Jun 5, 2010

Harem Pants: The Dramatic Conclusion!

Love 'em or hate 'em, you won't find these at the Gap.

The middle is supposed to be baggy, you realize: you have to be able to fit a harem IN your pants; hence the name.

Here's the informal look:

And so, the harem pants saga (which started here last week) comes to its conclusion. Are they markedly different from these (via The Sartorialist)?  I guess if you don't like them it doesn't really matter.

Dare I wear them to the 30th high school reunion I'm scheduled to attend tonight?  (Not mine, thank goodness; I'm an old friend's date, do you believe it?)

You'll just have to wait to find out whether I actually do.

So as we bid our little harem pants drama adieu, let's lipsynch together...

Have a great day, everybody!

P.S. -- I received my new "e" -- my keyboard is as good as nw new.


  1. Sorry, Peter-I just cannot like them. But you've got the panache to pull them off, I suppose!

  2. Nice. They remind me of the cotton outfit my son brought home from Afghanistan. Cool and useful. BTW, have you seen http://www.unsungsewingpatterns.net/? Utility patterns, not glamorous, but interesting nonetheless.

  3. Ummm, I prefer the casual outfit. Not your best look but they do look comfy. Would I wear them out ... no way. Would you ... I guess time will tell ... lol!

  4. They work for me. You're in the right city (NY) to pull them off!

    They are certainly no worse then the pants sagging down below the buttocks look....and that is everywhere :(

  5. surprisingly loving the informal look, who'd've thunk wife-beater + harem pants = good

  6. I really like them in the informal look. I hate to say it, but I think this harem business is growing on me...

  7. I really love the informal look! I think it totally works and looks really fun. You have to wear these out. Maybe not to a reunion, but to lunch or for coffee. We must have photos.

    IMHO, Something about the length of the leg and the top of the shoe bothers me about the formal look. Maybe a different shoe? Maybe a structured leather sandal with this shorter length. Maybe if the leg length were longer, maybe 3 inches longer than the 5 you cut off with this shoe.

  8. you know what? I think I like the casual look! I think I do!.But I will admit it is one of those things you look at it and it can go either way. The formal? no. Don't like the shoes nor the shirt. Maybe with a different shoe and a shirt with a band collar instead?

  9. Becky is on the right track. I think the severe shortening is wrong for the dressier look. No offense, but the light reflected by your untouched-by-the-sun ankles contrasted with dark shoes is overshadowing the style. I must say I find the original look more appealing than I thought I would. Make them again, but longer

  10. I like the 2nd look much better. I agree with the others, the pants need to be longer, perhaps ankle length. Nice beach look!

    The formal look, not so much. Sorry.

  11. I am quite surprised but i do like the casual look.

  12. I think I like them! I'm more fond of the casual look but I'm convinced that you can wear anything. And I definitely agree with the previous comment that I like them MUCH better than the saggy, below the butt look! Maybe you can get this trend going, it's got to be easier than holding your pants up all day. I'd even offer to make some for a guy who would throw away his saggy pants!

  13. I LOVE them, but only for the casual look :)

  14. You are definitely rocking those harem pants and they look comfy for lounging around. But, I still say no please no.

  15. I am laughing hysterically. Not AT you, mind you. But because you are so wonderfully fearlessly fearless.

    Absolutely, wear the casual look out sometime - to lunch, to the park, to a friend's house for the evening. If you don't, I'll be sorely disappointed in you and we can't have that, now, can we?

    PS: I recently lost my "v." Ery important letter in my ocabulary.

  16. Great job--I like the better when the waistband is covered, either by the simple t-shirt or the sash you used in the muslin pictures. I think that you have the attitude to rock'em.

    Rose in SV

  17. You are really on top of your fashion trends!
    Check it out: http://tomandlorenzo2.blogspot.com/2010/06/2010-amfar-ny-inspiration-runway.html

  18. I like the casual look. You look good in them. Enjoy life, have fun and wear them out.

  19. I'm wearing one of my eight pairs as I read this. Love them, love them, love them. You look great.

  20. Peter, I love you dearly, but the pants make you look like you are wearing a loaded diaper. And they totally hide your ass-ets. xoxoxo

  21. I also prefer the casual outfit. You can totally pull that off if you choose to. The jacket on top's just... too much. Or maybe it's the severe shoes (which are otherwise quite handsome). At least you tried.

  22. They look great! The casual outfit looks very comfortable. Perfect for a yoga class. I agree that they need to be a bit longer for the more formal look.

  23. I like the pants, but so not with a sports coat! It's just too conservative for these. I do like them styled more casually.

  24. What Branka said.

    Although you haven't changed my opinion, what do I know? I'm just one of those middle-of-the-country middle-agers, and who knows, you could be on the leading cusp of a trend that will catch on where I live in 2012. In which case I will be proud to say I saw it first here.

    You fearlessness is to be admired.

  25. I am of the firm conviction that there's not as much wrong with the pants themselves as there is in the way you style them, sorry Peter! The casual look is a lot better.

  26. I dare you to wear them out in public

  27. Although I doubt I would wear them, I actually think you could carry them off. In the subtropics where I live, this a perfect garment for a guy. It's simply too hot to be restricted in the harem region. My bloke wears loose fishermens pants that have a similar shape. Where I live is the hippy capital and you would not be out of place here in that outfit. Last week I picked up a hitchhiker (a guy) wearing hot pink jeans and shirt with a brighlty coloured, patterned cravat, a large white sombrero and an appropriate Mexican bandit moustache.

  28. I like them. They make me think of the knickerbockers I'm desperate to make.

  29. Y'know, they're really not bad. I was expecting to immediately not like them, but you pull it off well.

  30. When I read "lip synch", before I scrolled down and saw the King and I reference, I had an involuntarily M.C. Hammer flashback. Your old friend's high school classmates may suffer the same recollection, but isn't that what high school reunions are for?

  31. Hey, take a look at this via Tom and Lorenzo, second set of photos - you ARE visionary:


    I think you ought to invest in the Folkwear pattern, though - it has the appropriate jacket.

  32. Peter you have made little lord fauntleroy pants or at least tweedledee/tweedledum pants.. please add back the length...so you will be suave again... :)

  33. Haha! Love them. I've seen men and women wearing like pants in Malibu on the beach in the morning practicing yoga! You may want to get your downward dog on.

  34. I like them with the sandals best. I dont think I would wear them to a schoo reunion though!!!

  35. love them! i need to find myself a pair and i'll be wearing them with my new super-high gold sandals.

  36. You're inspiring me to make a pair. I really like the casual look a lot. I bet if you wore them out, you'd be snapped by the Sart, too.

  37. I like the casual look the best. They look really comfortable.

  38. You totally rock the casual look but these pants just do not suit the tailored jacket. Sorry.

  39. Alright, Alright. You've brought me over to your side. I hated these pants in every post until now. The casual look has turned me over to the Harem Pants side. They actually turned out awesomely. I'm sorry I didn't have your foresight, Peter. I should have believed in you from the start.

  40. I am surprised how nice they look in an outfit. I think they look better with the waist obscured, so I prefer the casual look. But I think that's the only concrete difference I can point to. You have definitely avoided the baggy butt. :) Great work!

  41. My teenager says, "I wouldn't wear 'em, I mean unless I had some kind of compensation." However, I definitely think you ought to try to make these a trend in your neighborhood. Tight pants make your sperm count lower, and if only people brave enough to wear these end up with higher birth rates, our country will once again be home of the free and the brave.

  42. I love your harem pants! I was googling about men who made their own harem pants and found yr blog. You are an inspiration! Unusual stuff always create a strong like/dislike responses. As long as you're happy. I love yr blog too!


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