Apr 7, 2010

I Am Curious (Yellow)


Forgive the obscure Swedish film reference -- and the socks.

We're still seeing life through French's mustard-colored glasses here in Apartment 12D.  The skirt is almost done and just needs to be hemmed.  Yesterday I made pretty good progress on the blouse:

There are still adjustments to make, facings to add -- and sleeves, sleeves, must not forget the sleeves.

These turned up at the Salvation Army.  They have a definite Forties vibe, don't you think?

Obviously somebody up there likes me but hates my feet: they're nearly impossible to walk in.   Thankfully it's Cathy who'll suffer for beauty, not me.

And then there's this aubergine confection:

This is actually two yards of ratty old tulle found at the bottom of a remnant bin at some dive-y fabric store.  It looks like the mice got to it before I did, but I think it has possibilities.  Schiaparelli meets Miss Havisham.

So it's coming together.

A number of you had project-related questions yesterday I'll try to answer.

1. No, I am not bothering with the welt pockets or the bound buttonholes.  The sheet is too thin for them, for one thing, and the cheap cotton-poly fabric just doesn't warrant the effort.  If I really want to do this again, in a better fabric (and for a more appreciative woman), I might reconsider.  Right now I just want to finish this and get on with my life.

Would you believe I'm also supposed to make a belt for this outfit -- with a buckle no less!  It's work, kids, work.

2. Cathy does indeed keep many of her clothes at my house and I do think that's why she had me edit my wardrobe down to almost nothing last month.  She's sneaky, that girl.

3.  My hunch is that anyone who slept on sheets this color was either blind or trying to hide a bladder problem.  I get a headache just looking at this dress for more than a minute; it's like staring into the sun.

On an unrelated note, Michael and I were coming back from somewhere we'd been with the dogs a few months ago, and a French tourist (who happened to be a photographer) asked if he could take our picture.  Yesterday he emailed us a copy.  I look terrible (it pre-dates my new look) but the dogs look cute, don't you think? (click to supersize)

OK, let's finish this little jonquil number today, shall we?

Have a great Tuesday, everybody!


  1. Yeah, it *is* a rather eyeblinding color. Perhaps it would be better in touches? Like a two-tone dress with it as the collar, cuffs, and hem? I like the design, though, and it's coming along well.

    I'll be making one soon so you can see what I mean... granted, it *is* for a little girl, but....

  2. Oh my, Peter, you almost look like a belly-dancing-princess. If it weren't for the socks ofcourse...

  3. Your(sorry Kathy's) skirt hangs really nicely & the fit on the jacket is great. It's a shame the heels on the shoes aren't a tad thicker or they would be a perfect 40's style, but yeah they do look like foot cripplers.

    Oh & about the photo the French tourist took - all four of you look wonderful :)

  4. Your dogs are adorable! I'm not a huge yellow fan either... I bought some yellow crinkle gauze to make a top with, and now I'm wondering what I was thinking (although I did make a bright yellow skirt recently, but that doesn't have to go near my face.) Those shoes do look painful, but they are cute! Shoes from the 40s usually had higher sides than modern shoes, along with a thicker heel, so they are more comfortable than modern peep toes. Can't wait to see the dress, it looks like a complicated pattern!

  5. Yay for yellow! I've been obsessed with it because a very mean professor in my department thinks it is the devil's color (she's very religious and about as old as dirt). I even got a pair of yellow suede boots by Sam Edelman to wear with whatever yellow confection I come up with.

  6. I don;t think so, I know so. They always look their best in photos!

  7. I want those shoes (and the dogs too)!

  8. Peter, sewing is not about instant gratification; it's about reward for effort. So banish "Right now I just want to finish this and get on with my life" from your thoughts and delight in the process. (And, frankly, one of the joys of sewing is handling high-quality fabric. Maybe it's time to move on from bed-sheets?) Bless your heart! -- San Antonio Sue

  9. Such hard work in such a yellow fabric. French's mustard, from the photos, seems an appropriate description. After a photo shoot with Cathy, is this thing ever going to be seen again? Or will it suffer at the bottom of the closet?

    I do love the shoes! But usually fun shoes are the most uncomfortable. And all four of you look great in the photo :)

  10. Of course, part of the fun for me is seeing how far one can take an old yellow bedsheet. I enjoy the challenge of working with crap. It's a great and cheap way to sharpen my skills.

    Cathy, like so many celebrities, refuses to wear what she has already been photographed in, so yes, I'm afraid this one might end up in the "archives."

  11. How cute is that photo of the two of you and the dogs?! It's really nice that he sent you guys a copy.

    On a somewhat related note, when Jim proposed, we were on a beach outside of a fairly popular restaurant on Maui. We thought it was just the two of us, but after we had come back to reality a bit, a guy approached us. He said that he remembered his sister had always said how she wished she had pictures of the actual engagement and that he looked over just as Jim was proposing. He started shooting and caught the last part. Emailed us about a dozen pictures later that week. I tell ya, random acts of kindness are some of the most precious things out there.

  12. I have a question. Is the yellow bedsheet a muslin or is it the final fabric? Now I'm confused. I'll be giving away some free fabric on Friday, you should stop by. It's bubblegum pink. You might love it.

  13. I'm really jealous of your shoes, and what the hell kind of a Salvation Army do you have up there, because shoes like THAT do NOT show up in ours. Grumble...I'm going to try to move on now.

  14. I love the way it looks so far. How do you sew so fast but nicely as well? If only I could learn that trick.

    The color is a little jarring but it is a statement. Love the shoes! Why cant I find shoes like that.

  15. Peter, you are the cutest, funniest male sewer on the internets. Your posts make me laugh every day! Thank you...

  16. I recognize that sheet! My mom gave it to me for Xmas in 1975! With matching yellow and brown plaid fitted sheets and a brown and white blanket...all for dorm life! My youngest loves that blanket. I need to rebind it!

  17. Heather, this is IT, for better or for worse, LOL.

    Stacy Marie, we DO have a good Salvation Army here -- a lot of the locals give away great stuff.

    OMG, Rosie, this sheet has "Stolen from Rosie" written on it!!

  18. Peter (and Cathy, for that matter) have an unusual size foot, so finding fabulous "thrifted" shoes might be a tad easier than those of us with the mor common sizes.

  19. Love those shoes - what a find. Is there some millenery on the cards? I hope we see Cathy with an aubergine 1940s-style fascinator soon!

  20. I am obviously one of many who think you are Michael rock the photogenic.

    Cathy can pull that color off. She is so radiant on her own, she is one of the only women who can wear it and not have it 'wear' her. And the violet accessories are PERFECT.

    That Cathy. World travels, fabulous peeps and the best of all her loving cousin who sews for her. I wish I had a cuz like that. Only not really because I would drive them nuts with my persnicketiness and just end up doing it myself.

    Oh wait -


  21. Very much looking forward to the finished outfit! I love the yellow. It's a rainy, cold day in Vancouver (Canada) and that is the sunniest thing I've seen in weeks :)
    I thoroughly enjoy reading about your sewing adventures - good luck and happy sewing!

  22. Peter: for all the things that you can do with Tulle fabric, visit www.tulle.net. Enjoy the visit.
    Good Luck with your sewing.

  23. Love the reference, love the photo, all four of you look great (and I love that the focus is on the dogs only)!


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