Cathy looked really fabulous in her new dress but I wonder how she feels inside. After all those bad experiences in prison and then the incredible excitement at the Priscilla show I could imagine that she needs some vacation! She has done so much for you, so a little rest at some nice exotic beach would recharge her batteries. And in the meantime focus could come back to some male patterns.

  21. She should definitely think of modeling again. But going straight isn't all it's cracked up to be, honey, don't do it :-)!

  22. I have pattern for a 50's suit with "mushroom" collar that I will send Cathy if she'll tell me how to get it to her. I have no more use for it.

  23. What a knockout, that Cathy. The dress and bolero are both fab!

  24. @Marie-Christine

    Going straight is the least of her problems, doll! ;-)

  25. The necklace is awesome! I'm with llama in that, the only thing that could make Cathy more gorgeous, would be a slightly longer 'do.

  26. cathy looks grand in that dress! i love the certain air of prison and crime that still surrounds her in the photos.

  27. Cathy is looking fabulous in her beautiful new outfit and she clearly hasn't forgotten how to accessorise - I love the shades and gloves. I also love the idea of more cocktail ensembles for Cathy - how wonderful to live the kind of life that needs cocktail ensembles!

  28. I agree, I love the parrot videos and so does my daughter and son. I think Cathy would make a wonderful hostess. Maybe like the lady with lambchops She has such a radiant smile, looks very familiar to me. I wonder why!

    I adore her outfit. I would like to see Cathy in different hairstyles too.

    I think Cathy needs her own photo album. Maybe she might get invited to a cocktail party or two.

  29. Now Cathy, if you're Deborah Kerr, who's you Cary Grant?? Inquiring minds wanna know!!

  30. You know, every time I looked at Cathy - so cute in those fab outfits - I was thinking - MY,my, but doesn't she look a little dangerous. So ... it's all becoming a bit more clear. Now, I'm just sayin' ... if it were me I'd be watching her around Michael - oh, yes. And you are the obvious choice to become her wrangler and manager for the modeling, acting, personal appearance career she is obviously running toward. After all what is she without your beau-ti-ful clothes ... you see what I mean.
    From the Left Coast

  31. another dress i would love to borrow shortened to mid knee cap.


  32. I just love Cathy's smile!!! And the dress looks wonderful. I hope the shoe can be repaired, they're perfect for her outfit.

    I concur with the enthusiasts who would like to see longer hair, especially sightly longer bangs to balance her face. The sunglasses, however, are great!!!

  33. Are all those old pictures from the one movie? which movie is that?

  34. Cathy,

    Cinch that waist a little tighter, arch those brows a little higher.

    You've done some serious livin' girl, and it's time to take hold of this world, and show it your one dame not worth messin' with. Like you're a bit of delicate lace stitched invisibly 'round a piece of cold rolled steel.

    As for puttin' on the dog; fuller skirts, and a little more sway in your runway walk will keep the wolves watchin'.

    That's all the chirpin' I'm gonna make for now.


  35. How could I give such a stylish lady advice?!?! I adore the fabric, the dress and bolero both fit Cathy beautifully, and I'd swear she looks prettier every time I see her :D Or maybe it's just that she's more poised now, I don't know. Something's different of late and it shows :D


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