Sep 12, 2010

Already Gorgeous! Cathy's Outfit: 9/12/10

Liberty print dress: self-made, Burda #102
Raincoat: Max Mara (c/o Salvation Army)
Shoes: "On Your Feet" 
Earrings: Trifari

Just a coming attraction today, kids.  We almost got rained out!  Cathy's photo shoot was a big success despite the weather, but there's much work to be done.

Tune in tomorrow as Cathy debuts her groovy new look as well as talents you never knew she had!

Have a great day, everybody!


  1. Great color on her... Glad you've gotten back to sewing, Peter. Now I've got to go and sew up the unfinished project that my sister gifted me. Well, not gifted, really. She's going back to Virgina tomorrow and wants it finished so that her baby can wear it. And she was sneaky about it. Brought it asking for 'help' and 'lessons' to finish and left it with me to be sewn together! And to add insult to injury, she cut it out crooked so part of it is on the bias and part isn't, didn't buy the right thread or bring extra fabric and the materials for the other parts of the outfit that she wants with it!

  2. The color of the fabric looks so different, depending on the light.

    How could you stand to sit directly on a NYC pavement?

    Looks good.

  3. Cathy looks fabulous! The dress suits her perfectly. I have to agree with "Anonymous" about - how can you sit directly on the pavement? Glad that you're back to sewing - I certainly missed it. I should do the same.

  4. I really didn't like the dress when I saw it in the magazine but it looks very promising on Cathy. I'm looking forward to more photos.

  5. Wow, I love the color too. Wait, did Cathy get extensions?

  6. Love those shoes . . . and yes, that dress deserves a gorgeous, sunny day. Sending Mediterranean mojo for good weather . . .

  7. Cathy and her flower child look is lovely. Looking forward to seeing the rest. I am surprised, however, that a woman of Cathy's impeccable grooming and style appears to have unpainted toenails.

  8. Hang on... Cathy seems to have LONG hair. Could it be... no, really, surely not.... that she's wearing a WIG?!

  9. I'm excited to see the photo shoot. Great job on the dress Peter. I love Cathie's new do. Very flattering. :o)

  10. Imitation IS the sincerest form of flattery... Sal, will we be seeing any nude treadle centerfolds of you?

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