Jan 27, 2010

Patterns best forgotten...

Still, I'm intrigued.


  1. Wow. I...wow.

  2. the easy access chippendales collection???

  3. Wow. Too bad the holidays are over. I know what I'd put on my list to make! I'd love to see what they wrote on the envelope back about the mega-slit muu-muu.

  4. I wouldn't mind a pair of peek-a-boo bell bottoms myself....

  5. Haha, what is the POINT of those pants? I enjoy these posts. :-)

  6. Hilarious! I am intrigued too, mostly about where Burt Reynolds' pal in the tunic has tucked his crown jewels. Don't get me wrong, I am glad he did!

  7. These are actually perfect for a pool party circa 1970 -- at Rock Hudson's.

  8. LOVE it! It's what I imagine the Village People wore on weekends (when not in cop, indian, construction worker... getup)

  9. I hope the 'stache is included as a bonus accessory pattern.

  10. Look at the strategic placement of both the slit and the closure on the guy in the yellow thingy.

  11. I love how the slit continues all the way up the front of the caftan with modest little closures. 'Cause, you know, there wasn't enough slit action already with the leg slits to the pubes and the arm slits to above the elbows...

    You HAVE to post the pattern description on the back. What did they call this?!

  12. I think they stole those outfits out of Mitzi Gaynor's dressing room. (See my "Yay: no pit shaving! post)

    Where else would you find breakaway sailor pants?

  13. Yes Kyle, "easy-access" was the word that sprang to my mind too. Hey, is that Burt Reynolds?

  14. I think that's Debbie Reynolds, frankly.

  15. OMG too hysterical. I'm just glad the guy in the caftan was wearing it off centre...

  16. OH my gosh are you kidding me! These are awesome!! I think this is one for my wish list...

  17. Are you sure these pics aren't from a works-in-progress review on PR?

  18. You posted this nearly 2 years ago, yet the world still spins on its axis. Inexplicabe!

    I'm stymied by all the tightness on the pants with all the ease on the outside seams.

    What a visual pic-nic! Thank you Peter.

  19. Did you ever watch Arrested Development? I think GOB had some stripper pants that may have been built on the same ideas. Wow.


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