May 25, 2010

Cathy models The Elaine Dress + POLL

At long last The Elaine Dress (TED) photo shoot.

It should come as no surprise that Cathy is now obsessed with all things Selfish-Seamstress.  Honestly, wasn't that Elaine's dastardly plan all along?

I believe that you really can't control other people; you can only set them free and hope they choose to stay.  And that's what I've done with my cousin Cathy.  If she prefers to wear dresses chosen by Elaine, and thinks Elaine has great taste, and that Elaine understands what a woman wants to wear, etc., so be it.  I'll just sit idle at my Singer 15-91 and wait for Elaine's next directive.

So here it is and I hope you enjoy it!

As always, to see these photos full-size, please click on any image and then, in Picasa, choose "View All" in the upper left hand corner, and "Slideshow."

NOTE: This slideshow depicts dangerous acts of dumpster diving.  MPB is not responsible for copycat behavior by viewers.

And finally...

So, can Elaine pick a pattern or what?


  1. The dress is gorgeous! I must admit, I would not have considered such a "new" vintage pattern for myself, but I want to make this one now...Congratulations on another wildly successful frock!

  2. I'm going out the door smiling once again. Cathy looks FANNNNNtastic in that dress>>What a gorgeous lady Cathy is.

    ..and I thought I was the only one who knew that song from Cinderella...was just singing it the other day.

  3. Love the photoshoot!

  4. Beautiful dress - Cathy's photo shoots are AWESOME

  5. Yet another work of genius. I fancy a trip over to New York, just to see if I can bump into a Cathy photoshoot. (Move over Sex and the City film sets, it's Cathy we want to see out and about in the Big Apple.)

  6. Lovely dress! Cathy looks smashing, as usual. Be sure to tell her that 'cause I really like her and want to kiss her a$$ (just figuratively, not literally). Thanks Peter!

    I just love your photo shoots! They must be so much fun and your stories that go along just make my day.

  7. Great dress and great job, Peter!

  8. Gorgeous dress! I was skeptical about the color when you showed a small shot of the fabric before you started sewing, but it turned out beautifully.

    Cathy's photo shoots absolutely make my day. Though I would suggest gloves for the next time she goes dumpster-diving :)

  9. Beautiful dress. I never wear dresses but I love them on other people--usually. Dresses definitely work on Cathy and that pattern was a good pick.

    I love those shoes too.

    BTW, I go through the trash as well, but ours isn't just out on the street for all to see as it is in NYC. I can see benefits to that. ;-)

  10. Your accessories never fail to amaze. The sewing is great, too, almost better than the bewildered looks from passersby in the background.

  11. I love it!!!! I really love this fabric you picked. It's a gorgeous color on Cathy too! I really love the line and style. Gorgeous and flowing.

  12. Stunning! I loved the photoshoot. Great work on the dress.

  13. A look that celebrates Cathy's sinewy curves, perfect!

  14. What a lovely, carefree and charming young woman that Cathy is. And a careful, frugal shopper to boot!

  15. Another fun story! But were there really pants in dumpsters? We don't have that in DC.

  16. Highly entertaining! I must ask - how long does it take you to pull one of these slide shows together??? I stitched two seams today...

  17. I just discovered your blog. You so totally rock that words fail me!

  18. What a heap of swing that dress has got!? (Or is that Scwing?). I always have to watch the Cathy photo shoots twice, once to see the story and laugh, and the second time to focus on THE OUTFIT. A lovely ensemble, Great TED.

  19. And where is the love for the source of this all? Who is giving credit (ALL the credit) to the Selfish Seamstress, hmmm? Is she going to have to give her spare bra pattern to Cathy just to get some recognition around here?

    [Of course, I could throw my hat into the ring for that pattern, but I am too nice.]


  20. Yes, the dress is fantastic. Good choice of pattern and fabric, both of you!

  21. Yup, the SS has great taste in patterns (yes I'm saying that with an ulterior motive, but I also mean it!). Lovely!

  22. I think this dress turned out beautifully. I think I have that pattern and I'm going to haul it out and have a look today. I really like the colour and the way Cathy styled it.

  23. The pattern was well picked for Cathy's figure (sadly some of us would look a little... lumpy in such a dress), and the colour is lovely.
    Just another comment from a girl trying to get into the Selfish Seamstress' bra.

    (oh, wait... I didn't mean that quite the way it sounded...)

  24. elaine sure can pick them. Too bad she's such a selfish seamstress.

  25. I love the princess seams and and the gathering at the bust. The Selfish Seamstress has great taste!

  26. Sometimes you just have to face the music and realize that the Selfish Seamstress has great taste (at least in patterns, since she doesn't have any friends!). :)

  27. I'm enjoying seeing Cathy in some more modern looks, the Selfish Seamstress certainly knows how to dress her nemesis (I'm betting that after a few more seemingly harmless gifts, she will send something truly evil but you will of course make it and model it because, well, she was right before!)

  28. Look peter most of us are just doing this so we can get a pattern from SS but u have to admit she can pick em, she got impeccable taste

  29. So funny and creative! Love the dumpster diving!

  30. The invisible zipper is purrfect - Cathy looks stunning. And I too cannot believe you found jeans that cost 300 Aussie bucks in a dumpster. Crazy.

  31. the selfish seamstress does have beautiful taste.... but you have major skills! i love a man who can sew... literally i do my husband studied design and production... now he teaches 3rd grade and i got all his books and sewing stuff!
    you rock dude! keep it up!

  32. You know, I think the lovely SS was right about that pattern. She sure has great taste! And the dress is totally rockin'

  33. hilarious!!! love the story and the dress! And who doesn't love gratuitous dumpster diving in search of gifts :O)

  34. Peter, I cannot believe you would even begin to question Selfish Seamstress's taste in patterns. The nerve!

  35. You know she's just being selfish to give you the pattern so everyone can forget about your awesome sewing skills and swoon over her amazing taste?

    Once again...selfishness succeeded.


  36. Yes, the Selfish Seamstress (AKA "Elaine") has wonderful, exquisite really, taste in patterns (and matching patterns with the wearer). While a girl *does* know what looks good on her, *sometimes* she does benefit from the advice of others. I think that this pattern is a win for Cathy!

    Rose in SV <--shamelessly trying to get the bra *pattern* from your pattern benefactress.

  37. That dress is fab-u-lous. Someone with incredible taste must have picked that one out. Wow - you sure are lucky to know people with an eye for fashion!

  38. Gorgeous Dress! I love the way it floats and moves - wonderful fabric choice clearly.

  39. Ok, first of all, as Peter knows, this was featured in the BurdaStyle newsletter today, which cracked me right up (in an awesome way). Secondly, someone on RP reviewed what looks like *exactly the same dress* today, but it's a Vogue.

  40. I think Cathy looks great because the fabric is wonderful and you sewed it perfectly!

  41. that is an awsome dress! The selfish seemstress has good pattern taste :)

    I love the way it moves...beautiful! Oh and the colour is lovely as well...reminds me of the colour of green you would find on the walls of a 1960s home!

  42. The Selfish Seamstress does it again, we're all so fixated on her prize that we are here viewing her pattern she picked for you! Must say, pretty damn good sewing though!

  43. Can I just say...I look forward everyday to reading your blog! I love your posts and the fashion shows.

    I can't wait to see what you sew up next!

  44. My Goodness! Cathy looks stunning in that dress! And the choice of fabric was perfect. I have that pattern and plan on using some wool crepe in my stash. Of course, Cathy does not need to hide her tummy but I think that pattern would do that well. And, the invisible zipper in the back was done so well too. Cathy has become quite the fashion plate. Her choices keep getting better all the time. ;-)

  45. Wow, the colour is fabulous and it hangs and moves beautifully. Such a graceful frock, and Cathy looks gorgeous in it. Jane

  46. This is a secret plot by TSS please Peter she has superhuman power. Don' fall for it!
    Cathy this dress looks awesome on you! But please beware TSS is a cunning one!

  47. Phah! The pattern was a nonentity until with your vision you made it up in that fab PASTEL shade and gave it swing! I bet her bra patterns need major imagination work too!


  48. Cathy looks absolutely stunning in this dress! So stylish and glamorous. The Selfish Seamstress does have impecable taste in patterns. She even seems to get it right when she gets them by mistake.

  49. Can you really blame her for being obsessed? After all, Selfish does have impeccable taste--she does a great job at picking things that are both stylish and flattering! (And yes, I'm partially saying that for selfish reasons, but also because it's true.)

  50. The Selfish Seamstress has never selected anything that isn’t in perfect taste and of unquestionable beauty. Quite glamorous darling!

  51. Peter, my email from Burda style arrived yesterday afternoon, and TED is featured in the section on "Awesomeness through the Ages." Congrats!

  52. The Selfish Seamstress has great pattern taste! I love it... almost has much as I would love the extra bra pattern she has sitting around... that I really deserve and NO ONE else does. Oh. Did I just say that out loud?

    Beautiful dress anyway!

  53. love the dress! this Selfish Seamstress of yours does have great taste in patterns, she clearly knows what's best for Cathy.

  54. What a gorgeous dress! Whoever chose that pattern for you must have fantastic taste!

  55. Hmmm....something sel(fishy) is going on here!

  56. The dress really does look fantastic! It suits Cathy perfectly. As if you didn't know, the Selfish Seamstress has an uncanny, even supernatural, ability to see what is right for others.

  57. If only the model were as charming as the dress. Dumpster diving? Really?

  58. sorry peter, but i really want that bra pattern from the selfish one...

    so here it goes oh selfish one...

    yes,peter, the selfish seamstress does have great taste in patterns

  59. Beautiful dress! Somehow I thought TED=The Evil Dress lol. Glad to be corrected, but perhaps my initial thought was right? Cathy looks great in the low cut bodice, but what a mean selfish idea to showcase her lack of maidenly assets! hee

  60. Ah. That Elaine has "fantastic" taste in patterns. I should know since she's sending me one she got for free. Now if only Peter had good taste in fabric...

    Totally kidding. >:)

  61. To answer your question, the Selfish Seamstress does indeed have great taste in patterns.

  62. Looks like your blog has been well and truly hijacked, Peter. Elaine, under the sneaky guise of being generous,(giving you a pattern, offering to give a pattern away to one of her readers) has orchestrated the most amazing take over of your blog, with all these complimentary posts appearing. She has visited revenge on you, her nemesis!!

    I would suggest that all of her readers who have come under her thrall to post on your blog should be very wary.....She gave you a pattern, and your blog has been overrun with postings about how cleaver Ms Selfish is. What evil repercussions will there be on the poor victim who receives the next "gift"???

  63. The selfish seamstress does have great taste in patterns as evidenced by her generously giving away a pattern of very great taste to me.

  64. Yes TSS has exquisite taste in patterns.. Wow Peter you should be so greatful that she knows how to pick them. Your version of this dress Peter is wonderful.. Are you sure you have been only sewing a year? You have some mean zipper skills. Wow..

    birdmommy, wow! Now that was funny!

  65. Having known the Selfish Seamstress in a former life, I know that she's fantastic as bending others to her will. I mean, lookit the free publicity she's received with your spread in BurdaStyle! How generous of you!

  66. I prostrate myself before the throne of the queen of awesome pattern-picking style sense that is TSS. I also grovel at the feet of MPB and Cousin Cathy; he for the mad sewing skills (only sewing for a year?!?!) and she for the exquisite modeling talent.

  67. Great Dress! That Selfish Seamstress really knows her stuff. (Plus I am hoping she will award me the free Elan bra pattern that she is giving away! Selfish of me, I know.)

  68. I'm shocked the lengths to which some women will go for a free bra pattern! ;)

  69. I think it's apparent from the lovely dress you made that the Selfish Seamstress has impeccable taste in patterns! If you auctioned this pattern, I'm sure you'd fetch a pretty penny merely by mentioning that TSS recommended it. That's just how great her pattern picking skills are, and the whole world will soon know it!

  70. They are certainly desperate, Peter. But they should all be very careful - Ms Selfish would never do anything without an ulterior (and of course very selfish) motive! Look what happened to you - you received a pattern (ostensibly for "free"), unselfishly made a fantastic frock for your identical cousin Cathy (who looks fantastic in it, by the way), and now your blog is flooded with comments on Ms Selfish's impeccable taste in patterns (as if your choice of fabric, superb sewing skills, to say nothing of Cathy's modelling flair, have nothing to do with the final product!)

    I will not be duped by her!!

  71. I love the dress on Cathy, but I too am Elaine's minion and agree that she picks a great pattern!

  72. Beautiful dress, Peter! That Selfish Seamstress has lovely taste in patterns!

  73. The Selfish Seamstress really knows a good pattern.

  74. Um, "heck" yeah -Elaine knows her shet. How silly of you to ever doubt the Selfish Sewing Goddess. Awesome execution of said awesome pattern. You even have a great model. And I wanna know why you have such a cool Salvation Army. I don't have anything like that at mine!


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