Apr 19, 2010

OMG, it's Monday again! w/ GOALS

Now in case you were wondering where you've seen this outfit before....it was here!

That's it; I won't mention it again, promise!  (My mother got a kick out of it, though.)  And since this eccentric essemble was part of my cousin Cathy makeover, now she's getting all high-and-mighty.  A little notoriety can sure go to a person's head, huh?

And so another week begins.  Here's what I've been up to like you couldn't guess...

And if you're wondering why THAT bodice shot looks familiar...

I need to come up with some new angles, peeps...and change my pants.

But let's get to our week in review.  

1.  I started my -- er, Cathy's new dress, Hollywood 1471, otherwise known as the Mystery Purple Project (Miss Terry Purpleproject?).  I wish I knew what the as-yet-unidentified fabric I'm using is, but as long as I don't break out in a scary rash, I guess it doesn't really matter.  Suffice it to say, it's not the easiest fabric to work with, but Salvation Army scavengers can't be choosers.

2. If you'd like to get into a heated debate about the state of glamour today, you'll find a good one here.  (Go easy on Lady Gaga, please.)

3.  I went vicarious fabric shopping with Grace of L.A. on Friday.  I noticed Grace commented on my Saturday piece of reportage,  apparently trying to provide a bit of editorial balance.  Readers, I ask you: WHO are you going to trust to provide an utterly unbiased view of fabric-shopping reality, me or Grace?  I rest my case.

4.  I picked up this vintage Vogue suit pattern yesterday on Etsy.  It's not from the Forties but please find a place in your hearts for it.

And now for the week to come.

1.  I want to finish the 1937 Hollywood dress.  As of this morning I still need to attach the sleeves, attach the skirt to the bodice, add a zipper, buttons, hem...  In short, I still have a lot to do.

2.  Of course I'm thinking about next projects.  Maybe some men's clothes before I forget how.  Something without darts.

Could that be it?  I think so!

Now how about you?

If you're like me, you're wondering how reader Sarah is coming along with her June Pin Dot Dress and what's up with all those Reese Witherspoon pics on her blog.  If you're out there, Sarah, please update us and explain!

I've decided to stop hassling you about your projects publicly.  I started to feel like my mother a nag and that's never good.  I want you to want to sew for you, not for me -- or mainly for you.  Frankly, I just wasn't sure why you were sewing anymore.

OK, enough.  Time to get back to purple, er--back to work.

What are you sewing this week, peeps?  Are you keeping those feed dogs well-fed?  They get vicious when they're hungry.

Have a great day!


  1. Can't wait to see both dresses. Too bad I wasn't here when the voting about the fabrics took place. I definitely would have voted for the flowers (don't why, am a bit tired of purple somehow) and am glad you are making a dress out of that fabric too.

    I'm not sure what I'll be working on this week. My little girl is begging for a dress, but I kind of want to make a dress for me too. She needs it more than I do, though, so I am afraid I would feel like a terrible mother if I'd choose making my own dress before hers. Ack!

  2. That was a fabulous photo in the NY Times!!!
    I hope you are going to keep a copy.
    Your new, er, old pattern is quite nice. I like the simple gore skirt and the princess seam jacket. Could look really snazzy depending on what fabric you choose to make it in. And the hat is a must-have.

    Not a lot going on the sewing front. My jacket is almost finished and then I'm considering making a wrap dress.

  3. This is my first comment on your blog. I've been a follower since you became a "nemesis." I just wanted to say that I like it when you "nag" fellow bloggers about their projects. It inspires me to sew and exposes me to blogs I haven't read before.

  4. I look forward to seeing both, Peter.

    I got both quilts sandwiched last week. That's as far as it went, though, because Evie was sick and thus cranky and wanted to be held. I got the outfit I mentioned cut out, but not sewn together, and last but not least, I got started on the "Aunt Laura Loves Me Bunches" spring/summer 2010 collection for Evie with Butterick B3477 views A, B, and E.

    I usually make Evie a couple of summer outfits, but this year my sister-in-law asked me if I would because Evie's been growing again, and money is tight with my brother graduating in three weeks. He's still looking for a job, you see, and his schooling has been paying the mortgage. (You can get free money to go to school if you have a 100% disabled vet as a parent...)

    So I dug around in my stash, bought a few patterns at the pattern sales, some online, and a few more later on this week when Simplicity patterns go on sale. I discovered fabric I forgot I had, and while there are a few specific prints I need for a few pf the patterns, for the most part all I'll have to buy aside from the patterns is the occasional zipper. As much as Evie would enjoy it, we're not letting her go naked!

  5. I've been on a bit of a sewing hiatus lately because I need to get my thesis written by the end of the month (who knew you could spend an entire day formatting a data table?).

    I did, however, take this past Friday off from school work (my brain needed a break) and decided to whip myself up a quick, fun, impractical spring dress to wear to the theatre on Sunday evening (we had tickets to Cats). I used only remnants from other projects and The Selfish Seamstress's Coffee Date Dress free download pattern, so the total cost of the dress was IMO free (the invisible zip was purchased for a friend's zipper replacement project, but I ended up not needing it and she paid for it). I was all excited to wear this cute little impractical spring green dress out to the show with a lovely vintage-y style coordinating cardigan sweater that I got at a thrift store for $6. Then I made the mistake of taking an antibiotic that I was unaware I was allergic too, and proceeded to spend the entire day either throwing up or in a fever induced delirium (or both). I ended up having to stay home from the theatre, but Samantha went alone, wearing her lovely DVF style-Cathy approved wrap dress.

    This week is another week of no sewing. But I have a back log of photos to take of outfits past (dating back to mid February) so I will have to get those taken and up soon.

    By the way - I re-watched the film version of Evita this weekend on Showtime - I had seen it in the on the big screen back in 1996, but did not pay attention to the costumes the first time around. It's a great movie to watch for 40s style fashion inspiration.

    Do you find yourself staring at the clothes in films now, trying to deconstruct it in your brain or figure out how you can copy the look?

  6. Hi Peter!

    I love how the Lady Purple dress is coming along. Looking forward to seeing the finished project.

    I'm moving along with my Pin Dot Dress - grading a pattern can be a pain. I'll post an update, soon.

    Reese Witherspoon as June Carter Cash was my inspiration for my spring/summer wardrobe this year. Click on the RW pics and read the posts about each item I'm making. :)

    Thanks for my proverbial 'kick in the pants,' Peter. It inspires me to keep going and to make sure to carve out sewing time for me.

  7. Your new pattern is a classic . . . I suspect Cathy can get quite a bit of use out of it! As for me this week, I've wanted to sew SOMETHING out of my African fabrics, so I cut out a sleeveless shift dress yesterday . . . I wanted something with sleeves, but I there was no way I was going to squeeze any type of sleeve out of the small yardage that I had on hand. The pattern called for yards of self-fabric bias binding for the armholes and neckline, but I didn't even have enough fabric for that . . . I ended up drafting narrow facings, which will look just fine (says she). It's such a simple pattern that I should have no excuse (she says) for finishing the outfit this week!

  8. I agree with several other comments. Keep nagging. It keeps me motivated. Not much sewing this week, as I'm taking a trip w/my dd. Have fabric for new cushions for my chairs, denim capris and skirt, black knit skirt, animal print sheath, andfabric for My First Quilt Ever on http://obsessivelystitching.blogspot.com. Not sure what's next. Oh yeah, my son wants boxers out of some mushroom fabric I found! LOL. Happy sewing : )

  9. I haven't done any sewing for a week. It is 'season change' time- we are in what passes for autumn in the tropics- and I am busy thinking about what I'll want to wear this winter. I am sifting through patterns and reading the instructions. In summer I refuse to wear two layers, so if I can't figure out how to make a dress without the lining I save it for winter. I think I'll start with my newest patterns, Kay Unger's Vogue1182 and 1183. I have some dark indigo dress-weight denim and marigold topstitching thread that I had bought for 1183, but now I'm really wanting to do 1182 in the denim. I bought lots of it because I love it- maybe I'll use it for both!

  10. Last week was crazy for me. I didn't get to do any sewing for myself, and now I have a nasty cold on top of it. Grrrr. This week I want to recover and sew something. Anything — even one seam will be an accomplishment!

    I also like the nagging, it definitely makes me more motivated.

    And Peter, if my memory serves me correctly, there are NO darts in that fabulous track suit :)

  11. Happy Monday Peter,

    My goals for the week are: To sew two pair of pants for myself. They're already cut out so half the work is already done. And, to finish a shirt for my husband. He's always been impossible to fit and yesterday I finally managed to get the fit correct for him. I won't mention that I put in the collar backwards so I'll be doing some ripping today because the success of making a shirt that fits in the neck, shoulders and waist far outweighs that little mistake.

    The other good news is that a new sewing machine will arrive tomorrow. It's not vintage so I feel a little ashamed but I'm very excited to see it!

    Can't wait to see your purple dress!

  12. I, too, don't mind the harrassment, as it keeps me motivated. Anyway, this week will be the official OFFICIAL start of the MOB dress for my daughter's wedding. I think one more muslin should do it for fit and that's today (I'm not usually a muslin-maker so that's big for me). I've entered PR's formalwear contest (my first) to keep me in perfectionist mode. By week's end I hope to at least have the fashion fabric cut out. (still need to purchase the lining... so hope to have that accomplished too)

  13. I loved you picture in the NY Times! And I love the new suit pattern. it is reminding me of something good that I just can't place...

    Goals this week: Cutting down a dress into a skirt and starting to trace off a vintage coat pattern. i don't think I could manage much more than that!

  14. This week I want to finish a skirt for the vintage contest and maybe sneak in a little work on a cardigan or pair of pants I have cut out.

    I do love that pattern. It's a shame we don't profess to love other retro/vintage patterns as much after 1960/1950 - maybe it's the pattern art isn't as nice?

    Oh, and I love the suit as well.

  15. OK, I'm home sick but working - and I am doing some sewing thinking in the midst of it all. I just finished Vogue 8123 and I think it worked excellently. Not fast, mind you.

    This week I'd like to cut and make muslin of the Wendy sheath frock (or shift) and then, when fit is ascertained, turn it into one of the pattern variations - still in muslin. Gotta choose a fash fabric to do the final in and buy all the stuff (I'm out of muslin again!). Let's see how that goes.

  16. Thanks, guys.

    Melanie, Maggie, uglycute, et al -- OK, I'll still nag. How about a little passive aggression while we're at it, like "Good, don't sew, see how much I care!"

    Seriously, I'm happy you're all sewing...or taking care of your lives and sewing vicariously. It's all good.

  17. I just discovered your blog on Friday and am a lapsed sewer, but you have motivated me to get back into the swing of things. It's staggering that you've sewing for less than a year, and yet those collars! Those pleats! I swoon. You must have a natural gift.

  18. I got back last week from a trip to Scotland and quickly finished a dress. My goals for this week are to figure out if/how I want to use beads on it and to make some white denim pants. I'm not calling them jeans since I'm just using my TNT pants pattern and slapping on butt pockets. I think calling them jeans would be cheating...

  19. Yay, Peter! Please keep nagging! If you didn't, my sewing room would just turn into a huge black hole of unfinished items. ;)

  20. Hi Peter, good luck to you on the purple dress! I favor the roses, but all in good time, right? I had to pop in to gloat again, but not about a sewing machine this time. If you get a sec, hop on over to http://asewinglife.blogspot.com to see--hold onto your hat--my very own Vogue Pattern cabinet!! I'm telling you, dragging this baby home was no laughing matter, but I am over the moon about it. Recent sewing has consisted of an adorable wool blanket (yawn), a pair of PJs for my son (yawn), patio cushions for my mom (yawn) and another Simplicity 2599 blouse that I haven't photographed but am not sure about. Public reaction has been unenthusiastic.

  21. Oh, Ripple, you have jumped the shark, no question.

  22. No question? how about Huh? "Jumped the shark" sounds very Aussie, but fair dinkum I've never heard it. Stone the crows!


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